Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: Piano double choice

"But I won't give them this opportunity, because in the fight against the demons, there can only be one voice, and there must be a voice, so that the family can be condensed into one whole, minimizing internal friction. At the very least. In the Crescent Moon Empire, there is only one voice, that is, the sound of my doubles. So, once they do not agree to join the Crescent Moon Empire, they will only have a way to return overseas.

However, that road is a way of survival in front of you. But in the future, there is only one dead end. Once the demon has won, he must travel overseas. If the Terran has won, do you know what the consequences are? ”

Speaking of this, Qin Shuang’s body has an incomparable self-channel: “If the Terran has achieved the ultimate victory, then the Terran’s martial arts will become very powerful at that time, a strong human race that will allow the demon and the two to escape to the demon world and the devil world. The warrior must be a big winner. When the expedition is at the most dangerous time of the Terran, it is far from the comprehension of the realm. Do you think that the comprehension of that time is the opponent of the warrior?

Not only an opponent, but also a vulnerable! ”

Qin double said seriously: "War is a death game, but it is also the place where the most tempered warriors and monks are. Can win the final victory in this large-scale family war, whether it is the participating warrior or the monk It will surely gain unimaginable benefits. This is not an improvement of one individual, but an increase in the strength of the entire ethnic group.

Therefore, I need Luo Fuzong to stay as the leader of the sect. In the future ethnic war, perhaps Luo Fuzong will be completely destroyed, and perhaps the entire Terran will be completely destroyed. But as long as we win, our strength will be improved as never before.

This is a road to death, but it is also a road to the peak.

We don't know the future! But the future of avoiding overseas knows.

Therefore, we can't decide the future, but we can choose the future. ”

"Lord, Master, Zhang Elder, you don't have to rush to answer me, you can negotiate for a few days."

Yang Yingtian said earnestly: "Double children, this matter is a big thing, we really need to discuss it."

"This is nature!" Qin nodded and said: "I have a lot of ancient exercises. If the comprehension community joins the Jiuyue Empire, I will choose some ancient exercises and open to the realm."

"Really?" Three people's eyes lit up. Although they have been unable to renovate their exercises, many of the foreign disciples left by Luo Fuzong can still be renovated.

"Of course!" Qin double nodded seriously.

"Good! We will go back and discuss, and we must answer you as soon as possible."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded, and got up and personally sent the three people out of the hall.

When Qinqin returned to the main hall, she was left in the hall and the moon was endless. The piano looks at the endless moon, and the eyes are hesitant. The endless moon is the avatar of the piano pair, and the heart of the piano is connected with each other. It is only in an instant that I know the mind of the piano pair, and the look calmly says:

"You want me to be a spiritual root of you?"


Qin double said a little hard. For a long time, Qin double seems to have not regarded the endless moon as his own avatar, but as a friend of his own.

However, since she realized the law of integration and learned the great secret of creation from the sacred ancient monk in the spiritual world, she moved the endless recovery of the mind.

If you want to try to create a world, you must gather five kinds of roots of Jinmushuihuo, and now Qinshuang has three kinds of roots of gold and water fire. As long as the moon is endlessly reclaimed, it will have Mulingen. And this Mulingen does not need to practice from scratch.

“Do you need it now?” The endless look of the month is still calm: “Qin double, I am just a avatar of you. When necessary, you can die for you. So, you should not have the slightest ambiguity. I am also looking forward to how powerful you will become after being merged with you!"

Qin and the moon are endless silent, half-sounding, and the piano nods:

"You don't need integration for the time being, you still need to cooperate."

"it is good!"

The hall restored its silence.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qinqin worked hard to cultivate. Every morning and evening, he had to cultivate two kinds of jade body quenching body, practice martial arts in the morning, and practice the law in the afternoon. And every night outside, the piano doubles must leave the town demon tower, the soul in the hall out, and use the moon to wash the gods.

Even Qinqin only stays in the town demon tower for a day, and comes out at night. According to the time flow of the town demon tower, one day, six hours, is equal to 512 days and nights in the outside world.

That is to say, in the past day on the mainland of the warrior, Qinshuang cultivated 512 days and nights in the town demon tower. In this way, in addition to the practice of yin gods, because of the slow entry in the mainland of the warriors, only after a day in the outside world, Qin Shuang broke the martial arts to the fourth floor of Wusheng, and the law was repaired to the second stage of the Mahayana. Floor.

At this time, she is standing in the gravity area to cultivate the body of the body.

This gravity area is of course the piano set with the unicorn inner lining. When Qinqin removed the privilege of the town demon tower, he immediately felt the inner gravity of Nei Dan. The quenching of the body under this gravity, and the nourishment of the fairy power, so that the piano doubles realm has finally begun to improve.


Qinqin finally exhausted and fell heavily on the ground. At the moment of the fall, Qin double immediately started his own privilege, feeling the disappearance of gravity, the piano double sighed and lay on the ground. After an hour, the body recovered a little strength.

At this time, she stayed in the town outside the tower of the demon, and saw the revenge, blood coat and Li Yan are seeking outside the hall.

The piano doubled and sat up, took the medicinal medicine, and spent nearly one hour to restore it, then stood up from the ground and looked at the inner dan.

At this time, around the inner Dan, carrying five black dragons with a length of more than two thousand feet, Qin Double has observed the five black dragons for a long time. From ten days ago, these five black dragons no longer grow, Qin Qin knows that they have reached The limit. When the mind was moving, the five black dragons floated up and quickly shrank. Finally, five hairs fell on the head of the piano, hidden in the hair of the piano, and there was no difference between normal hair and normal hair.

Qinshuang also took a bath in the town demon tower, took out the fairy beasts obtained in the spiritual world, cut down some meat and boiled a pot, and ate it cleanly, feeling the nourishment of the body's fairy power, the piano double comfortably I took a full bath, went to take a bath, changed my clothes, and I came out from the town demon tower.


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