Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1044: Conquer


I haven't waited until the mermaid rushed to the front of the White Tiger God, and I saw a scream of the town demon tower that had been dragged to the right hand of the Fenghuo Yuanshen. A Zhang Fuyu fell to the mermaid.

The mermaid was instantly settled in the air. In total, six scorpions entered the mermaid's god, hovering in her god, gradually dissipating, but the mermaid's **** became debilitating. Qin double believes that after the six symbols have completely dissipated, the mermaid's **** will dissipate.

Bai Hu Yuan Shen stepped forward to the front of the mermaid god, the eyebrows transmitted the power of the gods, quickly sketched a slave contract, and fell to the mermaid god.

At this time, the mermaid has been weakened by a third, allowing the piano to easily imprint the slave contract in the soul of the mermaid. In the moment when the slave contract of Qinshuang was imprinted on the soul of the mermaid, the six scorpions that had fallen off from the merits of the gongs seemed to feel the breath of the piano, which was a meal, then flew out of the mermaid **** and returned. In the merits of the monument. Only the six characters are dimmed a lot, and they are already translucent.

Qin double looked at the Gongde monument, and his heart sighed softly. This meritorious deed is much smaller than when he first got it. Now only the original three-fifths size, in the process of narrowing down, I don’t know how to save. How many times have you killed yourself? However, as it is shrinking, once the merits are completely consumed, the piano pair will make the most important life-saving cost.

The blood piano is gone!

Xuanwu left!

If the merits are no longer...


Qin double sighed, and the mind was moving, the mermaid's **** was separated from the sea of ​​Qin double and returned to the body.

Qin double quietly looked at the mermaid floating in front of himself, looking at the mermaid, if you neglect the darkness of the skin, this mermaid is still very beautiful. The piano double slowly reached out and gently touched the head of the mermaid. The mermaid's eyes smashed and looked very enjoyable. Then the body in the air is like swimming in the water, swimming towards the piano double, the long fish tail will coil around the body of the piano.

The piano doubled his head and stroked the mermaid while looking at it.

"It's really exquisite!"

Looking at the exquisite and beautiful face of the mermaid, the piano double could not sigh, and even rose from the bottom of my heart. The face of the piano pair is already top-notch, which is a very proud side of the piano. Especially since her refining realm has reached the body of the jade body, the skin is like jade, but it is beautiful, but now she has to admit that this mermaid is more delicate than her. Minute.

The hand touched the upper part of the mermaid, although it was black, it was as delicate as black jade. Looking down, it is ferrous metal, with hard, cold and shiny fish scales. Her hair is the same as human hair, but it is black and shiny. However, as you look closely, each hair is like a mermaid. Two slender hands are placed on the shoulders of the piano, and the face of a landscape, like a pet to the owner, gently licks the face of the piano.


The mermaid smirked and the whole body squirmed softly. The piano double touched her head, and she closed her eyes happily.

Qin doubled his head and looked at the mermaid, and his heart was also delighted. After signing a contract with the mermaid, she had a thorough understanding of the mermaid.

There are three kinds of abilities of this mermaid. The first one is the attack of force. Her current realm is equivalent to the **** of martial arts. It does not help the piano. But the second ability is very helpful to Qin double, that is her. Sound work.

Think about it, Qinshuang's soul realm has reached the peak of the world, even the Yuanshen reached the second layer of the Mahayana period. But in the sound of the mermaid, it almost collapsed. And the sound of the mermaid can also be a group attack. The most surprising thing about the piano is that the mermaid also has the ability to attack alone, that is, once confronted with the eyes of the mermaid, the mermaid will pull the other into the environment, and this ability is in her three abilities. It is the strongest.

"There is finally another card!"

Qinshuang’s face slowly showed a smile, and he left the town demon tower, walked to the window and gently pushed open the window.

Through the window, she can see the entire scenery of the Crescent Moon City. At this time, it is midnight, a crescent moon falls from the air, and everything on the ground is dyed with a layer of silver.

The world outside the window seems to be in a deep sleep, quiet and peaceful.

Qinqin slowly raised his right hand and looked at his index finger. Whispered in a low voice:

"I didn't think that the legend turned out to be true! There really is a dark space, and I really have the key to getting in and out of the dark space at any time."

"Tell me, is there a dark space?" Qin doubled slightly over his head and looked at the mermaid on his right shoulder.


The spirit of Qin double is not pleasant, and I can't help but shake my head slightly. This mermaid is really...

There is no suitable adjective in the heart between Qin and Qin. It is this mermaid who usually speaks and has the effect of sound. At this time, the mermaid did not deliberately perform the sound work on the piano. It was only in the heart that he wanted to please the piano double, and naturally he made the piano double pleasant in the sound.

"Dark world! Is it a great help to cultivate the gods and souls?"


"Give me a detailed explanation!"

The mermaid thought about it and said: "I am not strong in the dark space, even the weak and middle class."

Qinqin couldn’t help but frown a little, and the mermaid said in a hurry:

"I can still grow, and the realm of the present is not my future."

The brows of the piano stretched out, and reached out and gently touched the head of the mermaid to show comfort. The mermaid licked the piano with his face and continued:

"In the dark world, there are many races. Of course, regardless of the race, the strongest attack methods are sound and fantasy attacks.

The dark space is not closed and has an entrance. ”

"Not closed?" Qin double's heart was a surprise. Then I asked: "Is there someone passing through the big squid demon? Right, is it true that all kinds of creatures in the dark world have the ability to cross?"

"Big mullet demon?" The mermaid's face showed a confused color.

The piano double stretched out his fingers and used the spirit to outline the image of a big mullet demon. The confused look on the mermaid's face disappeared.

"Master, you are talking about darkness!"

"Well, yes, what I said is dark!" Qin nodded.


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