Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 903: room

Restore three more today!


Fortunately, she retreated to a dozen meters away. In addition to the distance touched by the roots of the tree, the roots of the tree did not attack the piano again, but fell into the soft ground and fell on the ground.

"Qin double!"

The ancient meaning and the warmth swept, and fell on the left and right sides of the piano, while calling with concern, while watching the thick roots with vigilance.

Qin double took out a medicinal medicine and looked at the root of the tree. She knew that even if she added the ancient and warm people, she would release all the Danes, and it might not be the opponent of this tree root.


Unless you use the Confucian gold book!

Qin double slightly thought about it, or dispelled the idea. On the one hand, she can't guarantee that the Confucian gold book can really defeat this tree root. On the other hand, once the Confucian gold book is used, it will be discovered by ancient meaning and warmth. In this way, if you are not to kill the warmth and the ancients, or to escape to Qilin Mountain. Reluctantly glanced at the old tree roots:

"Let's go!"

The warmth and the old-fashioned words were also relieved. They were still afraid that the piano could not be greedy, although they also knew that the green liquid in the root of the tree was probably a treasure, but it was obviously going to die, if the piano double invited The two of them join hands, are they going or not?

Nowadays, I have no choice but to listen. Two people listened and nodded immediately:

"Let's go."

The three pairs of pianos shuttled between the roots of a tree and quickly lost their way. In fact, the three of them did not know that they should go in that direction.

Suddenly, the piano doubled in the footsteps and sniffed with the nose. Warmth and ancient meanings are also like learning, sniffing the air, but the face is changed, and the voice is lowered:

"There is a **** taste."

The piano nodded and lowered the voice: "The other side."

The three men took light steps and swept away in the direction of **** smell. Flying for about a quarter of an hour, the three figures flickered, and they were each hidden behind a tree root, and the probe looked toward the front.

I saw that not far from the front, there was a tree root that was broken into pieces and lay on the ground. There were still six bodies lying on the ground, and the blood on the ground flowed into a piece, and the four blood-colored footprints continued to extend toward the front.

The piano doubled a gesture, three people quietly appeared in front of the six bodies, six people who did not know, the piano double leaned over a body and smashed a necklace with a gossip, wrapped around the left On the wrist, the dragon and phoenix playing in Zhongdantian was stopped. The three exchanged their eyes, lightened their steps, followed the **** footprints and slowly walked toward the front.


Suddenly there was a roar in front, followed by the intersecting sound of the weapons and the roar of anger, and the earth was shaken and shaken.

The three men immediately converge on each other's breath and crept forward toward the front. Qin double spread the power of the mind, but only spread a little more than a meter. Even so, the piano did not regain the power of the soul.

All three people took the light body to the extreme and held their breath. There was no sound between the walks.

The roots of the trees become denser and denser, forming almost a line of channels arranged by dense roots. Walk into the passage, as if the two sides are wooden walls. There was an intermittent voice coming from the front.

"We...what way?" Qin's eyebrows rose, and she heard that it was Shuying's voice.

Then she heard the voice of King Lubin, but the voice of Lu Binwang was very low, and Qin did not hear what he said.

The three men walked a little further and walked a distance. Finally, they heard the conversation between the two people. At this time, the low voice of Lu Binwang sounded.

"We have already taken this road, and this road has many powerful organs. Maybe it is the center of the Eight Diagrams."

"Good!" Shu Ying's voice sounded.

"Attention to the walls and feet on both sides, everything must be careful." Lu Bin Wang's dignified voice.

"Yeah!" Shu Ying's voice rang again: "I don't know Baige, ancient and warm have found it here."

"Even if you don't find it here, you will find it sooner or later with their three repairs. So we have to hurry, don't let the three of them take the lead."

"You said that the piano will not find it here?"

"If she is with the white grid, it is possible. If not, with her cultivation, I am afraid I have already died in the passage."

Listening to the footsteps in the ear, the three people accelerated the speed of advancement. Although the piano double wears the gossip card, but with the realm of her majesty the great master, there is a force that can spread more than one meter, and still can feel the subtle fluctuations of the space.

She knew that it was the fluctuation of the lap, looking at the ancient and warm two people, pointing to the gossip cards wrapped around the wrist, indicating that they should not be lost, and two people nodded.

Soon, three people came to the place where Shu Ying and Lu Binwang had just spoken. There were four bodies lying on the ground, and the blood splashed on the dense roots on both sides. Then they saw four blood-colored footprints in the dark passage ahead. Extend.

Qin Double looked at the other passages. There were three passages in total. Shu Ying and Lu Bin Wang walked in the middle of the passage. Qin double looked warm and ancient, and both ancient and warm pointed to the finger. Two channels on the left and right, it is obvious that the two of them do not want to encounter Shu Ying and Lu Binwang. There is a deep taboo against Lu Binwang.

When the piano doubled a moment, it pointed to the channel on the left side. The warmth and the ancient meaning nodded, and the three men walked toward the channel on the left side.

It took about a moment to walk, and the front was blocked. It seemed to be a dead end. But when I got to the front, I found that there was a door. The piano double reached out and pushed the door. The door was easily pushed away, and a faint yellow light blew out from the inside.

This is a large room with a night pearl on the roof. The dim light was radiated by the night pearl.

In the middle of the room, there is a half-meter-high platform. Three people from the piano come to the platform, and the platform is covered with dust.

The piano double reaches out and gently wipes on the platform. As the dust on the platform is wiped off, the pattern inside is exposed. Warm and ancient opinions have also been involved in the wiping, and the dust on the platform will be cleaned up very quickly.

The three people looked slightly, and the platform was portrayed with a gossip, but there was no groove, indicating that this was not a transmission array.


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