Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1070: Collision

"Get ready to fight!" Qin said calmly: "Although this is only a temptation of the demon, it will not be easy."

Everyone's face was serious, and the distance of the demon was getting closer and closer. When the piano doubled up and touched the mermaid floating around, he saw that the mermaid opened his mouth.

At the moment when the mermaid opened its mouth, it was seen that dozens of demon saints on the opposite side also opened their mouths. The sound of the demon came against it. Between the human race and the demon, the sound waves collided. The body stopped in the air and looked fiercely at the opposite race.

Qin double brow wrinkled more, she found dozens of demon sacred together, through a kind of demon sound, actually blocked the mermaid's sound.

The sound of the demon and the sound of the mermaid are somewhat similar, and they are all instinct of the Yaozu.


There was originally an instinct of charm.

It's just that not all demons, this instinct is powerful, and only a few demon people will turn this instinct into their magical powers, such as the Qingqiu family. The other Yaozu also use their own cultivation to stimulate their potential, release the charm, but its power is far from the magical power formed by the Qingqiu family.

Therefore, the demon's demon sound is an instinct, a gift from heaven, and a mermaid, but also an instinct from birth. Only the mermaid and the Qingqiu people generally turn this instinct into a supernatural power.

Qin double will also sound, but it is not instinct, but cultivated. It is completely different from the mermaid and the Qingqiu family.

Qin double stared, and saw the dozens of demon sacred, there is a enchanted demon with two fox ears standing in the middle, the other demon saint stood on her sides, is working together to this side Release the demon sound.

"This is the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect.

Qin double eyes slightly picked up, slightly turned his head, looking at the mermaid, his heart was slightly relaxed.

"In the realm of sound power, the opposite demon is not as good as the mermaid, even if it is dozens of demon sacred forces, it is still slightly inferior."

In this way, the entire sky became a place for mermaids and dozens of demon sacred, and other tribes and demons became onlookers.

However, the three tribes are very nervous. Which side of the sound is defeated, which side is likely to become the object of being slaughtered.

Time seems to be extremely slow, and the feeling of suffocation is like a rising tide, slowly, but it is firmly inundated with the three tribes.

All the Terran martial artists suddenly jumped in their hearts. They saw dozens of Devils suddenly moving up, setting up a big demon in the air, and then suddenly opened their mouths. On the other side of them, the demon sacs suddenly closed their mouths, and one immediately sat in the clouds, and the traffic was adjusted.

"The sound of the devil!"

In the heart of the piano, the dozens of devils on the opposite side form a big demon, and then release the sound of the demon.

The sound of the demon is also an instinct of the Mozu. Like the demon, the Mozu can turn the voice of the demon into a magical race of its own magic. At this time, there is a magical demon in those devils. As a glimpse of the eye, with the devils, the gods and the mermaid collide.

"Moon Emperor, the demon is trying to drag the mermaid!"

Qin doubled his face and gloomy nodded, she also reacted at this time. The demon sacred and the devil sacred rounds are going to drag the mermaid. Once the mermaid is dragged, with the current human race strength, if the piano double has no cards, is it the opponent of the demon?

"Good means!" Qin said in the heart: "It is the best way to test my falsehood."

At this time, Qinqin can only use the law to repair, use the power of God to communicate the power of the heavens and the earth, and not use the martial arts. Once the martial arts are used, her body will deteriorate. Once it deteriorates, it will be difficult to recover and finally collapse. And died. Because her viking fruit is not much left.

Originally, you can also use the Confucian and Taoist gold books, but the Haoran liquid in Zhongdantian is consumed in the battle with Tianrui. At this time, not only is the Confucianism and the Golden Book bleak, but it is also a few drops of the Haoran liquid.

The look of the piano double is getting more and more dignified, so the mermaid must be dragged by the demon. The Terran has become the Lamb to be slaughtered, and I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of it.

"Forcing!" Qin double suddenly opened.

Everyone's look is a glimpse, but when they see the piano driving, the fire phoenix begins to slowly move toward the opposite demon, and everyone follows.

The opposite demon looks a glimpse, and the eyes are all gathered in the face of the phoenix dance and the three-headed demon. The phoenix dance and the three-headed demon quickly exchanged a few words. The two great monks thought that the piano was forced into the double. Although dangerous, it was also the best way to test the double card.

"Would you like to meet with each other?"

With a wave of phoenix dance, the demon also began to slowly press on the human race. Although the distance between the two sides was slow, it was firmly shortened.

Thirty miles.

Twenty miles.


Five miles.


The distance between Sanli is very close for millions of warriors and demons, and the momentum of the two sides has already started to collide in the middle.

Breaking the clouds and fog.

The sound of the demon and the sound of the mermaid stirred in the middle. Although the two sides could not hear the sound, they could clearly see the stirring of the space.

The piano doubled over and looked at the mermaid that was next to him. At this time, the mermaid had become weak. The mouth of the mermaid is constantly emitting, and there is already foaming. The piano double reached out and gently stroked the mermaid. Then he looked at the scorpion and his eyes glimpsed, locking the magic in the eyes.

The magical devil instantly stood up and felt that a great danger shrouded him, giving him the idea of ​​escaping immediately.

I pressed this thought to my life and shouted, ready to escape.


The blue-and-black beams blew out from the brow's eyebrows and blasted toward the magical demon in the scorpion.

That is fifteen water thunder beads.

Now the Qinshen's knowledge has reached the second level of the Mahayana period. The ban on the water thunder has been cracked to almost the same. Forty-eight layers of the ban have been cracked. Forty-two layers have been cracked. Although it is still unable to control the magic of the water-beads, The water mines are already familiar with the road.

The dozens of devils on the opposite side were shocked. Although they did not know that it was a water thunder, they saw the piano double water thunderbolt resisting the punishment.

A magical sacred dance kicked a giant hammer in the hand, and the water thunder jewels lining up in a line smashed past.


The cracking sound of the metal rang, and the first water thunderball smashed the giant hammer, bombarded on the body of the demon, passing through the body of the demon, masculine toward the illusion And, followed by the fourteen water mines shattered the body of the demon, and the first water thunder beads lined up, spurt away.


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