Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Feng Ming’s plan

"Second brother, you will arrange the friends of the comprehension community first, then what do you do, and wait until I have healed."


"Right, Godsend?"

"He has given him half a year to leave the empire, and we don't know where he went."

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded and said: "I am going to heal!"

When the words fell, the piano double turned and walked into the hall, and someone closed the door of the hall. Qin double walked into the apse from the front hall, and the gods spread out. When they found a bedroom, they pushed the door and went in. The back door closed the door, took out the flag, and set up a line. Then he jumped into the town demon tower.

Entering the town demon tower, the gods spread out, and they saw their own five hairs linger around the inner Dan, biting their mouths on the inner dan, absorbing the vitality. At the moment of entering the Wanli Yellow Sands in the innocent desert, Qin Double will collect five hairs into the town demon tower. At this time, seeing five hairs can absorb the vitality recovery, they will no longer pay attention, **** in the river water. After a shower, I lay on the grass and fell asleep.

These four years are too exhausted, and at this time she also knows that she does not need to practice. As long as she sleeps, the Vientiane that she eats will heal her wounds.

Qinqin was awakened by a wet feeling. When he opened his eyes and saw it, he saw Hua Taixiang squatting in front of her, sticking out her pink tongue and rubbing her face, then she reached out and pushed the flower away. Too fragrant, stretched his arms and stretched his waist, feeling that his injury had healed.

I perceive my own cultivation, and the three attributes of Fadaoxiu have reached the peak of the eleventh layer of distraction. Wudaoxiu has reached the peak of the third layer of Wusheng. The strength of the body turned out to be the power of twenty-nine thousand dragons. The Qin double was only slightly thought about it. It was known that this was the result of gravity pressure and quenching in the central area of ​​Qilin Mountain.

Qin double can not help but a happy heart, if you use the Kirin Nei Dan to form a gravity zone in the town demon tower, and practice the quenching body in the gravity zone, will it continue to enhance the strength and strength of the body?

Isn’t this Nedan a good environment for a refining?

The piano jumped up and removed the privilege of being the owner of the town demon tower, and went to the inner Dan. When there is still five kilometers from the inner Dan, the piano double feels the pressure and feels the difficulty of walking. She knows the extent to which this pressure has reached the nine-day Xuan Xian. Her current body strength is equivalent to the second layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian. She went to the area where she could walk the third layer of the nine-day Xuanxian, and began to cultivate the body of the jade body.

Soon, the sweat of the piano doubles like a stream, and when the piano is so tired and soft on the ground, it is a loud laugh.

Her heart is full of joy, and it really helped her refining, even more than the original green fire. Practice here, the body of the piano double will increase with a leap.

"Green fire! Right, that group of purple fire!"

Qinqin suddenly remembered that the purple fire of the group was half swallowed by his own phoenix fire, and hurriedly explored the gods into Zhongdantian, and found that the fire was still asleep, the original fire of the palm, at this time Curled like beans.

When the gods were taken back, the piano stood up and took the gravity zone and sat down again. She began to perceive the fusion of her three spiritual powers.

Her heart jumped up, and the spiritual power in her body had already blended 90%. She used to focus on the fusion of the three spiritual powers, and did not pay attention to the three spiritual forces after the fusion. What changes have been made. However, now she perceives it, a vague but extremely mysterious feeling, the feeling that can't tell what it feels, the mysterious and mysterious, never realized.

This mysterious and mysterious feeling is very light, so if it is not Qin double intentionally to concentrate all the experience to explore, to perceive, it simply can not feel. Qin double knows that this should be a relationship that only integrates three spiritual powers, and the three spiritual forces are not yet fully integrated. If you combine five spiritual powers, you will feel much clearer.

"Does the mysterious and mysterious feeling really be the mystery of creating the world?

That madman is such a genius! ”

“Just how to create the world?”

"Create the world! It's impossible to imagine!"

For a long time, Qin double woke up from his meditation. After calculating the time, it took only two quarters of an hour to go out, and now she is not in a hurry to go out. Now that her law has been repaired, she has reached the peak of the eleventh layer of distraction, and she decided to break through the distraction in the town demon tower. On the twelfth floor, go out again.

The double breakthrough of the piano is very smooth, it is really the fairy power in the town demon tower is too rich. After the breakthrough, Qin double took a shower, ate a few fragrant fruits, and then came to Fengming's front:

"Feng Ming, how do you plan in the future?"

Feng Ming thought for a moment: "I want to leave the town demon tower. The spiritual power in my body has now been transformed into a fairy power. The only difference is the understanding of the heavens. I think even so, maybe with the Yaozu, Compared to the Mozu, I am not the first master, but there is no such demon and the demon can kill me. If possible, I want to unify the demon."

Qin double thought a little bit: "This idea is good. Once you unify the Yaozu, you can lead the Yaozu and the Mozu to fight, so the Terran will have more opportunities."

"Well, I think so too!"

"Well, wait for me to go out and find a chance to let you go."

Qin double looked at the flowery fragrance that was lying beside him, and could not help but frown:

"Xiangxiang, what do you do? Do you want to stay here, or go out to the spiritual world?"

Hua Taixiang looked at his head and thought: "If I go out now, the place where the sky is rising must be the demon world in the spiritual world. I don't want to leave with the master, just wait for the master to fly and bring me to the spiritual world."


Qinshuang had arranged for Fengming and Huataixiang, and began to experiment with martial arts. Her martial arts is still on the third floor of Wusheng. After the beginning of cultivation, the piano double did not have much joy, but slightly frowned.

In the town demon tower cultivation, the speed of cultivation is still much faster than the previous practice on the mainland of the warrior, almost ten times higher. However, Qin double knows that this speed is not fast, because Qinqin is almost twenty times faster in practicing the law when he is practicing the Tao.

What does this mean?

This shows that with the improvement of cultivation, even with the cultivation environment like the town demon tower, the speed of cultivation will drop. The reason why the cultivation of the Fa Dao is now faster than the martial arts, is not because the Fa is easy, but because the cultivation of the Fa is low. It is only a period of distraction. If you enter the Mahayana period, the speed of cultivation will definitely drop, and it will be reduced to a speed that is not as good as martial arts.


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