Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1035: analysis

It is one thing to not hate, and acceptance is one thing. It’s like two people, it’s normal not to hate each other, but it’s not easy to be a friend.

Even if the Qinshuang is the emperor of the Crescent Moon Empire, it is impossible to force the heads of all the warriors of the Crescent Moon Empire to accept the monks from the heart.

The human heart is always complicated, and the acceptance on the surface does not mean acceptance of the heart. And often because of this inner unacceptable, in the real family war, the people will collapse, because the real war requires the absolute trust between the comrades, you can safely give the back to the comrades, but also willingly The ground covers the back for the comrades.

In the same way, even if they accept the addition of the Crescent Moon Empire, they will feel awkward in their hearts and feel that they will be sent to the fence. This is an important factor that affects mutual trust and makes the family become a loose sand.

However, once Qin Double announced his dual identity, although it did not completely solve the problem, it also gave the two sides a basis for mutual trust.

The Chronicle Empire will trust the piano pair because of the Qinhuang identity of the Qinshuang. The comprehension community will also trust the Qinshuang because of the endless identity of Qinshuang. Even if the four islands of the four islands are still in vain, Qinqin will gain the trust of Luo Fuzong. With the fire of Luo Fuzong, it is only a matter of time to obtain full trust in the realm of comprehension.

Of course, there may be many problems during the period, because the comprehension world was originally different from the chord empire. The empire of the chord is a whole. It is a slogan of Qinshuang. The empire is an idol, a soul, and a spiritual leader.

However, the realm of comprehension is different. The five islands are intriguing. The surface of the Quartet seems to be super-existing. It is because they know that their strength is not enough. A comprehension like this is that when you are overseas, you will fight and not repair, let alone the empire of the moon, and the power of the military.

However, Qin double only thought of such a unique way, the only way to establish a foundation of trust in the military and the comprehension community. As for the follow-up issues, only the tricks were found.

However, after Qin’s behavior was made, he directly stupided three people.

Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zong are looking at the piano doubles in a stupid manner, and then they turned their silly eyes to the endless moon, and then moved the stupid eyes back to the Qinshuang, and they couldn’t make it. The sound comes.

Qin double does not speak, just smiles at three people.

For a long time, Yang Yingtian said dryly: "Yuehuang, don't be kidding."

The piano double shook his head and turned to the endless moon. The moon was turned to the double, and then walked toward the piano and walked straight to the body of the piano, and then disappeared into the body of the piano. Qinqin turned his body to three people, and the muscles on his face squirmed and became endless.


Yang Yingtian three people were shocked to see the piano double, just issued a "ah", but can no longer speak. Qin double returned to his position, sat down on the chair, and waited quietly for three people to react.

About a quarter of an hour later, the three men gradually calmed down from the shock. Yang Yingtian and Zhang Zongzheng’s eyes are all looking at Wanzhong Mountain. That means, you are the endless master of the month. Have you known the endless status of the month before?

Wanzhongshan’s face could not help but smile, looking at Qin Double Road: “Endless... Moon King, can you explain?”

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice: "Sovereign, Master, Zhang Elder, please sit."

Three people fell again, and their eyes gathered on the face of Qin double. The piano double whispered the reason for the matter, and then released the endless moon, and the moon was standing at the side of the piano.

Yang Yingtian is relatively silent, half-sounding, and heavy mountain road:

"Endless... Moon Emperor, what is the realm of your current law?"

In the eyes of Qin double, there is a touch of emotion, or his own master cares about himself. The first question is his own cultivation, not other aspects.

"The first layer of the Mahayana!"


The three men almost picked up from the chair at the same time, and Wanzhongshan was excited to look at the piano:

"You are already a Mahayana period?"


"Then she?" Wanzhongshan's gaze looked at the moon standing next to the Qin double.

"The endless state of mind is also a meridian period. It is just that the Faith is not achieved, but she only needs the accumulation of God's knowledge and will not be related to the card."

"Moon Emperor..."

The double-handed pendulum stopped the Wanshan Mountain Road: "Master, no matter what identity I am, when you worship you as a teacher, you are my master. This will never change. After that, Master calls me a double child. Master and Zhang The elders can also call me a double child. However, I am not able to serve as the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong, or let Master Xu serve."

"You... are you going to leave Luofuzong?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head and said: "Now I am also a Mahayana period, and should be the elder of Luo Fuzong?"

"That is nature!" Yang Yingtian was overjoyed at the heart, and the scared head that had just been shocked was also flexible. This flexibility made him think of a problem.

"Double children, do you recognize our identity, do you want to show your identity to everyone?"

"Yes!" Qin double's look became serious: "The sovereign, the situation on the mainland is also very clear to you. Even if the whole people are united, whether they can survive under the slaughter of the two demons is a problem. And overseas is definitely not a paradise. If this time the comprehension community does not join the war against the demon, after the empire of the chorus and the martial arts are destroyed, the demon will definitely go overseas, and lose the empire of the crescent moon and the martial arts temple, overseas The realm of comprehension will surely be destroyed and destroyed.

Joining now, the unity of the human race, can enable the people to see the hope of survival, only to enable the people to see the hope of winning dignity.

Instead of being treated by the demon and the like as captive animals, we will put us naked on the chopping board and ask the guests to eat that part, it is fried, fried, cooked!

However, there is no hatred between the warrior and the monk, but one party is on the mainland and one is overseas. It is completely a strange group, and it is difficult to gain mutual trust. However, if I reveal my identity, I can build the foundation of mutual trust and speed up the integration of both sides.

Most importantly, I hope that Luo Fuzong will become a leader.

Four islands in the Three Islands, as well as the Quartet, are unwilling to return overseas. They also know that they have left the mainland at this time, and they have avoided overseas. But they also definitely don't want to be a subordinate sect of the Crescent Moon Empire. They think about cooperation. ”


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