Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1021: return

Qin double looked at everything in front of him with surprise. The five hairs were still long, and a full of vitality of life floated into the town hall of Qin Double.

"The earth is born!"

The piano doubles in the heart, this unicorn belongs to the earth, it is the property of the earth, no wonder it has such a strong life. The piano pair no longer hesitated, and the figure was like a float, leaving the tower door, and then the heart moved.


From the tower door, a golden light burst out, and the golden light shrouded the inner hair with the five hairs. Only in an instant, the golden light turned into a golden vortex and began to devour the golden dan.

The golden dan was slowly born from the ground, floated toward the tower door of the town demon tower, entered the golden vortex, and finally entered the town demon tower.

When the piano doubled, it felt the irresistible gravity.


The piano double-mouthed and spurted blood, and the mind was able to communicate with the town demon tower. The piano could not feel the gravity in two moments and recovered normally.


Qin double vomited a long breath, she has now refining the majority of the town demon tower, became the majority of the town demon tower owner, so that they can not do without the gravity of Kirin Nei Dan, just just her Did not think of this, only to suffer losses, and this loss is not small, so that she was seriously injured, almost died. If it is not in the town demon tower, if it is not her quick response, this time, I am afraid that it has been pressured by gravity to become a rotten meat.


The crash sound suddenly sounded from outside the town demon tower, and then it was a burst of laughter.

"not good!"

The piano responded in a double moment, and he took the unicorn Nedan into the town demon tower. The gravity and the rhyme of the place disappeared in an instant, and the madman could naturally break the unicorn paw.

Qin double rushed out of the town demon tower, and sure enough, I can no longer feel the gravity here, the heart of the move, the town demon tower will be turned into a streamer into the piano double knowledge of the sea.


In the eyes of Qin double, I saw the cage of the unicorn claws burst into flames. The sly man looked sharply at the piano pair, and his eyes were filled with banterful killings.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Qin double sighed, his hands behind his back, holding the broken space in his hand, some regrets in his heart.

"It seems that I can't go to Zhang Daoji's big brother to transform Xianyuan Li! Then go back!"

Qin double decisively activated the broken space.

In fact, when Qin double showed the town demon tower in front of the nine-day Xuan Xian, she knew that she could not stay in the spiritual world. The nine-day Xuan Xian would definitely wait for herself in the passage. It is that there is no such nine-day Xuan Xian, and that Da Luo Jinxian will wait for himself. Nowadays, with the power of the ancient times, if there is still a trace of mind in the spirit world, then it is a madman!

Therefore, after Qin Bin collected the town demon tower, he immediately provoked the broken space. At this time, the sly person has come to the piano without hesitation.

"Oh... I didn't think it was just a small distraction period. A small distraction period could have such a fairy house, and dare to ignore me. I have to grab myself and carry out my unfinished research."

The man just smiled twice and saw a ray of light wrapping the piano double, and then the piano double disappeared in front of them.

"Broken!" The man gnashed his teeth.

Warrior continent.

Luo Fuzong.

At this time, it was already a war, and Feng Yan’s large array of Luo Fuzong’s layout had collapsed. The endless demon was smashing in the mountains and the entire monk.

The endless month is already the third layer of distraction, but this repair is too thin when faced with dozens of times with his own demon. At this time, the endless moon has been bathed in blood, and the eyes are desperate.

Suddenly, her desperate eyes lit up. The long sword in the hand was not a meal. A Mozu monk shot through the endless right chest of the moon and provoked her high and screamed.

"Master sister!"


The monks of Luofuzong madly rushed toward the monk who was carrying the endless moon, but more demons drowned in them.

The moon was endlessly picked up on the gun, but her face did not have the slightest despair, but it was an ecstasy, trying to hold her head and look into the air.

four years ago!

Four years ago, when the moon was endless, I felt that the piano double suddenly disappeared. If she had any contact with her, she got the news that she was knocked down by the combination of the Feng and the Mozu.

It is not only the good friends Qin Qin, Duan Hong and so on, but also the Wu Zongdian main hall, Wu Dongying.

However, the moon has no end to know that the piano is not dead, but the connection between her and the piano is too weak. She can only feel that the piano is alive, but she does not know where the piano is.

However, at this moment, she felt the piano double!

Feeling that the piano is getting closer and closer to her, it is simply a thousand miles, and the speed of this approach makes the moon endless. She has never seen such a fast speed, it is almost faster than light.

"what is that?"

The moon was endless, and she saw a golden light, a dazzling golden light. The golden light just appeared, and it instantly came to the endless moon, and then hit the monk who was holding the endless moon.


The moon was endlessly shaken by a huge shock, rolling toward the distance, sneezing in the air in the air, but her eyes were staring at the golden light.

The golden light has disappeared, and there is a tiankeng on the ground. The pit is full of dozens of miles. The huge roaring sound makes the whole battlefield a quiet. All eyes are looking toward the tiankeng. A terrifying color.

This power is something they have never seen before!

What exactly is it?

"I just saw a golden light!"

"Not what baby?"

In the quiet atmosphere, this sound is ringing, the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu are all in the heart, and the eyes are shining.


Almost all the monks rushed toward the crater at this moment.

Under the crater.

The piano was lying on the ground in pain. Her injury has not recovered yet. Her injury is of course not caused by the impact of the formation of the tiankeng. It has the protection of the broken space and hits the earth. It does not hurt the piano. When she was in the town of Demon Tower, she was injured when she was accidentally pressed by gravity.

The backhand took out a Vientiane fruit and took a few medicinal herbs, which climbed up from the ground. At this time, I saw a figure rushing from the sky, and the huge powers came out from that figure.


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