Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1043: Take over

After an hour, Qin double drank two drops of Nether Lotus Seed Liquid, which was completely restored.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, which is the layout of his bedroom, otherwise the scream of the mermaid spread out, I do not know how many people will suffer.

"I don't know how the mermaid is?"

In the heart of the piano, she went outside for nearly one and a half hours, but in the town demon tower, it took a hundred and twenty-eight days. She didn't worry about the Fengming and Fengyan inside, because there was a big dog that was already a fairy, and the flowers were too fragrant.

Even if the mermaid is so powerful, it should not be the opponent of the big dog. Her attack should not affect the big dog. The sound of the fish, even her can bear it, the flower is too fragrant must have no problem, that is, there will be no problem with Fengming, Qin double is slightly worried about Feng Yan. In fact, she is more worried about the mermaid, don't be eaten by Hua Taixing.

When I thought about it, I entered the town demon tower.

The town demon tower was quiet, and the piano doubled down the heart of Feng Yan, but it was worried about the mermaid.

"Isn't that really being eaten by the incense?"

The power of the gods of Qinqin spread quickly. The first thing I saw was Feng Yan, who was sitting on a grass and practicing, and he was about to break through to the Wusheng realm. Then I saw the Fengming, which was refining the flag in the refining room, and finally saw the flowery fragrance on the beach.

Qin double did not bother Feng Ming and Feng Yan two people, but the thoughts of the move, they fell to the side of Hua Taixiang, the flower is too fragrant to stare at the sea, smelling the smell of the piano double, turn When I saw the piano double, I used the big head to look at the piano. The piano double reached out and stroked the head of the flowery incense:

"The mermaid I threw in?"

"I was beaten up by me, then she fled into the sea."

"Fortunately, I was not killed by the incense!"

She is very curious about the darkness, and now she knows nothing about the darkness. Now that I have caught a mermaid, I naturally want to know about it through mermaid.

As long as she enters the town demon tower, she is the master of the town demon tower, although it is still only 10% to completely refine the town demon tower, but it is enough to pack the mermaid.

When the piano doubled his mind, he found the mermaid in the sea. I saw that the mermaid was lurking in the sea, looking at the flowers with horror in fear. After seeing the piano, the fearful eyes became hatred.

The piano double smiled, and the mind was moving. The whole sea suddenly separated to the two sides, forming a canyon with sea water as a cliff. The mermaid suddenly fell to the bottom of the sea.

Scared her suddenly screamed, and if it was outside, this high-pitched voice would cause a lot of trouble for the piano, but this is in the town demon tower, the piano double is just a slight movement, It shielded the scream of the mermaid.

It is precisely because this is the town demon tower, Qin double is able to control everything here, if it is outside, let the piano double cut off the sea, this is impossible.

The man hurriedly stopped his falling body and rushed toward the cliff formed by the sea, hoping to escape back into the sea.



The sea became very strong, and the mermaid not only did not rush into the sea, but was bounced back, panicked and fell to the bottom. I hurriedly stabilized my body again and picked up the fish tail and slammed toward the sea cliff.


Qin double looked at the flu of the mermaid, and his mouth slightly smiled.

At this time she had a general understanding of this mermaid, this mermaid should be higher than her, but it will not be too high. Probably the peak of the Mahayana period, or the first layer of the human fairy period.

For the mermaid, it is probably the first layer of the fairy period. She is not surprised. The dark space is similar to the spiritual world. Don't say that the mermaid is a fairy, that is, a nine-day sacred fairy, the piano double will not be strange.

Qinqin smiled because she completely let go. As long as the cultivation of this mermaid does not exceed her too much, Bi Fang said that he has reached Luo Tianshangxian, and the town demon tower can suppress her.

After the heart was in the air, the piano doubled his mind, and the mermaid who was bombarding the sea cliff felt that he was suddenly bound, and then flew to the piano and stopped in front of the piano.


The fish began to sing again, but the piano doubled her voice, only looking at the mermaid in front of her face.

The mermaid sang for a while, and when he saw that he couldn’t hurt the piano, his eyes were flustered and he was still there.

Qin double this whispered: "Where is the darkness?"

The mermaid closed his eyes, and the piano double frowned, and then the eyebrows transmitted through the gods. The gods figured out a symbol in the air, and then the symbol penetrated into the mermaid's head.

This is a contract symbol, as long as it is branded, it will completely conquer this mermaid.

However, she did not expect this mermaid to struggle very hard, and with unparalleled determination, she wanted to destroy her own god. Qin double in the town demon tower wants to kill the mermaid is very simple, but reluctantly found that it is not easy to conquer the mermaid.

Qin double reluctantly dispersed the contract, frowning and thinking. However, just as she dissipated the contract and the spirit was slightly loose, a ray of light rushed out from the eyebrows of the mermaid and directly rushed into the sea of ​​Qin.

The piano looks awkward and the heart doesn't help.

"The mermaid wants to win the house!"

Know the sea.

The fish fish **** did not immediately attack the Qinshen god, she was shocked by the vastness of the sea, and she never saw such a sea.

A huge planet, with a golden palace on the planet, and a fire phoenix spinning around the planet.

A figure came out of the golden palace, and the mermaid's gaze immediately became hatred. The figure was exactly the same as the piano.

That is the white tiger **** of Qin double.

The white tiger **** of Qin double stood at the door of the palace and looked at the mermaid in the distance.

The sea tumbling, a huge Xuanwu emerged, and a piano double stood on the back of Xuanwu, staring at the mermaid. In the sky, the fire phoenix flew near, on the back of the fire phoenix, sitting cross-legged with a pair of pianos, looking down at the mermaid.

The mermaid is flustered!

How come there are three gods?


These three gods do not seem to be strong. If I swallow these three gods, I will become stronger.

The mermaid's heart was excited, and the white tiger god, who was at the door of the golden palace, rushed over and made a loud song. As soon as the song appeared, the faces of the three gods showed pain.


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