Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1057: Curse


A blue figure passed, and the long sword in the hands of the blue moon crossed the neck of the Mozu, and the head of the Mozu fell.


The body shape of the piano doubled through the big array, the dragon sword went up, and a mace was flying by the dragon sword of the piano pair. The mace was only one inch away from Sun’s head.


The piano doubled his foot on the belly of the Yaozu, and the figure of the Yaozu flew out and burst into a **** fog in midair.


Although the figure of the double is small, but now it gives people an illusion, as if a hill is in the demon group, rampage, there is no one can block the piano. It is obviously a person, but let the piano double rushed into a feeling of steel torrent.

It was only less than two quarters of an hour, and the demon in the big array was smashed by the piano.

The piano took a big step in a double step.


Those demons couldn’t help but step back, and the phoenix dance and the three-headed demon were screaming:

"The devil is big!"

"The demon is big!"

Qin double did not take care of them, the virtual one step, the body shape came to the side of Qin Jiao, standing side by side with Qin Jiao. Looking up at the **** sea in the air.


Qin Jiao’s face suddenly showed the color of interest, and then the food pointed out to the blood in the sky. A pattern would cut the blood in the sky like a knife, and a burst of sternness broke out in the blood. Xiao.


The **** sea in the air suddenly fell and fell on the ground. The pines and cypresses were instantly drowned by the blood, and there were tens of millions of demons.

A scream of screams rang from the **** sea, and the figure of a demon rushed out of the **** sea, but there were a lot of demons that just rushed out halfway, and they saw countless **** tentacles in the **** sea, and those demons Wrapped, and then there are countless blood-colored faces on the sea of ​​blood, open the mouth, and swallow a demon.

The piano and the piano are in the air, and they are frowning and looking at the sky. At this time, both of them are at a loss. Qin double does not know how to deal with this day, and Qin Jiao does not think about why Tian Rui will become a blood sea.

"Ha ha ha..."

The vast expanse of blood on the surface of the sea, the original blood face of thousands of days, suddenly merged into a very huge face of the sky, at this time is opening a big mouth to make a scream of laughter.

The Terran martial artists are standing in the big lap, looking at the endless **** face, and the colors of fear appear in each eye. In the sky, Qin and Qin are standing side by side, looking at the huge face that is swaying underneath.

The demons who broke free from the **** seas fled around the air. They dared not approach the **** sea. At this time, they were not willing to be close to the Qinjiao and the Qinshuang. They could only stand in the air at a distance, staring blankly. Blood sea below.

The arrogant laughter came to an abrupt end, and the huge **** face suddenly closed, and then quickly bulged.


The huge face suddenly vomited, and a **** spurt out of the **** giant mouth like a huge blood spear. The **** giant spear is too big, but the tip of the spear will completely cover the Qinjiao and Qin doubles standing side by side, like a sharp mountain peak, hitting them both.


The body of Qin Jiao has a colorful light. It is a dense pattern of inscriptions. In a moment, a pattern mask is formed, and two people, Qin Qin and Qin, are enveloped inside, like a colorful eggshell.


The blood spear was bombarded on the colorful eggshell, and the colorful light suddenly soared, blocking the **** spear outside.

There is a shocking color in the eyes of the piano, and the colorful symbols released by Qin Jiao have definitely reached the human fairy period. God couldn't help but sweep away the body of Qin Jiao, and she couldn't help but see the repair of Qin Jiao. It seems to be just a Mahayana period, but it seems to exceed the fairy period.


The colorful masks only supported the less than half-time, and they burst into flames. Qin Jiao's face changed slightly, reaching out a palm, and the palm burst out of colorful brilliance, and instantly constructed a round shield to meet the blood spear. However, a small white fist was snatched in front of her, and a fist hit the tip of the spear.


The fists of Qin double collided with the **** spear, and the **** spear exploded. However, Qin’s heart is a tight one. Because of the power that she broke out from the **** spear, she clearly perceives that this is the power of the human fairy.

In other words, today's Tianrui has broken through the human fairy period.

When Horan looked up, he saw the thunderclouds gathering in the sky.


Do not! ”

The double face of the piano changed: "This is a punishment!"

It seems that Tiandao is also very angry when he appears in the sky, and he reaches for a piano.

"Four sisters, this is a penalty, we will withdraw!"

"Oh la la..."

A **** sea on the ground gathers in the middle, but it takes only a few moments to gather together into a person, the same person as Gods, but with a violent atmosphere.

Tianrui looked up and looked at the punishment with disdain, and then his body suddenly flew toward the big array. Qin double's face is on one side, his feet are in the air, and his body shape is like a meteor. However, Qin Jiao looked at Tian Rui with a disdainful look.


Tianrui took a shot on the big array, and the face of the piano in the air was changed. The palm of the sky was shot on the weakest node of the big array. When the explosion slammed, the big battle collapsed instantly. The rebellious figure rushed toward the two swords lying on the ground. At the same time, the figure of Qin double rushed over, and the two men each extended a hand and grabbed the sword toward one of them, and each of them punched a punch at the other side.


A loud explosion, the sacred mountain collapsed, the figure of the double body stood firmly on the cracked ground, and the left hand firmly grasped a sword. On the opposite side of her, a **** figure was rolling and stopped at the distance. Two kilometers away, one left arm has disappeared, and it is smashed by the double piano, and the right hand is holding the other sword tightly.

Almost at the same time, both of them took the sword in their hands. Full of killing eyes collided in the air. The left shoulder of Tianrui began to wriggle, but in an instant, an arm grew again. His eyebrows split open and showed a **** eye. The blood eye turned and turned to the blood, and the blood eye became deeper.


One day before the reversal, the half of the mountain has collapsed and the sound of the drums is heard. The huge rocks begin to collapse and fall. His body continued to swell, increase, turned into a giant, tenacious, murderous, three eyes locked the opposite of the small piano double.


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