Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: The situation on the mainland

Qin double saw these figures in the demon, the human race, the demon, and many familiar faces. Like the island owners of Mishima, there are several other sovereigns. There are also demons that I have seen before, and each one is a powerful generation.

However, if they were not powerful, these monks could not grab the front and rush into the tiankeng.

These monks unleashed the release of their own strong atmosphere, and the piano is a glimpse of the heart. When these people see themselves, I am afraid that they will not hesitate to kill themselves. They will shoot at themselves before they have seen their faces.


Qinqin did not hesitate to pull out the dragon sword, and the shock slammed out, and the three attributes of the 90% fusion spirit came out.

Starlight gather!


A star dragon, which is made up of thousands of stars, roars from the bottom of the tiankeng. Under the combination of shock and three spiritual powers, this kind of starlight has completely exceeded the highest power of the world. It began to collapse, and there were countless dense cracks in the space around it.

The Terran, the demon and the Mozu monks who are rushing from the top, each face a huge change, and the eyes are extremely fearful. They fled all around.


The star dragon roared toward the crater. The shape of the piano pair followed the star dragon and flew straight out of the tiankeng. The emptiness stood in the air and swept around.

Seeing countless human races, the Yaozu and the Mozu monks suddenly stunned their bodies and looked up at her. The power of the starlight gathered and the tribes could not help but froze. .


Flying out of the tiankeng figure, it is the big monks of the three tribes, one by one, surrounded by the piano double in the middle, watching the piano double.

"Moon Emperor!" suddenly sounded a sound.

When the piano turned around and looked around, he saw that a demon monk was looking at her in horror. She thought about it for a moment and remembered that when she was cracked into space, the demon monk was also in a group. Watching among the demon monks.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the endless moon: "What happened?"

The moon never flew to the piano, and the eyes of the monks flashed, but no one stopped the endless moon. It was just that the star-shaped star of the Qin double was too amazing.

However, just after the endless moon has passed the last layer of encirclement, and when he flew toward the piano, he saw a demon monk, suddenly grabbed the moon in the endless, and quickly gathered a black ink in the half hour. The big hand, the endless grasp of the past to the moon.

The piano doubled out a sword, and the starlight gathered toward the black hand that was as dark as ink. A star dragon shattered the big hand and then swooped down toward the Mozu monk.


After seeing the starlight gathering and smashing the big hand he had condensed, the great monk of the Mozu escaped to the side, and did not hit him with the starlight.


Qin Shuang’s injury was not good. He had just eaten the Vientiane. He had not waited for much effect. He continued to make the two strongest stars together, and the body became weaker. Standing in the air, he was swaying toward the ground. Slowly fall. There are still months of endless fall.


Yang Yingtian and Hu Yanyun and other ethnic monks also fell behind the Qinshuang and the endless moon, while the Mozu and the Yaozu also fell from the sky, sandwiching the Terran group, and each pair locked the piano sharply. Double, killing each other, but still some hesitation, did not immediately rushed up.

Although the piano double shows very weak, and has just spurted nose and mouth, but the two starlights she released are really amazing. This allows the demon to temporarily control his own killing, and wants to see the reality of the piano double.

Qin double looked at the broken big array, and could not help but frown slightly: "What happened?"

Endlessly opened the mouth, and then slammed a sip of blood, she was penetrated by the Mozu monk on the right chest, the injury is very heavy. At this point, some of them could not hold on. The piano double takes out a bottle of jade liquid, opens the bottle cap, and stretches out the finger to sneak out. The jade liquid will fly out of the jade bottle and enter the waterline of the jade bottle, and enter the endless right chest wound, and then the piano will leave the rest. Half a bottle of jade liquid allows the moon to endlessly drink, and the endless month immediately sat down on the knees, and the healing wounds, the wound on the right chest is shrinking rapidly under the moisturizing of the jade liquid.

"For me!" Yang Yingtian stepped forward and said to the piano double-handedly: "Yuehuang, since you were in the space crack four years ago, the demon from the magic path and the demon gate to the warrior continent is coming. The more the demons are entering the mainland of the warriors, the more powerful the demons are. Our Terran is not an opponent at all. They first attacked the Moon Empire of the Moon Emperor, but because the Crescent Moon Empire has a big guardianship, they have not broken, but they have It gave the Jubilee Empire a great deterrent, especially after the Moon Empire lost its Moon Emperor. Under the deterrent of the Demon and the two, it was only able to hide in the innocent desert and dare not walk out of the innocent desert. To the south of the desert, they have become the vertical and horizontal of the two demons.

And the demon and the demon in the demon, the demon **** and the demon god, crossed the innocent desert from the thunder, and entered the empire of the crescent moon. The Crescent Moon Empire is now in ruins, leaving only one in ten people hiding in the innocent desert.

After the demon succeeded in deterring the Moon Empire, they began to attack the monks who came from our comprehension circles. It didn't take long for the four islands, including the four-party alliance to face the demon's powerful offensive, and soon collapsed. They all fled into Luofuzong, because Luofuzong had a large array of troops that were set up for us. It is also because of this big array that it blocks the demon. ”

Speaking of this, Yang Yingtian said bitterly: "Just after the first battle, the four islands and the Quartet lost 80% of their strength. Without this big battle, I am afraid that today's comprehension is only overseas. Someone is dying.

After the demon did not break the guardian squad, he left and began to attack the Frost Empire. At this time, the demon broke out of real strength. A year ago, the demon actually occupied the entire warrior continent, and the entire frost empire had fallen.

The Frost Empire became the territory of the Mozu, and the Daqin Empire became the territory of the Yaozu. Today, only the Moon Moon Empire, which is trapped in the innocent desert, and the Wu Zong Temple, which is trapped on the holy mountain, remain in the entire mainland. The Daqin Empire, some of the remnants of the Frost Empire, are on the holy mountain. Then there are the 72 peaks that we occupy, and they become the Luofuzong of the Luofu Mountains.


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