Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1048: Siege of Wu Zongdian

Qin double looked so quietly at the two Mahayana monks, time lapsed in the past, the Mahayana period was so repaired, even sweat on his forehead, dripping from his forehead, through the clouds, falling towards the ground.

Du Fu, hairy snow and ink are also nervously looking at the piano pair. They know that if Qin doubles will promote the matter, it will mean that the whole comprehension will become the enemy of the human race, even comprehension. The world will also fall apart. All the people, regardless of the martial arts and monks, or even ordinary people who cannot cultivate, will hate the Mishima monks.

The hostility is endless.

This result is really terrible!

"I said..." Qin double finally spoke up. The hearts of five people immediately mentioned the eyes of the blind man: "The situation on the mainland is now in crisis. The Terran has reached the edge of being exterminated. We should unite and everything is not conducive to the unity of the human race. The factors will be ruled out. Therefore, I will not tell the truth about this matter. However, I am not able to lie for you. Calling Chang Yun and others is the cause of death. It can only be edited by you."

"We understand!" The two Mahayana periods hurried nodded.

"Go back, as for whether you will stay in the end, it is up to you to decide. Hehe..."

Qin double sighed and turned and flew in the direction of Wu Zongdian.

Five people looked at the back of the piano and left, feeling a thousand.

"Elders!" Ink and the snow, to the elders of their respective ceremonies, but with a sly look.

"Remember!" Wu Haishan, an elder of Yiye Island, said seriously: "This incident does not allow for the disclosure of half a silk, otherwise it will kill innocent people."

"Yes!" Ink and nodded immediately as if he was snowing.

The eyes of the two Mahayana periods looked at Du Fu, Du Fu said: "The two predecessors rest assured that I am not that stupid."

They nodded during the two Mahayana periods and they believed that Du Fu would not be so stupid. Today, Huanglu Island has no Mahayana period. If Du Fu dares to reveal a half sentence, I am afraid that it will be wiped out by the angry Terran. Imagine that Yiye Island and Wuxue Island will have two Mahayana periods. Instead, Luofuzong now has three Mahayana periods. He can't help but sigh, and the two people look at each other without words. At the same time, there is a thought in mind.

I am afraid that the realm of cultivation in the future will be led by Luo Fuzong!

"Elders, what do we do in the future?" Ink asked softly.

Bu Haishan indulged in a moment: "When we went back, we said that we met the Yaozu. The island owners were killed by the Yaozu, but we only fled back. As for our stay, let's go back and discuss."


The two Mahayana periods sighed again, with the cuckoo, the ink and the snow flew toward the innocent desert, and the back shadows.

Qin double flew out of the kilometer, and sacrificed the flying boat. He also released Feng Ming from the town demon tower:

"Feng Ming, you come to fly the boat and go to Wu Zongdian."


Feng Ming nodded, and now her spiritual accumulation has reached the human fairy period, the difference is the sentiment of heaven, naturally it is not appropriate to be in the town demon tower.

Qin double is to enter the town demon tower, began to practice martial arts. In the martial arts, she does not need to feel the heavens again, because her soul realm has reached the peak of Wusheng, but the difference is the accumulation of spiritual power.

One day outside, the town demon tower was over a thousand days. After seven days passed, the Qin double in the town demon tower heard the call of Feng Ming, and it appeared in the flying boat. At this time, Qin double has been cultivated in the town demon tower full of Xian Yuanli for 19 years, and the body has reached the eighth peak of Wusheng. Only the law is still on the second floor of the Mahayana period.

“What happened?” Qin double asked softly.

At this time, the flying boat was parked in a cloud, and Feng Ming looked through the porthole to the front:


The gods of Qinshuang spread out, and they saw countless demons on the ground and in the air rushing toward the direction of Wu Zongdian. The look is not tight:

"The demon is going to attack the Wu Zong Temple?"

"It should be!" Feng Ming also nodded.

Qin double indulged in a moment: "They want to attack Wu Zong Dian is not easy, the big array there is my four sisters laid out, the fourth sister's circuit is more than me."

Feng Ming did not speak, just waiting for the piano to make a decision.

Qinqin 砸 砸 砸 : : : : : : : : : : : “ : " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

"If the demon attacked Wu Zongdian, the moon will be left on the mainland!" Feng Ming said cautiously: "To tell the truth, the strength of the Yueyue Empire is not worse than that of Wu Zongdian. Once Wu Zongdian In the fall, the Jiuyue Empire will not last long, and the Terran will surely perish."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded twice. "But I don't understand. The confidence of the two demons can break the big battle of Wu Zongdian?"

"The big array of Luo Fuzong is still set up by Feng Yan, isn't it broken?" Feng Ming said seriously.

"I have asked Yang Zongzhu them about this matter. They don't know why the guardian squad was suddenly broken, but they can be sure that the two demons are not violent. So there are only two possibilities, one is Luofu. There is a traitor, and one is the demon and the two have a great power. I know more about the Yaozu, they have no power, is it a Mozu?"

"Maybe!" Feng Ming nodded.

"It's not easy!" Qin doubled his brow and said: "If the Mozu really has such a powerful power, Wu Zongdian is really dangerous."

"Not bad! Although Wu Zongdian at this time gathered the strength of Wu Zongdian, the Frost Empire and the Daqin Empire, but the combination of the two demons is still too weak."

"And the weak is all-round." Qin double look dignified: "Not only the vast majority of the military is not the opponent of the same level in the strength, the most terrible is the top level of this level, not the opponent of the demon. Because of the so-called Wusheng level in these human races, there are too few people who practice the ancient exercises, that is, a very small part of the true system of Wu Zongdian, and a very small part of the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire. Add up, I am afraid there will be no more than ten.

No more than ten! ”

Qin double sighed a sigh: "How many martial arts are there? To Shaoli said, there should be dozens or even hundreds."

If we give the people a hundred years to let the new generation of warriors who practice the ancient orthodox exercises grow up, at that time, at least we will have the arrogance of fighting with the demon, and then give the human race for five hundred years, the Terran can maintain one with the demon. Balance, if you give the people a thousand years, the balance of war will tilt toward the human race.


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