Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1038: Day penalty


Qin double backhand pulled out the dragon sword, and thought of a move.


At that time, the dragon sword grew into a giant sword. At the same time, Shen Qiu also pulled out the long sword, but suddenly saw the double shape of the piano, and even shocked the past with the falling thunder.


The dragon sword and the thunder in the hands of the piano are bombarded together.


A layer of sacred objects wrapped around the surface of the dragon sword burst into flames, revealing the body of the dragon sword inside.


A huge dragon shadow spread out from the dragon sword, and opened the mouth to swallow the thunder.


That Dragon Shadow is obviously not the opponent of the Thunder, but just less than half-time, the Dragon Shadow retracted into the blade. The Thunder bombarded the dragon sword, let the dragon sword scream sharply, and even so, the dragon sword did not completely block the thunder of the thunder, and still half of the thunder fell on the piano double.

"Moon Emperor!"

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan were shocked in the heart, but they couldn’t help but scream, but the Qin double was also in the heart, and his face was discolored.


The Thunder fell on the body of the piano, but it was only when the time was over, it was absorbed by the body of the piano. The power of the Thunder was swaying in the body of the piano, and the doubles of the piano were standing in the air.

"Moon Emperor!" Shen Qiu shouted anxiously, tears had already flowed in his eyes.


Qin double wakes up from the sluggishness. She has been shocking herself why she has nothing to do, and after absorbing the Thunder, there is still a glimmer of growth in the refining body. Although there is only one trace, this is not her active cultivation, but passive growth. what!

After she was awake, her heart was clearly understood.


She took a shot of her forehead, and her own body is equivalent to the realm of nine days of Xuanxian! In the world of the warrior continent, even if it is a day punishment, there will be no harm to yourself!

Qin double looked up into the air, is gathering the second day of thunderbolt, she knows that a day penalty will be greater than a day of punishment, but at this time her eyes are full of confidence. Put the dragon sword in the sheath and swing to the enemies below:

"I'm fine!"

"Is this all right?" Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan looked at Qin Double with surprise.


A brontosaurus swooped down from the dark clouds, even if there was confidence in the heart of the piano, and the thunder was transformed, the heart was still shocked.

"go with!"

At this time, the fifteen water thunder beads that had been hovering over the double head of the piano again spurred toward the thundering brontosaurus.


The Thunder Dragon was smashed by the thunderbolt without any suspense, and the thunder that turned into a majestic fell to the piano. The piano did not hide, and did not even sacrifice the dragon sword, but spread his arms to meet the Thunder.


The majestic Thunder fell on the body of the piano. The piano doubles in the air, and the body of the body is tempered. This actively absorbs the thunder and actively quenches the body. The piano double immediately feels its own body. In a trace of improvement, it is ten times faster than the previous passive boost.

On the ground, Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan opened their mouths and looked at the doubles in the air.

"Is this still okay?"


A thunder fell from the block of the double, and fell on the body of Shen Qiu, let him hit a beggar, but that thunder is already weak, and can not let Shen Qiu hurt. Looking at the piano in the air, he thought about it. Although he would not practice the body, he was able to run the exercises and urged the inhaled body to quench the body, although the effect was much worse than the piano, but the feeling He became so happy that his body became stronger and stronger.

Qinqin saw the situation of enmity on the ground, and he intentionally and occasionally leaked a thunder and landed on Shen Qiu. It was only that she was somewhat unsatisfied at this time. The intensity of this kind of thunder could not threaten her at all, and naturally her help would be minimal.

In the past, the Thunder looked up and looked at the ink-stained sky, watching the punishment of the day again, his eyes slightly picked up, and there was a decision in his heart.


Another thunder, a 30-foot brontosaurus swooped down from the black cloud of ink dyeing.

"go with!"

The piano doubles the mind and moves, and the water mines are blasting toward the Thunder Dragon. Only this time, the piano double controlled the situation of the water thunderbolt bombarding the brontosaurus. When the brontosaurus was bombarded by the water thunderballs, most of them were smashed, but when the dragon tail was left, the piano double stopped the water mine beads. The attack, with his arms extended, greeted the falling thunder, while the body slammed toward the dragon tail that was about a foot away.


On the ground, Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan were so scared that they could be stunned. Just look at the majestic Thunder and imagine how powerful it is. What's more, is it a long tail with a length of one foot?


The body of the piano double collided with the dragon tail, and the dragon tail burst into flames. The thunder that broke out drowned the piano.

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan were all looking at the piano double in horror, but then they suddenly released an incredible gaze, they still couldn't see the double, but they could see the thunder of the thunder moving.

Soon, the majestic Thunder formed a human form and danced in the air. The dancing shapes are familiar to them, because in the last Thunder, the doubles danced in the air.


The thunder in the air is getting less and less, and it is quickly absorbed by the body of the piano. The piano double tempering the thunder through the body of the silver body, tempering the body, and feeling that the strength of the body is much faster.


This is not enough!


A thunder fell on the body of Shen Qiu. This was just a leaky weak Thunder, but it also awakened the revenge from the sluggishness, and looked at the piano double in the air in awe, and hurriedly began to use the Thunder to quench the body. In particular, he had said before listening to the piano, when the broken void, the flying channel has an assessment of the body of the warrior, naturally more emphasis on physical strength than before.

Qin double looked up into the air, she speculated that the fall of the day should be 40 feet of Lei Long, only to experiment with a dragon tail, Qin double decided to try ten feet this time.


Sure enough, a 40-foot brontosaurus swooped down from the ink-stained sky.

"go with!"

Fifteen water thunder beads bombarded again to the Thunder Dragon. When the Thunder Dragon was bombarded with the remaining ten-foot dragon, the piano doubled his arms and hugged the dragon's tail.


The ten-foot dragon tail was hugged by the piano, and it turned around. He turned around the body of the piano pair, turned the piano double completely inside, and went to the middle. The thunder of the thunder rushed into the double. body of.

In this way, the piano double could not move at all, and it was impossible to promote the silver body quenching body, but fortunately she still had the sword. The piano is flying fast and running, and the heart is a joy.


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