Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1041: Dark space


Qin has no doubt that if this continues, his finger bones must be broken. Qinqin quickly extended his left hand, grabbed the viking fruit on the ground, and then extended his right index finger, and the sound of "噗" was inserted into the Vientiane. Then explore the gods and observe the dark symbols and your fingers.

The brow is a loose, and the eyebrows are bright.

In her observation, the healing energy in Vientiane completely wrapped her right index finger and was repairing her finger phalanx and muscles.

At that time, the Zhang Fu was branded on the bone joint at the forefront of the right index finger, but it was constantly shaking. With this vibration, the right-handed index finger bone of the piano pair constantly produced tiny cracks, and the muscles were continuously produced. Subtle mashing. However, Vientiane is constantly healing and healing the phalanx and muscles at a faster rate.

Qin double watched nervously. This is her last resort. If she can't succeed this time, she really doesn't know when she can have a chance to succeed.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

Qin's right index finger alternates in constant destruction and repair. As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected. When the finger is destroyed, it is the pain of the heart. When the healing of the Vientiane is cured, there is a refreshing feeling in the clouds.

Qin double is to alternate between the pain of this heart and the comfort of the clouds.

Finally, there was a touch of joy in the eyebrows of Qin double, and a hint of excitement.

The vibration that she saw the darkness gradually slowed down, and as time went by, the vibration became slower and slower. After an hour, the dark symbol finally stopped vibrating, completely imprinted on the right index finger of the piano pair. On the anterior aspect of the phalanx.

As if from the piano double birth, the black dark symbol grows on her right hand index finger phalanx, the beautiful pattern, deep and mysterious.

Qinqin did not immediately pull his fingers out of the Vientiane, but continued to insert it inside, observing with the gods, and after a quarter of an hour, the piano doubled that the black dark symbol would not change again. Carefully pulled out the right index finger and carefully observed the finger with the gods.

From the outside, the right index finger did not change at all, still the same as usual, white as jade. It is necessary to know that Qin Double has begun to cultivate the body of the jade body, and the skin of the body is as white as jade. It is really ice and snow for the bone of the muscle jade. It is not the original black skull.

However, if you use the gods to penetrate the skin of your right index finger, you can see that there is a black pattern on the front of the joint, which is the dark symbol.


What is the use of this dark symbol?

Suddenly, a message was passed from the darkness to the consciousness of the piano pair. The eyes of the piano doubled and whispered to himself.

“Is it through the space?”

The piano double sticks out the right index finger, and the gods communicate with the dark symbol on the right index finger, and extend the right hand food to point to the space in front of the body.

Her fingers began to heat up, and she saw the tip of her right index finger. The space was like a ripple, and the swaying moment shrouded her.

Feeling just in the blink of an eye, the piano doubles found himself dark. She looked around, and it was not her practice room above the holy mountain of the Crescent Moon City.

Qin Shuang’s eyes glanced around and suddenly found himself at the moment like a scorpion. He couldn’t see anything at all, as if everything here was dyed with ink and black, even if it’s the sight of the piano. Can see anything.

Qinqin raised his palm and placed it in front of himself. The hand almost touched his face, but the piano double still couldn't see a piece of his own palm.


A sound similar to that of a python came faintly from all directions.

Qin double immediately spread the knowledge out of his heart, and his heart was loose. Although her vision lost its function here, the knowledge is still easy to use, and it seems that the effect here is even more than that on the mainland. it is good.

Qin double suddenly took a step toward the left.


The dull footsteps echoed in this dark space. In the field of Qin double, she saw a transparent linear body. In the knowledge of Qin double, the transparent present body is in the darkness, which is particularly clear.

Then there is another one, another one.

Soon, Qin double saw countless status quo, dense and dense.


The figure of Qin double slammed toward the right side, but her left arm still showed a blood mark, and the bright red blood slowly penetrated from the crack.

In the eyes of Qin double, there is a dignified color. She is already the body of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and she can be hurt by the transparent status quo.

What does this mean?

This shows that the level of this space is not weaker than the spiritual world.

Since it is not weaker than the spiritual world, it means that it is fatal to the piano.


There was a sharp sound of breaking inside.


Qinqin quickly pulled out the dragon sword and backhanded a sword. Huge force hit the dragon sword of Qin double, but the current body was also cut off by the piano.


Numerous linear bodies spurt toward the piano, which is like lightning, gathering in the space of ink dyeing.


The piano double exhibited the meteor sword, but the Jianguang was submerged by the ink-stained space. In an instant, a series of broken sounds and humming sounds in the ink-stained space.

A strip of transparent linear body spurts toward the piano. These linear bodies have no heads, no tails, and are the same before and after, but they are able to make a screaming sound. At the same time, the linear body is not brilliance, but the growing sawtooth, a linear body with serrated sides on both sides.

It is those jagged teeth that hurt the piano doubles, but once the doubles of the meteor swordsmanship dances, it is impenetrable and the water does not splash. A linear body was cut off by the Qin Shuanglong sword, but the surrounding linear body was not reduced.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

An hour.

It is the body of the Qin and the nine days of Xuan Xian, the high-density continuous use of the meteor sword, but also let the piano double feel the arm is sour. Finally, she found that the linear body began to decrease, and it took another half an hour.


The piano double shattered the last linear body. In the darkness of the ink dyeing, the piano doubled with the dragon sword and gasped, and the sweat was like a pulp. The whole body was just like fishing out of the water. The cheeks flow down like a stream. Even the singer's meteor sword is so airtight that it is struck by the huge force of the linear body. There are dozens of blood marks on the face of the piano.


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