Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Life and death

The hall was quiet inside and outside, and the piano double turned to call the extension of the cloud and other monks:

"Well, I know so much. You go back and discuss whether you want to return to overseas or want to be part of the Crescent Moon Empire. Time is not too long, in January, how?"

"Good!" Hu Yanyun and others stood up and bowed to the piano.

Qin two-way endless moon-telling voice: "Endless, waiting for Yang Yingtian at night, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zong are coming to me."

Hu Yanyun and others came to the door and left with the monks. The warriors outside the door also left under the direction of Qin double. Qin doubled one hand and grabbed the door, and the door closed again.

Qin Shuang’s gaze looked at Shen Qiu’s words: “Shen, brother, come over.”

Shen Qiu got up and came to the front of Qin Double. Qin double reached out and grabbed the wrist of Shen Qiu. Hao Hao’s gas rushed into the body of Shen Qiu. Hao Hao’s gas just rushed into the body of Shen Qiu, the **** and bloodthirsty in his blood. The factor rioted and rushed toward Haoran, and the piano double frowned.

"A heavy suffocation!"

Qin doubled the awe-inspiring spirit in the body of Shen Qiu, and then recovered, frowning:

"Your blood is too noisy, and the awesomeness can purify the suffocating blood in your body, but after a while, I am afraid that it will slowly grow again, so using Haoran is not a cure."

Shen Qiu nodded and agreed with Qin double. Qin double thought about it, took out three fragrant fruits, and handed them to Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan. I thought about me and took out two, respectively, and gave Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun.

"This is a good thing, what to eat and see!"

Five people took it and Zhang opened it and ate it. The five fragrant fruits that Qinqin took out were all she had picked up and stored in the storage ring when the fragrant fruit was ripe. It was not the fragrant fruit in the town’s demon tower. The fragrant fruit has become The fairy fruit, the fruit contains the immortal force, it is not an enmity that they can bear. Even if it is not a fairy fruit, under the rich aura of the town demon tower, these fragrant fruits have become the best fragrant fruit. After the five people ate, they immediately felt their own calmness, especially the revenge, blood coat and Li Yan. The mood has never been so quiet. The suffocation on the face gradually disappeared and a peaceful smile appeared.

Five people sat on the ground unconsciously and closed their eyes. Qin double smiled at the five people in front of him, but less than half an hour, five people actually got a breakthrough.

The five people were able to make a breakthrough. The piano pair did not feel strange. When they saw their first sight, Qin double saw that all five of them were at the peak of their respective realms, but they were just a chance.

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan are because of the suffocation and killing in the body, which makes it difficult for them to calm down and feel. So it has been stagnant. However, Qinwu and Qin Jingyun are because of the situation in the mainland today, worrying about the empire, letting them feel calm and incomprehensible. Now that Qinqin is back, they have relaxed their nervous feelings, and then they get the fragrant fruit and let five people All have been quiet, and it is logical to get a breakthrough.

After three hours, five people ended the breakthrough.

Shen Qiu broke through to the eighth floor of Wusheng, and the blood coat broke through to the sixth floor of Wusheng. Li Yan broke through to the third floor of Wusheng. Qinqin broke through to the ninth floor of Emperor Wu, and Qinwu broke through to the second floor of Emperor Wu.

Qin Qin’s heart could not help but sigh, Qin Wu’s qualifications were still worse. The resources she left for Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun were the same, but the gap between the two was so obvious.

Five people opened their eyes and their faces showed a happy color. But then, Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan changed color again, and there was a hint of suffocation between their eyebrows, and the suffocation was still slowly magnifying. Qin double also sighed a channel:

"It seems that the fruit can only be temporarily suppressed and cannot cure the problem. Let me think again!"

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan both looked nervous and looked forward to the Qin double. When Qin double came back, they gave them a surprise. Whether it is awe-inspiring or a fruit, they will have an effect.

"There are two ways!" Qin double suddenly remembered that when he was in the spiritual world, he could collect the bodies of many fairy beasts and said:

"The first method is that I am on another continent. I have got a few drops of blood from the coincidence. The drops of blood come from the fairy world. It is the blood of the fairy beast. If you refine it, you will be able to break through. Eventually it breaks the void. But there are two dangerous results. The first one is that you don't know if your body can withstand the blood of the beast, and it may cause you to explode and die, and this is very likely."

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan are eyes bright, the double pendulum swings: "Calm!"


Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan spit a long breath, but still flushed, Li Yan said excitedly:

"I can't calm down!"

Qin double shook his head helplessly, and took out three fragrant fruits and handed them to them: "Eat!"

Three people rushed to take the fragrant fruit and ate it, and the mood gradually calmed down.

"Calm down?" Qin asked.

"Yeah!" The three men nodded shyly.

"That's listening carefully!"

"Yeah!" The three men nodded again.

"Explosion and death is only the first danger. If you can withstand it, refining and condensing combines blood, but there is also a dangerous consequence, that is, you can't bear the temper and bloodthirsty in the blood, let you Completely demonized, even thinking has become a demon, become bloodthirsty and cruel."

All three were silent, and at this time they were very calm because of the fruit. They are eager for strength, eager to embark on the peak, eager to one day break the void and see a more exciting world.

However, this does not mean that they can give up the nature of the human race, become bloodthirsty and become a demon.

"Moon Huang, you just said that there is still a way?" The blood coat looked at the piano double.

"Well, but the other method is very cruel. Although I can help you, I have a little bit of control to let them through the storm, but they don't have the perfect grasp."

"What kind of difficulty?"

"Life and death off!" Qin double look very dignified: "I have a practice of stripping blood, you can strip the blood of the demon in your body, you only leave one of the strongest blood of the demon, so you still have the blood of the human race Mainly, it is supplemented by a kind of demon blood, and the blood is no longer mixed. This should allow you to embark on the peak, and finally it is possible to break the void, but I don’t know the length of time."


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