Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1023: Return to the empire


Yang Yingtian’s face suddenly became iron and green: “The demon suddenly attacked Luo Fuzong in a big way. Originally, we did not take it as one thing. Anyway, there is a large array of guardians. We can’t be demon, but the demon can’t help us. I don't know if this demons broke through our guardian squad.

Moon Emperor, today we are heavily besieged by the demon. After today, I am afraid that there will be no real world! At the very least, the absolute power of our comprehension will die here. If the emperor can bring some people back to the innocent desert, the old man is grateful. ”

"I also asked the Emperor to look at the human race, lead us to break through, take me, etc." Hu Yanyun and others also bowed to the piano.

The piano doubled his mouth and sighed in the heart. In my own physical condition, I still took you out of the box?

It’s not bad to die here!

"I have to think of a way!

Do you want to release Fengming? That is now a half-step fairy, and the big dog is too fragrant...

Flowers are too sweet!

As soon as it comes out, I am afraid it will fly! ”

Qin double could not help the gods into the town demon tower, but at this time, the demon also heard the words of Yang Yingtian on the Qin double, once heard that the piano should be taken with the human family to break through and hide into the innocent desert. Their eyes are sharpened.

Because the innocent desert and the Luofu Mountain Range are really not far away, it can be said to be a neighbor.

The innocent desert, the last stronghold of the three races of the Luofu Mountains and the Holy Mountain has become the three thorns in the demon's heart. Nowadays, the entire mainland of the warriors has fallen into the hands of the demon. The huge Terran has become their slaves and blood food. As long as these three thorns are removed, they can consider expedition overseas, and truly integrate the military mainland into the demon world and the devil world. .

Even if the piano is so powerful, can you still fight so many demons?

It is tired, too tired of the piano!

not to mention……

They can all see that the Qinshuang situation is very bad at this time, and there is a great possibility that the piano will also be killed here. The two demon sacred demon and the devil sacred their eyes, and immediately rushed to the piano double, and screamed:

At this time, the gods of Qin double saw exactly the five hairs swimming in the town demon tower. Where are the five hairs still having a little hair?

Each hair is a thousand feet long, like five black dragons.

The five hairs were swept by the gods of the piano, and they immediately shook their heads and released joy to the piano. These five hairs come from the body of the piano, and the nature and the piano are intimate. The heart of the piano is a move.

At this time, the demon and the two have already rushed to the Terran again, and the Terran also looked at the Qin double, waiting for the Qin double to lead them out.


At this time, I saw five black light coiled out from the body of the piano, and instantly zoomed in.

"Black Dragon!"

The tribes of the three tribes were all horrified, especially the dozens of dragon monks, and their eyes were full of incredulity. The five hairs instantly became a thousand feet, rushing to the demon and the two, but only a tail, they will smash thousands of demons.

"Come to me!"

The piano doubles and sings loudly. At this time, her physical condition can't really fight with the demon. At this time, the monks in the comprehension have been killed by the demon, and the total number is less than 10,000. And tens of millions of demons kill, it is the piano double is not injured, and there is no such skill.

The surrounding Terran monks began to gather toward the piano. The piano double commanded five black dragons to circle around the Terran monks, attacking the demon, protecting the Terran, and rushing toward the innocent desert.

These five hairs were born in the spiritual world, and they were born out of the vitality of Kirin Nei Dan. Although they do not have the dragon's mana, the physical strength has reached the realm of the human fairy, which is still bred by Nei Dan. The time is too short, if the piano double can make these five hairs grow for a while, it will become even more powerful. Only this kind of thing that has been nurtured can not only release the Tao, but also has limits. It will never increase its strength indefinitely, but the piano does not know where the limit lies.

The shortcomings of this kind of birth are also very obvious. It does not automatically cultivate, but can only rely on the absorption of vitality to enhance. So when it is attacked, it consumes vitality.

The two demons are not the opponents of these five hairs, but they soon discovered the shortcomings of the five black dragons. They found that the five long dragons can only resist and attack with the body, without magical power. In this way, the demon is far from the five black dragons, but only a long distance toward the five black dragons through the magical attack.

In this way, the five black dragons are continually consumed and begin to shrink rapidly. It is really getting smaller quickly. It is really too many monks of the demon and the two, and the frequency of attacks is too dense. Fortunately, the Luofu Mountain Range is not far from the innocent desert. When the shape of the five black dragons was reduced to a dozen feet, Qin Double led the crowd and finally rushed into the innocent desert.

As soon as they entered the innocent desert, everyone felt a groan. Qinqin knew that this should be Fengyan's opening of the shifting pattern, but in an instant, the piano appeared in front of a large hall.

"See the moon emperor!"

I haven't waited until the piano double sees the surrounding situation, and I see a black person pressing in front of her. The piano is looking at the two-way people, and seeing a personal face is full of excitement.

Qin Wu, Qin Jingyun, Shen Qiu, Xue Yi, Li Yan, Night Star, Situ Lu, Tang Tianhe, Fan Xiushan, Yuan Fei, Yuan Ye and so on.

"Get up!"

Qin Shuang’s face finally showed a relieved smile. In the past four years, her pressure was too great. She went to a strange land of the Yuanyuan, and inexplicably entered the spiritual world. This road was born and died, and finally returned to the warrior. mainland.

This is her home, not lost, not knowing the precious, lost for four years, and now back here, let her have an unprecedented closeness.

"Xie Yuehuang!"

Qin Shuang’s eyes swept the monks who had some ignorance in the real world. Although they had the protection of five black dragons, each black dragon was reduced to a dozen feet, and it was impossible to completely protect those monks. The number of monks who have arrived here is less than 5,000.

Looking into the surroundings, when she left the Crescent Moon Empire, it was just beginning to be built. The sacred mountain that she decided to establish was still bare. But at this time it was already lush, behind her is a magnificent palace. Take a deep breath:

"Second brother, you will arrange the friends of the comprehension community first, then what do you do, and wait until I have healed."


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