Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Reveal identity

The eyes of the three people suddenly light up. The reason why they can't break the void is because the blood of the reincarnation of the demon is too many and too complicated, causing the blood in the body to be complicated. The blood of the human race becomes very weak, but the blood of the demon family. There is also no mainstream, it is completely a mess of blood, and they are also in conflict with each other, which makes it difficult for them to reach their peak, and also causes their character to be distorted and become bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty.

However, if you can strip away the chaotic blood of the demon, leaving only one of the most powerful blood vessels of the demon to help the human blood, first solve the problem of personality distortion caused by too many blood pulse, violent bloodthirsty, and secondly They are on the verge of a peak.

As for life and death, as long as you embark on the path of cultivation, you must always face life and death. In other words, isn't it an ordinary person to face life or death?

not to mention……

Qin double also said that there are some points to help them!

The next three people nodded and said: "Please also ask the Emperor to help."

"Good!" Qin nodded and said: "Once the blood is removed, it will lead to a fine. The thunder of heaven is ten times more than that of the day. You can't resist it with your physical strength. You are smashed into gray. I have a kind of treasure that should be able to resist the punishment, but I can't completely resist it. I don't know.

So, let me pass on the method of stripping the blood, and you will go back and comprehend it. When you have a decision, come to me. ”

When the words fell, Qin’s eyebrows shot three lights into Shen Qiu, and in the consciousness of the three men of Blood and Li Yan, the three men stood for a quarter of an hour, then gave a ceremonial ritual to the piano and left.

In this hall, there is only Qinwu and Qin Jingyun. Qinqin listened to Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun's detailed description of the changes in the whole continent and the situation of the Jiuyue Empire in the past four years, and could not help but sigh.

The situation in the mainland of the military made the Qin double worry. In general, the Terran is still too weak. To such a national war, not only a few masters can decide to move, it is the comprehensive force that needs the entire ethnic group.

However, it is clear that the power of the Terran is too weak.

Although the Jiu Yue Empire and the Wu Zong Dian have all opened up the ancient exercises, how long has this been?

The Yueyue Empire was opened earlier, but it was only six years, and Wu Zongdian was even later. At such a little time, the Terran did not grow up at all. Those who have already cultivated above the realm of Wuwang, it is difficult to change the methods of cultivation, they are not at the same time when they face the same family of demons.

Although there are a few martial arts in Wu Zongdian, such as Wu Dongying and Jin Longxing, the cultivation of the ancient martial arts, including the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire, is also an ancient practice, and there are several family ties, but they are very few. Although it can play a role, it is not a decisive role. If the Terran has the strength to truly fight against the demon and the two, the next generation of the Terran must grow up as soon as possible, and it is still the time for the demon and the two to grow up.

As for the situation of the Crescent Moon Empire, the piano is not too worried. After all, after the death of his own death, it is difficult to suppress the power of the various phases of the empire of the empire by the strength of Qinwu and Qin Jingyun. It is normal for some people to have disagreements. But it did not show up, causing substantial damage to the Crescent Moon Empire.

This aspect is the pressure brought by the external demon and the two lords, so that the empire of the moon has to unite. On the other hand, there are four martial arts, including the enemies, the blood coat, the Li Yan and the gods. effect. Now that I am back, the problem of the Crescent Moon Empire, everything is solved.

Now it is time to let Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun improve as soon as possible, after all, they can not stay in the mainland for too long.

In the following time, Qin double answered the problems of Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun in the cultivation, and then gave two people a lot of resources, including various Danyun-level medicinal herbs, as well as jade liquid cream and fragrant fruit. Even the Vientiane, the fruit of the December and the fruit of the wind, each gave two people each.

After Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun left, Qin double summoned Feng Yan in consciousness. Soon Feng Yan went into the hall, and Qin double entered Fengzheng into the town demon tower. Three people have made a decision, and finally decided that Fengming went to the Yaozu, and Fengyan went to the Mozu. However, today's Feng Yan Xiu is really a bit lower, although she is also promoted to the peak of the Valkyrie, but this strength and Feng Ming are too far apart, and to the devil with this strength, let alone want to stir up the situation, it is itself The safety is hard to protect.

Qin double decided to let Feng Yan leave the town demon tower for a period of time. Feng Yan's bones were refining from the skeleton of the Nether, and it was also a big demon at the ancestor level, but it was able to withstand the nourishment of the virtues. Coupled with the time flow rate in the town demon tower, Qin double believes that it will not take long, although Feng Yan can not reach the height of Fengming, but there is no suspense to reach the Devil's provocation.

This repair does not need to be too high, but it can be achieved by Wu Sheng. Now Feng Yan is already the peak of Wushen, and it is still a great master. Wu Sheng and the great master of the martial arts are the top of the Mozu. The monk will not have any problems running away.

For Fengming, Qinshuang is ready to find an opportunity to send her out of the innocent desert. With her current cultivation, the world can go.

After the decision, Qin double came out from the town demon tower and came to the hall to wait. At this time, the sky was late, and the piano waited less than two quarters of an hour. Then I heard a slight footstep from the door. The sleeves were swung and the door opened. On the bluestone road outside the gate, four appeared. A figure, it is Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan, Zhang Zongzheng and the moon are endless.

When the four people saw the door open, they sneaked in. The piano doubled out and the door was silently closed. The piano double opened the big array and isolated the inside and outside of the hall.

Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzhen personally saw that the piano pair was so cautious, his face could not be changed slightly, and his heart raised his alert. The face of the piano showed a smile on his face:

"sit down."

The three people were seated, but they saw that the moon was endless and they were not seated, and the piano double stood up and prayed to the three people:

"The endless seeing the sovereign, Master and the elders!"

Qin Shuang decided to Xiangyang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzheng to express their true identity, but also after some serious consideration, since she wants to integrate the empire and the comprehension world, she needs an identity, a sequel to the empire and The identity of the comprehension community is acceptable.

Under the subtle influence of Qin Double, the warriors of the Yueyue Empire did not hate the self-cultivation, but they were not so easy to accept.


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