Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Stripping blood

From the three enemies of the vengeance to the present, although the Qin double smashed away in the town demon tower for a long time, but in the past, it was less than half a quarter of an hour. Qin double came to the main hall, opened the hall door, and the three people who had hatred had come firmly in, and prayed to Qinqin:

"Moon Emperor, we decided to strip the blood!"

"Good! Who are you starting first?"

"I will come first!" Shen Qiu said firmly.

Qin nodded and thought about it: "The blood can not be stripped in the innocent desert, and the punishment will collapse the miles of the yellow sand. Right, in the back of the innocent desert, is there still a demon?"

"No!" Shen Qiu shook his head: "The only masters of the Wushen Wusheng level in the demon can pass through the thunder layer and enter the rear of our string moon empire. They go there just for the slaughter and will not stay there. So after they slaughtered, they left. After that, they crossed the Wansha Huangsha twice, but when we saw that we didn’t rebuild, it was ridiculous everywhere, so they never came again."

The look of the piano pair became ugly: "How many people are there in the innocent desert today?"

"At the time, it was too late. The demon sacred demon, the demon sacred **** is too fast, and the strength is very strong. The vast majority of the people in the sacred empire have been killed. How long is it that the emperor will have the talent and qualifications for cultivation? The people have migrated to the innocent desert, otherwise the loss will be even greater. Today the number of people in the innocent desert is more than 100 million."

In the eyes of Qin double, the anger is spurred: "That is, the two demons killed nearly 700 million people?"


"This account will be demon and two families sooner or later!"

The piano is bilingual and murderous. Let the three people of Shen Qiu feel in the air, the heart is secret:

"How far has the strength of the Moon Emperor reached?"

Qinqin slowly stood up, converging the heart is killing, and turned into a graceful and luxurious emperor, his face also showed a smile, like the sun illuminate the hall, let the three souls of Shen Qiu loose . At the same time, I was also amazed at the piano.

"The Moon Emperor is able to influence his mood between manners!"

"Let's go!"

The piano doubles the mind and starts the shifting and transposition method. Only in an instant, four people have already arrived at the edge of the innocent desert leading to the rear of the Crescent Moon Empire. The piano took a step forward in the Wanli Yellow Sands. When the sky was empty, it flew into the air, and the three people who followed the enemies followed. As the piano doubles on the cloud, while looking down, the face becomes more and more ugly.

This is a ridiculous place, it is simply a ruin.

"The Terran is too weak after all!"

Qin double sighed and fell to a valley. A lot of things around, nodded in satisfaction:

"Just here! Shen Da Ge, you first stripped the blood! I am protecting the law for you!"

"it is good!"

Qin Shuang and Shen Qiu sit face to face, while Xue Yi and Li Yan are far away from them. So as not to be locked in the future. Qin double looked at the opposite revenge and nodded:

"let's start!"

"it is good!"

Shen Qiu closed his eyes and began to strip the blood. Qin double is nervously watching the opposite enemies.

At this time, in the Wanli Huangsha Grand Array, the monks in the comprehension world were walking around, as if they were sightseeing, but they were searching for all the news of the Yueyue Empire.

The Jubilee Empire did not conceal them, and they quickly got more detailed information, one of which made them feel at ease.

That is, the Yueyue Empire has publicized the ancient practice of practice six years ago, and there is still a lot of ancient martial arts. In addition to the basic exercises and martial arts, you need points to get higher grades of practice and martial arts. And this score can be obtained through a variety of work. Of course, the demon slayer gets the most points.

The nine memorable secrets gathered together and there was a heated debate.

Luo Fuzong proposed to join the Jiuyue Empire during the three Mahayana periods, but the Mahayana period of the Three Islands was firmly opposed. But they also don't want to return overseas, but think about occupying the empire.

It is really attractive to them here!

The concentration of Aura here is five times that outside the big array, which is simply a spiritual sanctuary on the mainland. The most important thing is that there are so many ancient practice methods here.

The cultivation of holy places and the extensive practice of cultivation are the basis for the rise of one party. If all this belongs to them, they will become the masters of the mainland.

They are convinced that with the protection of the Wanli Yellow Sands, the two demons are not attacking. So once they control the empire of the crescent moon, they can slowly develop here, although the time will be very long, but they firmly believe that one day will be strong, and the demon will be driven away.

At that time, they were the masters of the warrior continent!


All of this is based on the control of the Moon Empire, and the control of the Moon Empire is based on the killing of the Qin.


Ink dyed.

Qin double and Shen Qiu looked up at the sky, the whole sky was dark as ink, and there were thunders from time to time.

"Get started!"


The piano nodded and took a deep breath. The reason why she was not sure was because she was involved in the punishment for the revenge, so the power of the punishment would be doubled, and the piano double experienced the punishment. She really didn't know how to double the double punishment, whether her water bead can block.

It’s just that there are already 15 water pearls in the piano pair, which gives her more confidence. As soon as the mind was moving, fifteen water thunder beads came out of the body and floated on the head of Qin and Shen Qiu.


A thunder, the earth is shaking. The piano has a pair of eyes, and the shock is almost lost. This is the Thunder that she has experienced. It is not a Thunder, but a huge Thunder Dragon, with head, horns, scales and claws.

A complete Thunder Dragon!

"This... can't wait!"

The piano doubled his mind, and one of the fifteen water thunder beads screamed toward the Thunder Dragon, bombarded on Lei Long’s head.


Lei Long’s head was thundering, and a hard hole was blasted by a water mine. However, the Thunder Dragon still swooped down to the bottom.

"go with!"

The remaining fourteen thunderbolts whizzed toward the Thunder Dragon. In a series of roaring sounds, the Thunder Dragon crashed into a thunder and fell to the Qinshuang and Shen Qiu.

Qin Shuang and Shen Qiu's face are a change, that is, the Thunder of Leilong's transformation also surpassed the time when Shen Qiu broke through Wu Sheng, and experienced the thunder. At this time, Shen Qiu just stripped the blood, the body was weak, and he simply accepted it. The thunder that fell. At this time, it is too late for the piano pair to call back the water mine.


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