Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1054: Jianwei

The surroundings became silent, there was no battle, and all eyes converge on the mountain. At the same time, no one noticed that the blood flowing into the river was quickly sinking into the ground. Even the human beings and demons who were still not dead, the blood in the body spurted out from the wound and was sucked into the ground. Inside.

Above the mountains.

As the dust fell, a huge statue appeared in front of the tribes.

That is the statue of Yang Linglong.

One hand was behind him, and one hand pressed a sword in front of him.

The entire holy mountain is still shaking.


The statue of Yang Linglong splits from the middle and falls down on both sides. In front of the tribes, two rusty swords are placed on the round table of the statue.


The two long swords vibrate, and the rust on the top falls, and the two long swords are put out.


The two long swords were pulled out from the round table, and the direction was turned. The tip of the sword was up and the hilt was below.


From the two swords, the endless swordsmanship was shot, and it was inserted into the sky, and turned into a giant sword with two handles on the top of the sky, and went to the demon.


There were two huge gaps in the earth. Tens of demons turned into blood fog at this moment, and the whole space was silent. Then the Terran burst into a thrilling cheer. There is extreme fear in the eyes of the demon and the two races.


The cheers of the Terran have not yet given off, and they have come to an abrupt end. Because the swordsman who was straight into the sky dissipated, the two swords became dim, falling from the sky to the ground, making a squeaking sound.


After a moment of silence, the two demons became greedy and rushed to the people again.


Qinqin hands quickly throw out a single array, while heading toward the blue moon in the air:

"Moon moon, come over!"

"Double children, come!"

The blue moon and the moon flew a demon saint, and the figure came to the piano double lasing. At the same time, Qin Lie and Zhao Zirou and others also struggled to come to the Qin double. It was the Jinlongxing and other ethnic monks who also saw the power of the Qin double bombing into a large device, and they gathered in the direction of Qinshuang.


As the piano double throws out a single array, the ray of light shines, each formation forms a formation, protecting a group of Terran warriors, and also smashing the encircled demons.


The piano double hands threw out a dozen or so arrays and landed around the two swords.


A circle of brilliance shines.


A dozen demon saints and devils hit the glory and were bounced back.


The dense array of the martial arts was sacrificed by the piano, and the brilliance of the brilliance continued to ignite, and quickly formed a large array to protect all the Terran.


When the piano double threw out the last array, it took a long breath and looked away from the outside. The dense monster was struggling to bombard the large array that Qin double had just laid out. The piano double sensed for a while, and the face appeared to be relaxed.

"Double children!" Qin Lie came forward, and his face showed a worrying color: "Can this big array you set up withstand?"

"Reassure, even if they continue to attack like this, the big array I set up can last for one month."

"One month!"

The worries on Qin Lie’s face are even more: “A month later?”

The faces of the warriors around the piano are showing desperate colors. Looking at the demons outside, just imagine a little, and after a month the big array is broken, they have no way to live.

For a time, the whole circle became silent.

"Treading step..."

A footstep came and attracted the attention of everyone. Everyone followed the sound and saw Jin Longxing walking toward the two swords lying on the ground. Everyone's eyes flashed, and at this moment, it was really tempting. After all, the power of the two swords broke out, and there is no such thing in this time. If you have these two swords, you might be invincible.

However, after thinking about it for a month, I will die, and this greedy heart will fade. It’s just that the eyes move as the Golden Dragon moves.

Jin Longxing stood in front of the two swords and reached out and grabbed the two swords.


Jin Longxing was amazed, and then he saw his running spirit, his arms twitching, and he showed his strength.


Jin Longxing sighed, but the two swords remained still. Everyone was curious. At this time, Wu Zongdian’s Wu Sheng went over:

"Little Lord, let me try."


Jin Longxing stood up in a sullen way and walked to the other side. The Wu Sheng rose up and tried to catch the two swords. The two swords remained still, and the Wu Sheng stood up:

"Swords are gifted! If you don't have the strength, you can afford it. If you have a fate, you can fix it very low, and you can pick it up easily. Less the Lord, let everyone try it. If anyone can get it at this time With the approval of these two swords, perhaps we have a way of life."

Jin Longxing remembered the power of the two swords before and nodded. Everyone was overjoyed, and one by one started to take turns to try. It is Qin Lie and others who are also eager to try.

Qin double has a dragon sword, not too interested in the two swords, can not help but look beyond the big array.

Looking at the demons outside the big array that are constantly bombarding the big array, the eyes of the piano pair fall on the nearly one hundred demon and the demon. The demon holy side is headed by the phoenix dance, while the demon saint is headed by a three-headed demon. At this time, nearly a hundred of the demons were gathered together, and they continued to bombard the large array.

Qin doubled to look at the eyes of the phoenix dance, after all, the Phoenix gave her a lot. There was a decision in the heart, and the right foot was on the ground, and the figure was skyrocketing. The sound of "唰", wearing a large array, rushed toward the nearly one hundred demon and the devil.

Originally, the distance between the two sides was not far. After the piano double rushed out of the big array, the distance between the two sides was already very close. The nearly one hundred demon sacred and the demon sac saw the piano double rushed out, immediately turned the direction and attacked the double. The piano pair is quickly retreating toward the back, but at the same time, both hands are rising, and twenty characters are whistling out.

"Hey..." Qin double escaped back to the big array.

"Boom..." The attack of the nearly hundred demon and the demon saint was on the big array.


Twenty symbols are activated, releasing various tactics, but no matter what kind of tactics, the power can make the demon sacred and the sacred heart stunned.

Wan Jianshu, Thunder, Ice Dragon, Fire Hai...

The nearly one hundred demon sacred and the demon sacred moments were flooded by the various powers released by various symbols, just the moment of submerging, those low-order demon sacred and demon saints were all fallen, that is, the middle-order demon and the devil There are also many casualties in the Holy Land. Or the high-level demon sacred and the demon sacred quickly, releasing the various defensive spirits at the first time, and fleeing at the fastest speed toward the distance.


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