Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: Practice

Because of the power of the mysterious gods, there is too much spiritual power in the world. Although spiritual power can be transformed into the power of God's knowledge, it is provided for cultivation, but in this process, it takes more than half of the spiritual power. That is to say, the ten became the spiritual power, and through the practice of transforming into the power of the gods, I am afraid that the more two or three percent will remain.

Qin double sighed, ending the cultivation of the martial arts, and began to practice the law again. She was not in a hurry to go out, because the injury she showed in front of the main hall was very serious, and she could not be cured in one day, not to mention that it was less than half an hour now.

Three and a half months after the town demon tower, the piano double broke through to the thirteenth floor of the distraction period. In the past four months, the practice of Qin Double has been upgraded to the peak of the thirteenth layer.

At this time, in the sea of ​​Qinshuang, the three gods sat on the sea lotus, and the sea lotus became a thirteenth floor. The lotus leaves are shaking and very beautiful and spectacular.

The piano double broke through to the peak of the 13th layer of distraction, but it was not very happy, because it has not entered the Mahayana period, and the speed is almost half slow. If it breaks through the Mahayana period, it does not know what speed to become. . However, even if the speed is almost half slow, the outside time has not passed much. From the double to the main hall, there is no past day.

Qin double rested in the town demon tower for two days, did nothing, completely relaxed himself, it can also be said to inspect the entire town demon tower space, adjust his state to the peak, to the third day, Qin double I began to try to break through the Mahayana period.

It is really trying to break through. Whether she will break through the Mahayana period, what will her own Mahayana period look like, there is no point at all, and there is no grasp at all. After all, this is a big checkpoint, and the direction of cultivation of Qinshuang has completely deviated from the direction. It is neither an ancient orthodox cultivation method nor a method of improving the mainland's comprehension. It is a combination of the two methods. Power is doubled, but it is a groping for itself. Maybe when she breaks through the Mahayana period, she will go into flames and die.

The piano carefully placed a bottle of weak water Dane in front of him, and took out three Vientiane fruits next to the weak water Dan. After thinking about it, he did not have other measures to open the jade bottle. After pouring out a weak water suit, he began to practice the exercises and cultivated.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

There is no slight change in the knowledge of the piano!


Not right!

Qin's knowledge of the sea is still a little changed, that is because of the cultivation of the piano double, the power of the gods is constantly rich in the knowledge of the sea. But the rest is not the slightest change.

Qin did not know what her Mahayana period should look like, and she did not know the direction of the breakthrough. She did not know how to guide. What she can do is to empty herself wholeheartedly and run the exercises wholeheartedly, with only four words in mind:

The Tao is natural!

Not bad!

Qinqin had no choice but to follow it.

Don't think that you don't want to do anything with nature, do nothing.

It is easy to do nothing, and ordinary people can do it. But I don't want anything, it's really hard. Letting your mind go empty, that is not something that ordinary people can do.

not to mention……

Even if you don’t want anything, it’s not natural.

The so-called Tao law is natural, that is to ask you to be one and the same, that is to say, you must be united with heaven and earth and run naturally. This is a very high state. Qin double sat for three days, but did not reach this level.

The piano opened his eyes, frowning and frowning for a moment, and his face showed a sigh.

This town demon tower is incomplete, and it is practiced in this town demon tower. There is no problem in breaking through the small realm, or it is no problem to change others to come here to practice breakthroughs. Because others have the direction of cultivation, there is a practice of the next cultivation. .

However, I don't have it!

You need heaven and man to be one, and the Tao is natural, forming the best way to cultivate.

In this case, the heavens in the town demon tower are not complete, how do you combine heaven and man?


Once you happen to be in harmony with the heavens and the roads in the town demon tower, because the heavens are incomplete, I am afraid that it will not be able to reach the natural state of Taoism, and you may be enchanted by fire.

Qin double was shocked, and suddenly sweated.

When I thought about it, I appeared in the bedroom. Put the Vientiane and the Weak Water Dan in front of you, and then your mind is moving, holding the town demon tower between your hands, and once again let yourself try to enter the realm of Taoism.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qinqin still sat silently on the bed.

On the battlefield of the Great Wars, not far from the innocent desert, there are broken weapons and the bodies of the tribes. The blood flows into the river, and the earth is blood red.

However, if someone stays on this battlefield at this time, they will find that no matter the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, their bodies are like a beggar. There is only one layer of skin wrapped around the body, and the blood in the body seems to be After being pumped out, the blood on the ground flows in one direction. There is a blood lake in the center of the battlefield. At this time, the whole blood lake is a huge **** vortex.

The **** vortex is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, six days have passed since the original battle. With this **** vortex shrinking, I can imagine how big the **** vortex that was formed at the beginning!

Two days later.

The **** vortex disappeared, and the battlefield became silent. A full moon hangs in the sky, as if it was a dead land without life.


It seems that there was a sound of running water, and then I saw the bright red blood seeping out from the ground, but in an instant, the entire battlefield seemed to be a **** sea. The **** sea gathered in the middle, but when it was not at a time, it turned into a **** person. Then the blood man's facial features became clear, and the head appeared, and the clothes appeared on the body.



Godsend opened his arms and looked up at the moon in the sky, and his head fluttered.

Qin double has come out of the town demon tower, and it has been seven days. She never spent a long time in breaking through a realm. She did not have the follow-up exercises of cultivation. She only let herself go and let herself into the heavens. On the fourth day, Qin Qin served a new one. In December, when it was today, the breath on her body gradually became mysterious. At this time, if someone used the gods to see the piano, she could not find her. Even if you are standing opposite her, the eyes can clearly see her, but there is always a feeling of unreality, as if there is no piano at all.


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