Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1074: Broken enemy



The mermaid opened its mouth and the sound screamed out. At the same time, the Tianmeng, which had already been prepared for a long time, was also opened under the auspices of the magical magic, releasing the sound of the demon.

In the collision of the sound of the mermaid and the sound of the demon, the demon rushed over to the Terran without stopping.

At this time there are about twenty demon sacred, and there are about twenty devils. At this time, the devil is releasing the sound of the demon, and there are five demon sacs in front of the magical demon, holding the demon. Watch out for the bows of the piano pair. The phoenix dance is the eyes that lock the piano double, but also holds a big net, his face looks like a smile. So there are still 16 demon sacs, leading the demon to the human race.

The piano stretched out the right hand on both sides of the body, and with one hand and one hand, the dragon sword was held in the hand.

"Long and long..."

The dragon sword will grow into ten feet.


The piano double screamed, but one step was to go to the big devil.

Shrink into the inch!

The shape of the piano pair is like a light, passing through the air.

"Block her!"

"Kill her!"

The sixteen demon shouts, the sixteen demon sacs to deal with is the piano double, as for other people simply ignore it. At this time, I saw the piano double rushed out, and the sixteen sacred sacs rushed toward the piano. That is, the phoenix dance also dragged the big net and flew toward the piano.

In the eyes of Qin double, there was a cold chill, and the air screamed:


The ten-footed giant sword swept through the air. In the practice of Qin Double, he was attacked by seventeen demon saints, especially a phoenix dance with a nine-layered demon. The piano pair is definitely not an opponent, and even supports less time, because her law is only The second floor of the Mahayana period. . However, with the cultivation of Qin Shuangwudao, it was able to circumnavigate for a period of time under the attack of seventeen demon saints. After all, her martial arts cultivation was already the eighth layer of Wusheng, and the practice of cultivation made her more fighting. Eat at home.

However, the piano does not use the martial arts, she uses a more powerful body power, the body power of the immortal period broke out, it is not a monk in this world can resist.


The dragon sword broke off a demon soldier, and the one demon smashed the waist. The phoenix dance changed dramatically, and the wings behind it suddenly exploded. The figure turned into a fire line and flew backwards. At the same time, the mouth sipped:

"Use the magical power to deal with her!"

Only this moment, the piano double killed three demon saints, but there are five demon saints, although they have not been cut off, but they are also damaged, and the body shape is violently smashed in the air by the tyrannical force. The remaining demon saints flew back, and at the same time they released their supernatural powers. The supernatural powers brought great power to the piano.

The eyes of the piano were slightly stunned, looking at the nearby magical powers, and suddenly licking their hair. She knew that she could only fight for a quarter of an hour, and she could never let the demon stalking herself. Once you are entangled, don’t say that you are injured, you can only fight for a quarter of an hour, even if you are not injured, and you have the strength and strength of the nine-day Xuan Xian, you will run out of power under the endless magical powers. Eventually killed.

This is the power of the stone to wear, and it is also the effect of the ant biting the elephant.

The time of half an hour is very short, so she has to fight for time, can not be delayed by the demon sacred time, her goal is directed at the magic, as long as the magic can be killed, the power of the mermaid can be reflected.


Along with the double hair of the piano, the five hairs flew up from the head of the piano. At the moment of flying, they began to grow. They instantly turned into two thousand feet of black dragons, shaking their heads and swaying their tails.


Wulong Qi Xiao, two thousand feet dragon body swinging open, no magical power, is pure power. It’s just that this pure power has already surpassed this side of the world. It’s just two blinks of effort. It’s killing two demon saints, scaring one demon and hurriedly fleeing back, even the phoenix dance face is panicking. The color.


Two black dragons rushing to the front, the huge head swooped down to the bottom, and the huge dragon body was lifted up to the end of the dragon until it stood upright in the air, and then collapsed toward the Tianzhu. Go on.

Speaking slowly, in fact, the two black dragons are extremely fast, and the twenty-two devils in the big devils are discolored, and fleeing in all directions. However, there are still two devils who have been smashed into powder.

The eyes of Qin double locked the magical demon. At this time, there was no block in front of her. All the obstacles were instantly emptied by the two black dragons.

Take one step at a time.

Close to the horizon!

Her figure has appeared in front of the magical demon, waved a punch and went to the magical bombardment.


The body of the magical devil is broken, but the look of the piano is a glimpse. There was no feeling of bombardment on the body of the magical body.


In the sea of ​​Qin double, the fire and phoenix gods rang the seven-string space.

Long Fengming!

The surrounding environment swayed in an instant, and the piano double immediately captured the magic on the right side of himself. At this time, there are three devils, from three directions toward her, she is less than three meters away from her, the magic soldiers in the hands are less than half a foot away from the body of the piano.

The piano stepped out in one step.

Take a step.


Three magic soldiers broke the body of the piano, but there was no blood flowing out.

"The afterimage!"

The three devils look awkward and look around, but they see that the piano pair has appeared in front of the magical demon. At the same time, the two black dragons have sealed off the escape angle of the magical demon, leaving only the road to the piano double.

The magical demon was very clear about his situation. His hands suddenly grasped the two broken thorns and rushed toward the piano. At the same time, the eyes looked at the eyes of the piano pair, and opened the magic mouth, giving a sharp voice. Magic sound.

The eyes of the piano pair and the pair of eyes of the magical demon, there are heavy shadows in front of the eyes, and the figure of the magical demon is drowned in the heavy shadow. When I heard the magic sound in my ear, I felt that the gods were agitated and the surrounding environment changed.


Long Fengming rang in the sea of ​​knowledge, so that Qin double kept a clear. Suddenly, I suddenly felt two sharp forces puncturing myself, one piercing my throat and one stabbing my heart.

Qin’s face showed a stunned color and looked helplessly around. There was a sneer on the opposite side of the magical face, and the double thorns in the hand were only one inch away from the piano.


The two hands of Qin double slammed up, swiftly grabbed the two wrists of the magical demon, then followed the arms of his own, took the right foot and smashed out toward the other side.


The magical belly was burst by the piano, and the body broke into two pieces. The lower body fell to the ground, but the upper body was still caught in the hands of the piano.

The blood of the magical mouth is spurting, the fear of spreading and unbelievable.


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