Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1058: Fighting under the penalty


The heavenly punishment is still gathering, and the buzzing sounds from time to time. At this time, the whole sky has become dark, and the endless pressure has fallen from the sky.

The eyes of Tian Tian’s eyebrows slowly closed, and then suddenly opened, and a **** sword light spurred toward the piano.

The piano doubled like a knife and went down to the sword.


A loud sword, the **** sword light was smashed by the piano, but the palm of the piano is also a shake, the eyes of the piano fell on his palm, and found a slight blood mark in his palm.

"how is this possible?"

Qin Qin double heart, you must know that the body of Qin double has reached the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, the day is just a breakthrough to the human fairy, how can you hurt yourself?

The piano doubled his eyes and his eyes became extremely dignified. At this time, she remembered that the blood piano had told her that each generation of Gorefiends did not know how many years of survival, how many races they swallowed, and they had a very complicated secret.

The so-called secret law is to be able to make your own attacks far beyond their own strength.

"But this is too much!"

There is also a strange look in the eyes of Tian Rui. He did not think that he was blind to the sword, but he still couldn’t kill the double, just let the piano double hurt.


On the back of Tiansui, he suddenly gave birth to eighteen and **** tentacles. Tianrui’s big feet slammed on the holy mountain. The whole holy mountain collapsed and the body shape rushed toward the piano. At the same time, the eighteen **** tentacles behind the piano pair Going forward quickly.

Qin Shuang's gaze moved, then he did not move in the air, letting the eighteen tentacles of Tianrui entangle their bodies, because she knew that she wanted to grasp the heavens, purify the heavens, and let the gods come out. Only close to the sky.


Qin double hands grasped the two tentacles, and communicated with Dantian. Haoran’s breath followed her hands and poured into the **** tentacles.


The sky reversed a scream of anger in the flustered shout, just want to break the tentacle, get rid of the piano double. But suddenly heard a loud noise from the air.

The penalty is coming!

The face of Tianrui changed, and the face of Qin double changed. She experienced the punishment of the sky more than once. When she heard the thoughts, fifteen water-red beads came out of the body and floated on the head, while looking up, in the eyes. It is even more incredible.

I saw that this time I swooped down from the robbery cloud was not an ordinary Thunder, nor a Thunder Dragon, but two very tall humanoid thunders. The two Thunder Giants each held a huge hammer in their hands, no matter who they were. , or the hammer, is completely constructed by the Thunder. Tilted down toward Qinshuang and Tianti.

Qin has long known that because he and Tian are too close to each other, this day will also lock himself, and double the punishment for Tianri, and also target himself at the same time. She is prepared, because she has the reliance of water and thunder.


She did not think that the sky punishment of Tianrui would be so powerful, and there was a humanoid thunder. Her heart suddenly felt uneasy because she did not know whether the water thunder beads could block the humanoid thunder and whether her body strength could block. You can get a humanoid thunder.


The humanoid Thunder waved a thunder hammer and slammed them toward them.

"go with!"

The piano double slammed, and the fifteen water thunder beads spurred toward the humanoid thunder. The other side of the sky reversed suddenly opened the mouth, the mouth instantly became very huge, as if swallowing, swallowing the humanoid thunder in the mouth, which makes the piano double.

This stay, the fifteen water mines revealed flaws, although fifteen water mines shattered the Thunder giant, but the blasting thunder was poured into the piano double like a heavy rain, completely covering the piano.

"Moon Emperor!"

"Two children!"

The human race monks have changed.


From the sky's body suddenly appeared a trace of thunder and lightning, the look of the sky is distorted, but it is a scream of laughter.

The thunder that shrouded the piano and the sky reversal gradually disappeared, and the tribes suddenly found that both Qin and Tianrui did not seem to suffer the slightest damage. Qinshuang still clasped the two tentacles of Tianrui with both hands, and kept conveying the arrogance to the sky.

Tianrui just wants to break the tentacle, and the punishment is once again. Don't look at the surface to swallow the Thunder, it's very easy, and it's awkward. However, in fact he is not easy. What's more, Qin double is still purifying him with awe-inspiring spirit. Most importantly, today's Gorefiend is not completely freed from the seal of the soul, so he is also very difficult to deal with the punishment.

However, he did not want to let go of the piano double. Originally, because the piano was pulled into the sky, the piano double would be smashed into powder, but did not think that the piano double had water thunder beads, which could block the punishment. At the moment, he no longer cares about the awe-inspiring spirit of the piano pair. The awe-inspiring spirit is harmful to him, but the damage is not great. All the **** tentacles behind him spread out in an instant, tightening the strings of the piano, and there was a sucker on the tentacle, which was tightly sucked on the body of the piano.

Qinqin immediately felt the blood in his body accelerate and then was absorbed by those suckers. Only in an instant, the piano double feels a slight weakness.


The punishment of the sky will continue to fall, and a penalty will be more severe than a day. A Thunder giant is more massive than a Thunder giant. Qin double has fifteen water thunder beads to resist, plus she is the body of nine days Xuan Xian, but also a little better. The situation of the day was worse.

At this time, the half of the sky has been smashed, leaving only half. The Thunder Giant, who has been swooping down, has lost the half of his body, and his left face, left chest, and left leg have disappeared, and his body is still shining with dense lightning.

Qin double is also very difficult here. She does not think that the reason for the punishment of the day is that the punishment of the heavens in this realm will not cause too much damage to the Qin double. What hurts the piano is the sucker on the **** touch of the sky, which absorbs the blood of the piano. The effect of purifying the sky reversal with the sound of Haoran is obviously not as good as the effect of absorbing the double blood of the piano.

In this way, Qin double will not be killed by the sky, but will be sucked to death by the sky.


Just as the piano doubles its brows, it’s time to think of it. Suddenly, the face of the day changed. The arrogant laughter came to an abrupt end.

In his body, the gods who have been sleeping have opened their eyes.


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