Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: Leading cloud


That big net, even with fifteen water mines, was instantly taken into the town demon tower by the piano. The look of the phoenix dance is a glimpse. The big net is the three days, the power of the collection of the demon and the devil, refining. In the end, it was refined by the phoenix dance. Even if it was taken into the storage ring by the piano, the phoenix dance could perceive it and even retrieve the big net from the storage ring of the piano pair.


Today, the big net has lost a trace of her relationship, and she is completely unaware of the existence of the big net in the knowledge of God. Feng Dance did not hesitate, his body flew back and shouted:


The demon’s retreat was a bit chaotic, but the Qin double did not catch up with the warriors. Just quietly watching the demons evacuate, and eventually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The piano double looked up at the sky, early in the afternoon, and there was no substantial collision between the Terran and the demon. Qin double will continue to move forward, she returned to the back of her phoenix, hung down and continued to practice. The mental state of the surrounding people has changed significantly and is much higher. The piano double shot to kill the Qingqiu demon, which indicates that the body of the piano has begun to recover, which gives them a gray future, a glimmer of light.

There was no trace of the demon in the day. At night, everyone fell to the ground and began to heal the squabble. After playing the array again, Qinqin entered the pool of fairy liquid in the town demon tower and began to repair the body.

A valley.

The phoenix dance and the three-headed demon and other demons gathered together. A demon **** suddenly flew in and came to the sacred demon and the demon saint, and the look was dignified:

"Every senior, the Yaozu has an accident."

"What happened?" Feng Wu stared at it.

The demon **** condensed: "We have returned a few times to mobilize the demon monks, they did not bring back the demon monk."

“Why?” The phoenix dance pupils suddenly erected and the pressure spread.

The demon god’s throat squirmed: "Fengming City’s lord Feng Ming disappeared for many years, just like coming back, the strength has become very powerful. At this time, the demon monk on the mainland of the warrior has been conquered, and other demon people are being conquered. We went to see her monk and was easily defeated by her."

The phoenix dance eyebrows rose, and the eyes showed a happy color: "That Fengming belongs to our phoenix. Since her strength has increased greatly, she just transferred her. You didn't tell her, is I levying a demon monk?"

"That!" The demon **** said: "But she simply ignored us. She only led her growing team, and the four sides conquered."

"Bold!" Phoenix dance can not help but anger.

At this time, another burst of whispering sounds, I saw a demon flying in the air, falling on the body, toward the demon and the demon saint:

"Every senior, the Mozu has an accident."

There is a trace of uneasiness in the three heads of the devil: "What happened?"

"On the mainland of the warrior, a monk monk suddenly appeared, called Feng Yan. She is now arranging the Mozu around and has established a party. Although we don't know what her realm is, we sent it. The demon **** was easily defeated by her. Therefore, the demon **** we sent out did not recruit a monk monk."

"She dares!" The three heads screamed like a thunder: "Is it clear about her feet?"

"No! She seems to pop up. No one knows her background, and her practice is strange. It shows a trace of magic."

"Magic?" The eyes of the three devils looked at the magic demon, the magical demon to the demon god: "What kind of appearance does she have?"

The demon **** extended his fingers to outline in the air, and soon a vivid image of Feng Yan appeared in front of everyone. But all the devils were slightly frowned, because no one knew Feng Yan. However, Feng Yan’s scorpion magical flame is clearly a demon.

The three-headed demon and the phoenix dance are all big monks. The two great monks are only angry for a moment, then they calm down and look at each other. Both of them are silent.

Undoubtedly, Feng Ming and Feng Yan, the two great monks, are all fighting against the demon and the tribes. There is no demon and demon in the rear, and they can integrate the demon power with lightning speed.


What is the purpose of both of them?

Don't you be afraid, wait for them to go back, renovate them, or even kill them?

The phoenix dance and the three-headed magic are frowning, and some can't figure it out. Feng Dance looked at the three heads of magic:

"Modao friends, how do we choose now? Is it to continue to test the piano double, or go back to Fengming and Fengyan uniform?"

The three-headed demon color hesitated: "Although the piano has the power to fight, the injury on her body is not fake, and the crack on the body is not painted. If I miss this time, I want to kill the piano again. Very difficult, let go of the piano double, I am afraid it will become our confidant.

Just... this Fengming and Fengyan... It’s killing! ”

Fengwu nodded and said: "You said it is good. We can't miss the opportunity to kill the piano. But after we got messed up, we can't slowly test the piano. Only the adventure. A blow."

The three heads nodded and said: "We will spend a few more days to refine a pocket net. At that time, we will use the sound of the devil to resist the sound of mermaid. Feng Daoyou is responsible for dragging the fifteen of the piano. Beads, and then divide the five demon saints to protect the magical demon. Then we will attack in one fell swoop. I would like to see, there are any cards in the piano pair."

Feng Dance indulged in a moment: "The only way is."

Time has passed by five days. Qin double because they are not fast, just walking a fifth of the distance.

This day.

Everyone is still flying, and the speed is much faster than before. This is because the injuries are being restored. The Qinshuang’s injury has also returned to the Tianxian period, and it has been possible to use the power of the body and the martial arts to fight for a quarter of an hour.


The piano doubled in shape, and the million monks also settled in shape, sacrificed weapons, and prepared for the battle. The piano doubled his eyes and looked toward him. The look suddenly became dignified. She perceives her determination from the other party's momentum.

Absolutely not a temptation, but a lore!

"Be prepared to fight, this time the demon is not a temptation!" Qin double shouted.

Everyone is a glimpse, they are running their spiritual powers, and they are turning their own state to the peak. The momentum of the sky is breaking through the clouds and screaming.

The mermaid has floated on the side of the piano pair, and the eyes are cold and faintly looking towards the demon coming from the opposite side.



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