Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 906: Historical fog



It should be that the building materials in this hall have special features, and because more than one hundred people here were golden periods, when they were excited, it was inevitable that they would be violent, leaving the original image here, that is to say this. The scene that appeared in the gate was what happened at the beginning.

"The sudden disappearance of the Eight Diagrams Gate must be related to the decision of this doorkeeper."

The piano double looked at the scene in the hall silently, and the heart was dark. However, at this time her mood was relaxed. It was only the mirror image left behind, and naturally she would not find the five people outside.

The whole hall was quiet, and all the people watched the doorman sitting on the top of the high, and even the five people outside the door held their breath, watching the domineering door through the door.

The lord's gaze slowly swept through the people in the hall, and those people couldn't help but gaze at them and dare not look at the door.

"Do I mean?" The doorman's tone was somewhat low, but full of firmness: "The smelters of our world, who cultivated to the peak of my golden period, only slowly waited to die. No one has ever broken through. The realm behind the golden period."

"There is still a realm after the golden period?" An old man asked, and the rest of the people looked up and looked at the high-sitting doorkeeper.

"Yes!" The voice of the doorkeeper suddenly screamed: "My repair was more than three hundred years ago, I felt that I was higher than the golden period. Although there was only one trace, it was definitely no longer a golden period."

The people in the hall have no words, and their looks have not changed. Because this is a fact, because in the entire land of the mainland, no one is the opponent of the door, even the peak of the golden period, is not the opponent of the door, so there is only one explanation, that is, the repair of the door has exceeded the gold period.

"After I broke through that smear, I felt the barriers of this world. I believe that there is a wider world and a more advanced world outside of our world. After I broke through that glimmer. In the past 100 years, there has been no improvement.

Why is that?

This is because this world has restricted us. Even if I broke through the trace, if I can't leave the world, I can only wait slowly.

I can not be reconciled!

I want to find a way to the outside world, and I want to find a way to the outside world for the entire mainland. ”

The people in the hall were excited. They knew that there were other worlds outside the Tuyuan continent. Because there were other worlds from time to time, people called monks occasionally entered the mainland of the Yuanyuan. They also looked for the way. The road to the outside world is just the slightest trace.

"Do you find the doorkeeper?" the old man asked in a trembling voice.

"I don't know!" The doorkeeper shook his head gently: "Everyone knows that I was in an ancient ruins and got the inheritance of the martial art before I built the Eight Diagrams Gate and made the Eight Diagrams Gate the strongest ancestor in the mainland. The door, and now the sect is built in that ruins.

After I felt the barrier of this world, I studied the circuit and felt the barrier of this world. I finally found it here, here is the weakest space barrier..."


I don't know who is the five people in the piano. It is because of nervousness or because of shock. The body touches the door leaf. The door **** and makes a scream.

The door suddenly stood still, and the voice of the doorman’s excitement stopped, and the domineering gaze looked over the door of the gate. At the same time, more than one hundred golden smelters in the hall also turned their heads. Looking to the door.

More than one hundred pairs of eyes almost at the same time looked at the piano outside the door double five people, the piano double five hearts have stopped a beat, only to feel a cold from the tail vertebrae, rushed along the spine On the head, the entire scalp is numb. Reflexively stepped back a few steps and watched the two doors nervously.

There was no sound in the door, but the five people in the piano did not dare to move, but they did not dare to make a little noise. They only communicated with horror.

"Isn't it a mirror image of what happened?"

The meaning of the five people’s eyes is accompanied by the color of fear.

There is no fear of it. There are more than a hundred golden periods in it. Anyone who comes out can kill five of them like a dog. Five people prayed in their hearts, and the people inside did not really find them, held their breath, and cocked their ears to listen.

There was no trace of sound inside and outside the gate, and the silence around it reached its peak. In ancient times, both the warm and the Tan Xiao couple put their hands on the hilt or the handle, and the piano doubled their minds. The only golden dragon was held in the hand.


Two interest!

Three interest!

The silence of time was lost, but there was no sound in the door. Qin doubled his teeth and walked toward the door. In the moment when the two people moved in the piano, they immediately became nervous, and the muscles were tight and ready to be shot.

Qinqin finally stood at the door of the two doors again, and the vertical ear listened to it. There was no sound coming out inside, and the look hesitated, leaning his eyes toward the door, toward the hall in the door. Looking at the past.

The hall was still shrouded in the light of the night pearl, and the huge jade chair was still placed in the center of the upper head, but there was no such domineering door. Moreover, the more than one hundred golden period cultivators disappeared without a trace, as if the hall was originally empty, and there was a thick layer of dust on the ground, showing that it has not been seen for a long time.


A person appears in the crack of the door, one eye is looking out through the narrow door slit, and the piano double looks at one eye.

The piano double scared and almost screamed out, and the figure suddenly flew backwards. In the process of flying back, I saw a flash in the door, and the man in the door disappeared.

"Qin double, what did you see?" Jiang Hanrong asked palely.

"She saw me!"

A voice rang from behind a few people.


The ancient meaning and the warmth of a knife and a sword backhanded out, Qin double also turned his head and looked at the golden dragon of the hand, cleverly ready to crush.

The ancient and warm swords and swords broke out two fast arcs in the air, just as the two mountains tore the darkness in the passage, the sharp edge cut through the air, and made a sharp whistling sound.

However, the two men did not have to look back, they knew that the weapons in their hands were hollowed out. At the same time, Qin Shuang’s eyes were also looking behind him, but no one was found.


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