Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1045: Dark corner


"Master, the world we are in, is called the dark world because of the existence of darkness. The ability of darkness is not very powerful, but it has the ability to travel through space. In our dark world, only dark You have the ability to travel through space, and other creatures don't have this ability."

"The entrance you said? Is it forced to open by the strong?"

"No!" The mermaid shook his head gently: "The dark space is very powerful. The reason why the darkness has the ability to cross the space is not that it is powerful, but that she is the darling of the dark world, natural and dark. The world is very close, and you can ignore the obscuration of dark enchantments. But other creatures will not work, even the races of the outside world, etc. Therefore, it is very difficult to force open the dark enchantment.

not to mention……

The dark world is mobile, and it is impossible to find a dark world. ”


The double look of Qinqin stayed, and then the heart was amazed, a world in motion at all times, it is impossible to find this, and because of possession of darkness, this can locate the dark world at any time, and Cross the past.


"What about the entrance you said?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"It is precisely because of the movement of the dark world, so maybe at some time, maybe one year, maybe a thousand years, maybe millions of years, in an accidental situation, colliding with some other world, There will be a channel connecting the two spaces. This is the appearance of the entrance. Of course, this entrance is unstable, it may last for a few days, and it may last for a few years. In this period, we are going out, or The monks outside came in.

At this time, there will be a big fight between the two sides.

If our strength prevails, we will kill and devour the monks of the monks, and their gods will make a great contribution to us. ”

Speaking of this, the mermaid cracked open and smiled. The original neat and beautiful teeth turned into sharp jagged moments in an instant, and the horror was abnormal.

"If the other side is strong, we will retreat."

Qin double thought: "I admit that the dark world is a perfect place to cultivate the gods, practice one day in it, even more than ten days outside, but, as you said, enter The monk in the dark world must return to his own world before the space passage is broken. Otherwise it will be closed in the dark world, even if he is stronger, it is not the opponent of the entire dark world creature, and will finally be killed. In the dark secluded time, it took a short time to risk the death to enter the dark world. Is this worth the loss? And in the dark world, it is only a great help to the cultivation of the gods, but it also weakens the body. Quenching.

I feel that if it is in the world that belongs to us, our body will be upgraded by the aura of our aura in our cultivation. For example, a monk who is a layer of distraction, as she ascends to the second layer of distraction, her body strength will also rise to the second layer of distraction. However, in the dark secluded practice, a layer of distraction is upgraded to the second layer of distraction, but her physical strength will not increase, but also remain in the second layer of distraction. Even if this monk comes back from the dark world, he still has to spend time to improve his own body strength, so that his own body strength can keep up with his own cultivation. This time adds up, and it may not save much time.

If it is only such a good point, I think that our world's monks will not enter the dark world, just defending at the passageway, blocking the dark world creatures from entering, waiting for the passage to close. ”

"You said it is good!" The mermaid nodded: "The dark secluded world has two coveted benefits for the monks of other worlds.

One is to capture the creatures of the dark world and collect them as pets. Master, you know, our dark creatures have sound and fantasy attacks. Even if it has not yet grown up, the strength is not strong enough. But when you and the enemy fight the most intense, we suddenly attack, it is bound to cause the other party's instant mistakes, which is enough for you monks. ”

Qin double can not help but nod, the battle between the strong, life and death only in an instant.

"The second advantage is that there is a treasure in the dark world, called the dark corner."

"Dark corner?"

"Yes! If the dark corner can increase your master's ten times of cultivation speed, then the dark corner can be improved by a hundred times. And the dark corner is the space that can be brought to the master to practice, so there will be no physical strength or not. The things that have been repaired happen."

The eyes of the piano doubled up like two little suns.

"Do you have dark corners in the dark world?"

"Not many, but there are also many. It is very difficult to catch it. The dark corner is also very precious for our dark creatures, and it is of great help to us. It is only to capture the dark corners and rely on our knowledge. The power is impossible. The dark corner is very sensitive to the power of God. Once it is found to have the power of God, it will immediately avoid it. And her speed is very fast. Therefore, when capturing the dark corner, we must know the gods. It is completely introverted and cannot spread out. Once it is felt by the dark corner, it will escape far away.

Therefore, capturing dark corners can only be found by sight, and then by the speed and power of their own body to capture. However, the dark corner is very hard. It is often that you don't catch the dark corner, but the body is worn by a dark corner. Every day, there are many dark secrets where the creatures die in the dark corner. Therefore, there are not too many creatures who dare to capture dark corners in the dark world. The creatures who dare to capture dark corners are very powerful. ”

"Then you usually guard each other in a territory to practice?"

"Of course not. The dark secluded world is a cruel place. Devouring is the instinct of all creatures in the dark world. We are swallowing each other to make us stronger."

The dark world of ink, swallowed each other, occasionally has a chance to get through with the other world, but it is a cruel killing.

A strange and disorderly world, and a very powerful world, because almost all exist in isolation and do not communicate with other worlds. This world has been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

“Whether the dark world has collided with what kind of world? Is the world that passes through it strong?”

"It seems to be called the Upper Yuan Dynasty, the Central Yuan Galaxy and the Lower Yuan Galaxy."


"No, a lot of races!"

"Is there a world in which the top strength is similar to me?"

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