Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 905: Mirror



After a while, I took out a Danwuyan medicine and handed it to Jiang Hanrong:

"Take this medicinal medicine, after one hour, although it can not be cured, there is no problem in restoring the five layers of skill."

"Thank you!" Jiang Hanrong took the medicinal herbs and swallowed them.

"Talk about what you know." Qin double asked softly.

"It's terrible!" Jiang Hanrong's face showed a panic-stricken color: "I and my laughing brother followed a white predecessor to a place and suddenly lost. When I woke up from the loss, I saw it. Laughing brother put the knife in my chest, and also saw the white predecessors frantically punching and kicking, like a madman, punching the laughing brother with a punch, I fled with a laughing brother, hiding here. Then I passed out."

“Can you still remember where to go?”

"You...going there? No, no!" Jiang Hanrong shook his head and said: "Even if you have a gossip card, you will get lost there. You can't go there."

Qin double thought: "You give me the picture of the land, I will go and see, you stay here."

Jiang Hanrong’s face showed a dilemma: “It’s not clear.”

Qin double thought that the passages here were criss-crossed, and Jiang Hanrong’s mind was not clear and normal, and he nodded:

"You and Tan brother are here, I will go see it."

Jiang Hanrong and Tan Xiao looked at each other and finally gritted their teeth: "I will take you there, I will remember some roads more or less."


The piano nodded, and then everyone stopped speaking, while resting, waiting for Jiang Hanrong to recover.

After an hour, the efficacy of the drug was exhausted, Jiang Hanrong's injury recovered to 50%, so everyone left the room, Jiang Hanrong with the memory of the escape at that time, looking for the place to go to the scene.

Constantly changing the martyrdom, sometimes Jiang Hanrong decided to go out, and everyone returned to the original road, and then find a new channel. What surprised everyone was that they didn’t meet a single person, whether it was the same person like Shu Ying, or the mysterious people who came here in advance.

The surroundings were very quiet and only five people could hear the subtle footsteps. After so many hours passed, everyone was a little intolerant, and the old intentions frowned slightly:

"Do you still remember the road?"

"No sound!"

The piano double suddenly lowered the voice. Everyone stopped their steps and erected their ears. They heard the sound coming and forth intermittently, but the voice was too vague and not really correct.

The people exchanged their eyes, let go of their feet, and dive in the direction of the sound. As they approached, the sound gradually became clear.

"The doorkeeper, spending a hundred years, running out of resources in the door, building this place, why is this?"

"Yeah, the door owner. We are already the strongest sect of the Tuyuan continent. If you do this, always give an explanation to the door?"

"The doorkeeper, now lacking resources in the door, is used to establish this place, and there is no resource for cultivation. If this continues, our Eight Diagrams will cease to exist."

"The doorkeeper, we don't respect you, but now the disciples in the door complain, we have to ask the doorkeeper for a statement."

"Everyone!" A domineering voice sounded: "The Eight Diagrams Gate was created by me. In the past years, I was cold and I missed a decision?"

"No!" After a while, I heard a burst of sound.

Qin double and others listened to the sound "No", and all of them jumped, because it was not the voice of a few people, but the voice of dozens of people, even the voice of hundreds of people.

Everyone's footsteps are a meal, they look at each other, and the eyes are shocked. The piano doubles the sound down to the ancient meaning:

"The ancients did not say that the Eight Diagrams Gate has died out?"

"I don't know!" The ancient intention shook his head and lowered his voice.

"Everyone is careful, let's go see!"

Five people crept through a corner and saw a large passageway at the end of the passage. At this time, the two gates were not closed and there was a gap.

The sound came out of the gap and became more clear.

"The doorkeeper, you are wise, but the decisions you made before will soon be the result. The longest is only a year or two. But this time it has been more than a hundred years, exhausting resources in the door, let Hundreds of thousands of disciples in the door complained, and you don’t explain..."

A voice is excited.

Five people from the piano came to the door and put their eyes together in the doorway and looked into the inside.

Inside the gate is a very large hall. The top of the hall is inlaid with countless night pearls, which illuminate the hall.

In the upper center of the main hall, a large jade chair sits a middle-aged man with a golden robes, and his face is sharp and angular.

Under him, there are more than a hundred people standing at this time. These people are male and female, high and short, but each person has a strong atmosphere.

Not to mention that the piano is double, it is the ancient meaning and warmth at this time is also a huge change in the face, a heart smashed up, almost scared urine. They can feel the power of these people, although they do not perceive the specific cultivation of those in the gate, but the worst is also the golden period.

More than one hundred golden period!

It is now that the four major sects on the mainland of Tuyuan are combined and there are not so many golden periods.

The heart of the piano double jumped sharply because she discovered the difference between these people. These people more or less give her an unreal feeling, but where is it not true?

Qin double carefully looked at the people in the room, and at that time those people were standing opposite the domineering man, one of the old men with a cry:

"The doorkeeper, no matter how great your plan, you should stop now, otherwise it will drag the entire sect."

"Yeah, the doorkeeper!" Another person said: "Or temporarily stop for a while, wait until the vitality in the door recovers, and then slowly implement your plan."

"In the last ten years, because the resources in the door have dried up, you have let us robbed everywhere, which has already stirred up the anger of other sects and families in the mainland. If this continues, the Eight Diagrams Gate will be stronger and will not withstand the whole world. anger.

The doorkeeper, the fire of the stars, can be prairie! ”

"This side of the world has banned our cultivation." The domineering master finally spoke up, his face was not sad or happy, his look calmed:

"In this world, the golden period is already the peak, and there will be no improvement."

"What do you mean?" The golden period of more than one hundred in the gate is a quiet.

"This is a mirror!"

In the heart of the piano, she suddenly found out why she felt that these people are different. The reason why these people make the piano double feel unreal is because these people are only 80% true, but they have two illusions, that is, some faintly Transparent.


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