Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1040: Try again

"What... road?"

Cheng Da did not dare to resist, because he knew that he was in the hands of the other party, and the other party would kill himself, and he would not dare to shout, because he was suspicious, I am afraid that his voice has not yet shouted. Will be killed by the other side.

"One way is that I am killing you now. I will not do anything to expose you as a boring thing. You will shoot you directly. Then you will throw a place. No one cares about you, even if you find that you are missing. It will not cause any ups and downs.

Today is a troubled world, the missing individual is very normal, I think you understand! ”

The big sweat is like a pulp, standing there stiffly.

The godsend sank and shouted: "Did you hear this holy stupid? Know and nod."

"Understand!" Chengda hurriedly nodded.

"This attitude is right!" Tianci's face is a slow way: "The second way is that you will contact the Yaozu and let them attack the Wuzong Temple. I will help you to break the big battle of Wu Zongdian. So, you also You can return to the Yaozu with great credit."

"You, you, said let me inform the Yaozu, then you destroy the big battle of Wu Zongdian?"

"Yeah!" Godsend nodded. "You can tell the Yaozu, it is a big battle that you destroy. I don't take your credit."

"But...why?" He looked at God in amazement.

Godsend looked apathy: "You have no power to ask why. Forget it!"

Godsend gave a shot, and a drop of blood went straight into the eyebrows of the big device. The sound of "啪" fell on the eyebrows of the big device, and then quickly penetrated into his eyebrows.

With a big sleeve and a wave, the cuffs released a **** light, and the blood shrouded into a large device, which was taken into the big sleeves and the figure disappeared into the room.

Qin double with enemies, blood coat and Li Yan returned to the Crescent City. Four people spent 20 days outside, and each of them stripped ten blood vessels, but they did not peel off. Only three people stripped blood continuously and became very weak. They needed to cultivate for a while.

The three people's faces disappeared a lot, and the smile on their faces also had a touch of warmth. Qinqin let them go back to the temple and return to the hall. With a smile on his face. Although the speed of the lifting was slowed down by the use of the dragon, the Qin double was not disappointed. She knew that even the punishment of the world was the punishment of the world. It was not the punishment of the spiritual world. Some, but the piano's refining realm is already nine days of Xuan Xian, naturally the more backward, the slower the promotion.

However, even so, Qin double has the power of 600,000 dragons, this power is equivalent to six layers of nine days of Xuan Xian.

Qin double returned to his practice room and began to check his body.

The first is the refining body, which has reached the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. If this is a melee, there is no one in the warrior continent, one demon, one demon is her opponent. She can completely blast a top-level Terran martial arts, or a demon, or a demon.

However, the Terran does not say it, and fights with the demon, it is definitely not a melee close combat. The demon has a sacred power, and the demon has its own differences. When the demons and two families discover her strength and strength, they will choose to fight. Once the battle is over, the body power of the piano double loses its effect. In the aspect of the distant war, Qin double did not stand at the peak of this world.

Of course, the piano is not afraid of them. Because the body strength of the piano pair is destined to stand in a safe place. Even if she couldn’t beat the demon and the two in the distance, the demon and the two could not hurt her. If you want to hurt the doubles, or kill the doubles, you will only have the gods and souls for the doubles.

This is a weakness of her relative to the piano. If the Yao and Mozu have attack methods against the gods and souls, the piano is not safe.

However, in any case, Qin double has stood in a relatively safe position. This makes the piano a lot easier.

The second observation is the cultivation of your own martial arts.

The fourth floor of Wusheng.

And it still combines three kinds of spiritual power, although it only blends 90%, but Qin double knows that he is basically standing in an invincible position.

However, there is also a squatting position similar to that of the martial art. The martial arts are not good at long-distance warfare. Even if it can be used for spiritual power and communication, it can only be counted as a medium-distance warfare. The long-distance warfare of the Tao can communicate with the other side within dozens of miles, and even if the sword can kill thousands of people, it will be weak.

The relatively worst is the law, only the second layer of the Mahayana period, and her method of cultivation is from the realm of cultivation, and it is only two layers higher than the ancient exercises. That is to say, if Qinqin fights in the Fa, he can only be invincible at the same level, but he can't do the challenge like the martial arts, and he wins.

"The law is still too weak!" - Qin double sighed: "And in the Mahayana period, even if it is cultivated in the town demon tower, the speed is reduced too much. How can we improve the speed of cultivation? ”

The piano double frowned, and suddenly the eyebrows picked it up. She saw the black symbol in the sea. The black symbol was obtained from the dark body of the big mullet demon. At the beginning, she was also influenced by the four sisters, and wanted to brand the black symbol on the finger bone, but it was not successful. Instead, let the black symbol smash the muscles of your fingers.

However, at this time her mind suddenly came up with an idea.

The piano doubles the heart and moves, and a black symbol floats in front of her, appearing dark and deep.

A pair of right-handed hands on the storage ring took out a Vientiane and placed it on the ground in front of him. Then the eyes fell on the black symbol floating in front of him.

The piano double shrouded the black symbol, and then branded it to the index finger of the right hand. The black symbol passed through the skin and was branded on the phalanx of the right index finger.


The right index finger suddenly came out with a hint of black glow.


The muscles of the fingers begin to have a slight smash.

The piano is not shocked. When she tried it four years ago, the muscles of the right hand fingers were smashed instantly, and if the piano pair did not close the dark symbols in time, even the finger bones would be broken. However, at this time, there was only a slight smash, she knew that this was because her body strength reached the nine-day Xuan Xian. However, there are some shocks in my heart. I am the body strength of the nine-day Xuan Xian. This dark symbol can still hurt myself.

Do not!

Not just hurt!

In the exploration of the piano, you can see that the muscles of the fingers are rapidly collapsing, and the finger bones begin to have tiny cracks.


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