Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1071: Start recovery

The illusion decisively interrupted the voice of the demon and fled to one side.


Fifteen water thunder beads were scattered, and they rushed from all angles toward the magical demon.

The sound of the magical demon stopped, and the sounds of the demon that the other demons screamed were immediately crushed by the mermaid, and the sound of the mermaid spread throughout the demon. Those demons are instantly stunned, and the demons that are low are even falling from the air toward the ground.

"Kill!" Qin double screamed.


The Terran martial arts rushed toward the demon.


Only three miles away, the distance of Sanli is just a moment for these warriors. The killing of the piano has not fallen, and the Terran warrior has already smashed into the demon. The demon who had just been stunned was slaughtered on the side.


Dozens of demons work together to release a variety of magical powers, toward fifteen water-red beads or direct hits, or entangled, or shrouded, or swept, or squat.

Dozens of demons work together, and the water mines are no longer satisfied with the courage. Qin double could not help but sigh, after all, his own repair is too shallow, can not completely dig out the power of the water mine. I am afraid that only when I truly cultivated it to reach the immortality will I be able to release the true power of the water.


The phoenix dance broke off, and the demon army slowly retreated, retreating without chaos, and the people of the warriors could not take advantage of it. In fact, if it is not the water demon of the demon and the devil, and the active retreat, these people are not the opponents of the demon. Under such circumstances, the piano double will not catch up naturally, but in the air, silently watching the demons retreat. Then condense the channel:

"Let the ground, trim!"

The crowd swooped down to the ground and landed on the ground. Lan Mingyue, Duan Hong, Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Ching arranged various matters. Qin Double set up the array method and then entered the town demon tower.

Standing on the top of Lingshan, looking at the fairy liquid pool under his feet, the piano double shook his head. Now she can't use the power of the body, she wants to refine some flags, and it is impossible to lay a large array. If you can arrange a large array, it will be much safer on the way back to the Crescent Moon Empire.

Sitting cross-legged by the pool of Xiancai, Qinqin began to cultivate again. This Qin double is at noon, and then enters the town demon tower, to the dawn of tomorrow, Qin double can stay more time in the town demon tower.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

After a few days in a hurry, there was a trace of anxiety between the eyes of Qin Double. There were only two of her Vientiane fruits, but the restoration of the body was still far from the human fairy.

Just this line, stuck in the piano double.

The piano doubled and took out a Vientiane fruit. Looking at the Vientiane in his hand, he sighed and whispered:

"This line, how is it so difficult!"

Slowly eat it, then close your eyes again. The rich Xianyuan force nourishes the body of the piano pair, and slowly repairs the body of the piano double under the double movement of the piano.

Gradually, the anxiety between the piano and the eyebrows disappeared. Instead, there was a trace of joy. Her body was quietly restored to the human fairy period.

The piano opened his eyes and took off his clothes and looked down at his body. The body of the white jade is covered with cracks, but the crack is much smaller.

"Call..." Qin double spit out a long breath and looked at the fairy liquid pool under his feet: "I hope this fairy pool is effective."

Extend a finger and explore the pool of fairy liquid. The eyebrows are raised and the face is filled with joy.

This time the muscles on her fingers did not collapse, but instead there was a feeling of tingling. Qin double stepped into the fairy liquid pool immediately, the whole body was immersed in the fairy liquid, using the method of internal interest, sitting cross-legged in the pool of fairy liquid, began to repair the body.

A strong stock of the celestial force into the body of the piano double, the piano double at this time is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the energy of the fairy liquid, the energy of the fairy liquid such as mercury generally enters the double In the body, let the piano feel itchy in two instants.

Qin double knows that this is the effect of Xianshui in quickly repairing his body, and his heart is looking forward to it.

It’s just that this kind of expectation has not passed for a quarter of an hour, and the muscles on the face of the piano are beginning to distort. Because the feeling of itching is getting stronger and stronger, sometimes the pain is resistant, but itching is hard to resist. This kind of itch makes the piano double almost lost his mind and laughs.

Once she laughs and laughs, the gas in her body will be removed, and the sinister force that flows into the body will be disordered, and the cracked body will burst into a bang.

Qinqin tried hard to endure tickles and maintained the practice of running. The body seemed to have thousands of small bugs crawling, so that the muscles of the piano body were shaking.


She can also feel that her body is recovering quickly. With this good news, with the expectation of repairing the body, the Qin double has increased a lot of resistance to itching.

The bones, tendons, meridians, and skin of the body begin to reorganize and recover.


Two months.


In a hurry of more than two years, a burst of itchiness hit the heart, the body of Qin double returned to the realm of the immortal period.


Qin double jumped from the pool of fairy liquid, fell on the shore, looked down at his body, and the cracks were much smaller. Grab your fist slowly, feel the power, and then shake your head slightly.

Qin’s body is just beginning to recover, and still can’t use the martial arts, let alone fight with the power of the body. If the body collapses again because of the fighting, this time there is no Vientiane, and the piano double will really fall.

However, you can recover your body in the pool of fairy liquids. You have no need for vientis. This is good news for Qinshuang.

Changed a dry clothes, the heart of a move, Qin double left the town demon tower, and put away the flag. The eyes of the surrounding monks looked over, and then the faces were ecstatic.

"Do you have your body recovered?"

There is also a smile on the face of Qin double: "Although it has not recovered, it is only a matter of time."

"Great!" Lan Mingyue excitedly ran to the front of the piano double, carefully looking at the face of the piano double, then nodded:

"Yes, the cracks have become a lot smaller. Before I was afraid of touching you, you broke."

Qinqin couldn't help but turn a white eye: "Ready, let's set off immediately. It is estimated that today's demons will not attack us, we will try to walk more."

"How do you know that the demon will not attack us?" Duan Hong asked.

"They want to explore my roots again, they have to solve my mines, and they won't attack until they figure out a way."


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