Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Tan Xiao couple



Qin double carefully looked at the gossip on the platform and studied about half a quarter of an hour. I found out that this is a gossip figure and I have not found any mysteries.

Slightly wrinkled his brows, the reason why Qin Double came here with Bai Ge, in addition to want to see the remains of the Tuyuan continent, the main thing is to see if you can find the treasure that makes your cultivation fast. .

She doesn't want to stay in this land for a long time, but if she wants to leave, there is no doubt that she needs high-level cultivation. Don't forget, Qinqin is a great master of Dan Dao's peak. As long as he can find Tiandi Dibao, it is not impossible to make his own refining body to make rapid progress.

However, it is difficult to find the Tianmu Dibao, so Qinshuang has great expectations for this estimate. But until now, but still did not find a treasure of heaven and earth, which can not help but make the piano double anxious.

She took her eyes back from the platform and looked around.


She found that there was a trace of blood under her feet, and then there was a line of blood that stretched toward a corner.

Qin double went to the corner, only to find that there is a hidden door, but it is too dark, has not been found. Then he reached out and pushed the dark door, and the dark door did not move. The piano doubled again with a force, "砰", the door was pushed open, the piano did not go in, the ancient meaning and warmth were also left and right and looked at the door with vigilance.

Qin double raised his eyes slightly, and did not find anything, he took a step forward, stood on the secret door line, and then spread the power of the mind, the look is a hi, then the face is changed. Her power of the heart saw that Tan Xiaozheng was hiding behind the door with a long knife, and Jiang Hanrong was lying at his feet.

Qin double deliberately opened his mind to the ancient meaning and warmth: "There is no movement, it seems that there is no one inside."

Tan Xiaowen, who was hiding behind the door, heard the sound of the double piano. The look on his face was a joy, followed by a hesitation, clenching the long knife in his hand. The piano double frowned, not knowing that Tan Xiao heard his voice, why did he react?

When the piano was still hesitating, the figure broke into the door and suddenly turned and looked at Tan Xiao, who was hiding behind the door.

"Tan brother!"

At this time, warmth and ancient meaning also came in and looked at Tan Xiao. Tan Xiao’s eyes are full of vigilance, looking at the piano and three humanities:

"You... is it true?"

Qin double look micro-motion: "We are naturally true, what's wrong with you? What happened to Rong Jie?"

Qinqin said as he walked toward Tan Xiao, Tan Xiao suddenly pointed the long knife to the piano double, and said:

"do not come!"

Qin double decisively on the ancient meaning and warmth: "Pretend him, don't hurt him."


The ancient meaning and warmth rushed to Tan Xiao, Tan Xiao a bronze period, how to be the opponent of two silver period masters?

Just a face-to-face, it was subdued by ancient meaning and Tan Xiao. Seeing that he was subdued, the ancient meaning and the warmth did not hurt him, Tan Xiao said with a sigh of relief, tired and excited said:

"You are real, great!"

Qin double has already reached the front of Jiang Hanrong, kneeling down, his fingers on the wrist of Jiang Hanrong, the power of the mind into the body of Jiang Hanrong, while looking at the body of Jiang Hanrong, look It was a shock. Jiang Hanrong’s right chest actually had a wound. Although he had been smeared with blood to stop bleeding, Jiang Hanrong was unconscious. At this time, the strength of the soul of Qin Shuang also explored the body of Jiang Hanrong. The piano doubled a sigh of relief. Jiang Hanrong’s injury was serious, and even if Tan Xiao used his own treatment for him, if he was not discovered by himself, Jiang Hanrong can't escape death.

However, when you meet yourself, you have different treatments, such as Dan Mist and Dan Yun. The general healing Dan can't cure Jiang Hanrong, but Danfu can do even the drug.

Qin double took out a medicinal herb, and the ancient and warm eyes were bright. Although they had never seen it, they had not even heard of the Danwu-level medicinal herbs, but they only saw that the medicinal herbs were covered. A layer of fog, you know that this drug is not simple.

Qinshuang stuffed the medicinal herbs into the mouth of Jiang Hanrong, and the entrance of the medicinal herbs became instant. Then Qinqin stood up and looked at Tan Xiao, waving his hand to indicate the ancient meaning and warming up and letting Tan Xiaodao say:

"what's going on?"

Tan laughed a strange look at the ancient meaning and warmth, and did not understand why the two men listened to the piano double, but he was more worried about Jiang Hanrong and hurriedly asked:

"Qin Shimei, is it okay?"

"Nothing, I will wake up in a moment! Why did you ask us if we were really?"

Tan Xiao’s face showed a fascinating color: “I thought I was an illusion.”

"Illusion?" Qin's eyes fell on Tan Xiao's wrist, and he saw a gossip on his wrist, and he said:

"When you have a gossip card, how can you enter the hallucination? And I just saw the wound of my sister, it seems that your knife was hurt."

"I was hurt, oh..." Tan laughed and burst into tears.

"Don't cry, let me tell you something."

Tan Xiao also knows that when he is not crying at this time, he stabilizes his emotions and says:

"When we entered the passage, we lost ourselves. It was the predecessor of Baige who saved us. Later, we followed the Baige predecessor to the underground world. We went to a place and suddenly lost ourselves, waiting for me to wake up. When I came, I found that I was lying here, and I was next to me. At that time, Rong was still not in a coma. She told me that I stabbed her with a knife, but also made her wake up from the loss. I took me all the way to escape here."

"What did he say?"

Tan Xiao shook his head and said: "No, she just said two sentences and she passed out."

"White grid?"

"do not know."

Qin Qin was helpless and slightly meditated: "Let's take a break and wait for Rong Jie to wake up."

The ancient meaning and warmth nodded, then sat down on the ground to rest. Qin double also sat on the ground and took a medicinal remedy.

About half an hour later, Jiang Hanrong lying on the ground gave a scorn and opened his eyes. Tan laughed excitedly at Jiang Hanrong:

"Ron, are you awake?"

"Laughing brother!" Jiang Hanrong called a smile, then saw the piano double, ancient and warm. Tan Xiao, aside, said quickly:

"It is the piano teacher who saved you."

"Qin Shimei, thank you!" Jiang Hanrong asked Tan Xiao to lift her up and thanked Qin.

Qin double came to Jiang Hanrong and put his finger on her wrist.


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