Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1047: Anti-kill

Calling for a sudden change in the cloud, he shouted: "Kill her!"

Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji two people sacrificed the flying sword and rushed toward the piano. The other four people showed a bit of hesitation on their faces.

This is an instinct hesitation!

Originally these four people were very upset about the savior of killing the piano. However, the three islands are the alliance, and the other three are the elders of Yiye Island and Snow Island, and naturally they want to listen to the island owners. Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji have given them a beautiful prospect. Even the new island owner of Ouyang Island, Ouyang Bi, was moved by the foreground, and this came together to kill the piano.


Nowadays, the owner of the island of Mishima has secretly opened the door of the demon and brought havoc to the human race. This not only makes them lose their hearts, but also hesitates.

In addition to the distance of 10,000 meters from here, the three people are rushing to the sky. This is two women and one man. The man flew in the middle, the woman on the left was black, and the woman on the right was a white dress. At this time, the woman on the left opens:

"Du Shixiong, have we not chased the wrong direction?"

The man in the middle shook his head: "No. Qin double is going to Wu Zongdian, this direction is correct."

Ink has some hesitation in his face: "Du brother, we came out privately, is that okay?"

Du Fu’s look was a bit sighed: “When I first saw my piano teacher, she was much weaker than me, but she had a brave heart. Even if the current cultivation is not as good as the piano teacher, but my heart is not I was able to give it to her weakly. This trip to Wu Zongdian is just the experience of our improvement. In addition, I also want to see Wu Zongdian."

The hair on the right side looked like a faint glimpse of ink: "To be a true power, resource, talent and qualification, but a strong heart."

The ink is listening to it, and the face is a red. Her character is somewhat detached and naughty, and her heart is worse than Du Fu and hair. Biting his lip and not speaking, the three people rushed away like a slam dunk, wearing clouds and fog.

the other side.

Just in the moment when Ouyangbi’s four people hesitated, the two long swords that Yan Yun and Xiang Baiji sacrificed have already spurred to the front of the piano pair.


The piano double sticks out the **** in the hands and puts the two flying swords in the fingers. The two flying swords trembled sharply, making a whining sound.


The strength of the sixth layer of the Qinshang nine-day Xuan Xian broke out, and even the two flying swords were broken. The figure was like a meteor, and the rushing to the cloud and Xiang Baiji rushed over, and the fists rushed like a dragon. Call to extend the cloud and the project.

At this time, Ouyang Bi and other four people also reacted, and each of them sacrificed the spirit soldiers to attack the Qin double.


Five hundred meters away from them, three exclaimed, but it is the azalea flying in the air, the ink is like a snow. The three people did not see what happened in the front, but they only saw the double fists of Qin double to the extension of the cloud and the project.

Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji saw that Qin double actually pinched their spirits with their fingers, and the shock in their hearts could not be added, and the heart could not help but lose their mind.

How fast is the piano double! It is not the martial arts, nor the law, but the power of the body. What is the realm of her ontological power?

The sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, the speed at which pure power broke out, can no longer be described in the world of the warrior continent. Just in the moment of calling for the extension of the cloud and the loss of the gods, they have not waited for the two of them to react from the loss of the gods. The double fists of Qin double have been bombarded on both of them.


The bodies of the two men were blasted out, but they had just been bombarded and flew out less than a metre. The body burst into blood and sprayed Ouyangbi's four faces. The piano pair that had been prepared for a long time released the Aura shield and blocked the flesh of the collapse.

Subsequently, the shape of the piano doubled like a crane dance, and the right leg swept out.


Ouyang Bi and a head of the Mahayana period were directly swept away by the piano. The other two Mahayana periods survived because of Ouyangbi and the blockage of the Mahayana period.

Looking away from the distance, I saw Du Fu, and Mo was standing on the white clouds with his own hair and snow. The heart of Qin double could not help but sigh gently, facing Du Fu’s ignorance. The eyes, the heart of the piano doubles also appeared in vain.

She and Du Fu are really moral friends, and they can be called confidants.


I killed the new island owner of Huanglu Island myself. This confidant is afraid...


A white shadow spurred toward the piano. The shadows did not arrive. The snow in the air was already there. It was just an instant. The piano double seemed to enter the ice field. The body shape like snow was immediately deceived. The cold jade ice sword in the hand pierced the eye. In front of the piano double. The look of the piano double hesitated a little, and eventually it was a pinch.


One finger is on the top of the Hanyu ice sword, and the cold jade ice sword will fly away, and the snow-like figure will recede in the air.


Du Fu and Mo are appearing opposite the Qinshuang, and Du Fu's eyes are cracked.


Qin Shuang’s gaze moved to the remaining two elders, one is the elder of Snow Island, and the other is the elder of Yiye Island, faintly said:

"Talk about it!"

The faces of the two elders showed a hesitant color. This is an ugly thing. Once the people know it, the reputation of Mishima will be completely over. Not only will the reputation be over, it will become a street mouse, and everyone will call.

Qin double looked at two people, and looked serious: "The situation in the mainland today is also understood by both of you. If we are united, we may not be able to survive. Once guilty, the result of being destroyed is certain. Things are caused by your three islands. I hope that your three islands will also be able to do their part for the demon slayer and wash your faults.

If the Terran is destroyed, can your three islands survive? What else can you leave? ”

The two Mahayana eyes glanced at each other, and the complex colors appeared in the eyes. They sighed and looked at the cuckoo, and they were like snow and ink:

"The Gate of the Demon is opened by the owner of Mishima Island."

"What?" Du Fu, ink and incredulously looking at the two elders.


The two elders said in a word that they want to kill the piano doubles, and then seize the story of the Crescent Moon Empire in detail. Du Fu, like snow and ink, has changed color. Three people stood on the top of the clouds, and they couldn't think of it. The island owners they had always respected would do such a despicable thing. At this time, the two elders squatted deeply toward the piano, and they did not stand up when they bent down:

"Moon Emperor, we know that our three islands have no face to ask you, but please do not open the door of the demon to the Three Islands, and attempt to assassinate you to promote it."


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