Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1053: collapse


The shape of the piano pair fell on the ground, directly killing a Mozu, giving the impact of the earth, causing the earth to violently oscillate, so that the surrounding monsters are swaying. Then the body shape of the piano doubled up again and made a huge arc in the air.


The piano double has more than a dozen ups and downs, and has gone far for nearly two hundred miles. Although the phoenix dance and other demon saints are chasing after them, the back of the piano pair is getting smaller and smaller in their field of vision. disappear.


A shouting voice suddenly sounded from behind them, letting the phoenix dancers and other people who were chasing after them suddenly stunned their bodies and turned their heads to look behind them. Only Qinshuang did not look back and fled all out with all his heart. go with.

Can't escape!

At this time, she has not escaped from the army of the demon. If she is really entangled, she will be exhausted. Therefore, when she heard the earth-shattering roar, she thought that the demon had made a powerful attack and fled faster.


At this time, the demon is a dull look, looking at the direction of Wu Zongdian.

The big battle has collapsed!

The large array of Wu Zongdian collapsed!

Is the big device not dead?

Without a big device, how can the big array collapse?

Is it to say that ... before the dying, the big machine has broken a large array?

At this time, Wu Dongying's face above the holy mountain was green, and his eyes were full of confusion. When he passed through the big array, he clearly felt that the big array had not been broken yet. How did it break through the collapse?


At this time, Feng Dance can be broken regardless of the big array. Anyway, the big battle has already been broken. The rest is to kill the Terran.

"Kill!" All the demon and the demons screamed in the sky, as the tide surged to Wu Zongdian.

"Take the enemy!"

Wu Dongying took a deep breath, and there was a trace of despair in his eyes. He suddenly screamed and rushed toward the opposite monster.


The Terran and the demon collide in an instant, and when the time is broken, the broken limbs are broken, and all kinds of suffocating, demon and magic are reflected, the earth is cracked, and the river is flowing backwards. The blood is flowing in the earth, and the splendid and solemn Wu Zongdian is just a human hell.


The shape of the piano double fell on the ground, and there was no demon on her opposite side. She finally rushed out from the army of the demon, looking back, and the look could not help.

There is no longer chasing her demons behind her, all the demons are rushing to Wu Zongdian. The glory of the sacred mountains has disappeared.

Shouting killing, screaming, the collision of weapons, the smashing sound of suffocating, the roar of magic and magic are intertwined, forming a huge battlefield around the holy mountain, and it seems like a huge Meat grinder. Just for a while, the rich **** smell will come.


When the piano doubles, the body shape rises to the sky, and stands in the air, looking in the direction of the holy mountain.

The entire sacred mountain is surrounded by demons, like the tide of the sea, pushing toward the holy mountain, but the human race is like the same blocking wall blocking the demon, but it is submerged by the tide of the sea tide, the human race is constantly dying, non-stop The ground receded, just for a while, the demon has already pushed into the mid-mountain of the holy mountain.

"Does the big array break?"

The face of Qin double was full of shock, the heart could not help but anxious, the sleeves swayed, and flew away again in the direction of the holy mountain.

Holy Mountain.

Wu Dongying’s eyes were cracked. He watched the Terran continually fall down and watched the majestic Wu Zongdian’s buildings become ruins. Her heart was bleeding.


Wu Dongying screamed with a scream, and a sword forced a demon sacred in front of him. At the same time, the sword swayed and smashed the attack of the two devils. The figure rushed to the sky and rushed toward the sacred mountain. Behind him, several demon saints and devils are chasing after him.

Seeing that Wu Dongying fled to the mountains, the final confidence of the Terran warriors was collapsing, like a banker, being harvested by the demon.


A loud sword, a blue figure suddenly descended from the sky, the blue figure was standing in the air and the sword fell, the air began to rain down, the rain fell on the body of the demon, and was instantly cut out A strip of scars, the low-decorated demon is cut into a section by the rain, and the rain of the sky is actually composed of silky swords.

Qin double suddenly stunned!

"Ming Moon!"

Qinqin recognized that the blue-shirt youth is the blue moon, but when did the blue moon become so powerful?


A demon saint and a demon saint rushed toward the blue moon, but at that time Wu Dongying had already rushed to the top of the peak. The figure rushed into the hall. Directly before the statue of Yang Linglong.

Yang Linglong’s statue was with one hand behind him, one hand holding a sword in front of him. Wu Dongying reached out and pressed it on the hilt of the sword. The spiritual power in the body is madly transported into the statue.


A demon sacred and a demon rushed into the hall, and saw Wu Dongying pressing a hand on the hilt of the statue, turning around and laughing wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

The demon and the demon look a glimpse, and the figure is one of them. Then there was a fear in the eyes.

Wu Dongying laughed at the time when he had not yet died. It was only between this interest that Wu Dongying’s body shrank into a big laugh, and then turned into a fly ash and sprinkled on the ground of the main hall.

The demon and the demon retired, looked at each other and then looked at the statue of Yang Linglong.


The whole hall suddenly shook up, and the demon and the demon look stunned, and the foot slammed out of the hall.

Outside the main hall, the piano doubles around the holy mountain and is offering a piece of spiritual painting. The one piece of the spiritual pattern was sacrificed to the air by the piano double, and it was instantly enlarged, covering the past with the demon. The demons that were shrouded were instantly pulled into the spiritual prints. It’s just that there are too many demons. Twenty of the spiritual paintings are all sacrificed, and they only cover less than 30 million demons.

Qin double took out the battle, but did not wait until she sacrificed the plate, but turned his head and looked at the mountain.

Not only her, but at this time, whether it is the Terran, the Yaozu, or the Mozu, they all stopped and looked at the mountains. Because the entire holy mountain is shaking at this time, and the source comes from the top of the holy mountain. At the moment of their attention, they saw a demon sacred and a demon stunned from the hall above the mountain, and then saw the entire hall collapse.

The gravel rolled down and the smoke was flying.

But the vibration is getting more and more intense!


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