Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1075: Danger

" could you..."

Qin double cold channel: "My **** god realm is a little bit, will be confused by your, magic sound. But my soul power is more than your realm. You can't hide me."


The piano doubles his arms and tears the two arms of the magical demon. The illusion made a scream of screaming, but the screams stopped abruptly, and a fist of Qin double had shattered the head of the illusion.


The sounds of the mermaid are not hindered by the magical demon, and the effect is fully exerted. Any demon who is affected by the sound of the mermaid is stunned.


Five black dragons rushed into the demon, stirring the clouds, and countless demons were detonated. With the help of the sound of mermaid, the Terran Warrior harvested the life of the Yaozu as if harvesting crops.

Extremely far away.

The phoenix dance and the three-headed demon escaped the demon saint and the demon saint, and looked at the battlefield in the distance with dignity. Three-headed gnashing teeth:

"I didn't expect that there are five black dragons in the piano pair! There is a big dog to help the piano double, and now there are five black dragons. How can you have so many strong people to help the piano double?"

The phoenix dances and stares at the five black dragons that are tumbling in the air: "That is not a black dragon."

"What isn't the Black Dragon?" asked the three heads of the devil.

"I don't know what it is. But I know that it is definitely not a black dragon. It has no dragons on its body, and it has never released the dragon supernatural powers, but with pure physical power. The most important thing is that you have found out When they first appeared, the five black dragons had two thousand feet, but now they are less than one thousand and eight hundred. The black dragon will not have such obvious changes."

"Is that a spiritual treasure?"

"It is very likely! And..." Feng Wu looked at the piano double: "Her injury has not healed, there is a crack in her body, I doubt that she can not fight."

Do not!

I am afraid that her time to fight is very short. ”

"How about that?" Three heads of the devil shook their heads: "There are five black dragons, and we can't get close to the piano. Even if the five hairs are spiritual treasures, we want to exhaust the energy of Lingbao, how much do we need to die?" demon?"

"Yeah!" Feng Dance also frowned. "I am afraid that most of us, the demon and the demon, will die and die, and we will be able to consume the power of the Lingbao. Maybe... only our ancestors came. Only able to deal with Qin double and the five black dragon Lingbao."

The three heads of Devils said: "Let's go back, first solve the Fengming and Fengyan, and then return the things of the piano to the demon world and the devil world."

"it is good!"

Dozens of demon sacred and magical sacred moments disappeared into the air, and at this time the battle on the side of the lyrics basically stopped, and the demon who could escape had escaped in all directions. The Terran monks are falling to the ground and begin to clean the battlefield. The piano fell on a big tree, sitting cross-legged, and the gods spread out to explore the whereabouts of the demon.

The gods spread around for a quarter of an hour, and the piano double took back the gods and determined that the demon had been far away. In a short time, it was impossible to attack the Terran. Qin double took out the flag, laid out the array, and thought about it, and entered the town demon tower.

Jumped into the fairy liquid, the piano double spit out a long breath.

"Fortunately, there is not a quarter of an hour."

The body of Qin double can only support the battle of half a quarter of an hour. The whole process of killing the magical magic has almost reached the limit of half a quarter of an hour.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin double is immersed in cultivation.

Outside the town demon tower.

The people are happily cleaning the battlefield. These days, through the piano double, they already know the importance of the demon body. The Chronicle Empire recovers the demon corpse, pays the warrior or monk points, and the warrior or monk can exchange various cultivating resources in the empire of the Crescent Moon Empire.

Dan medicine, Fu Yi, flag, spirit soldiers and so on.

not to mention……

These demons also have storage pockets or storage rings, which have resources and even treasures. They can all use these in exchange for points.

These harvests made them happy, but the more happy is to see the power of the piano double again, once again see the piano and another card.

The five black dragons.

"Hey, the five black dragons of the Moon Emperor are very good."

"Yeah, you said that the Dragons are not the Yaozu? How did they be surrendered by the Emperor?"

"I seem to see that the five black dragons are the five hairs of the emperor. When the emperor just licked his hair, five hairs floated out and became five black dragons."

"so smart!"

"This...should not be a martial art, is it a law?"

"I think so too! Is it true that the emperor still has a practice law?"

"Almost, I heard that in the original comprehension, Luo Fuzong was attacked by the demon, that is, the emperor saved them to the Jiuyue Empire, and now they all live in the Jiuyue Empire. It is not surprising that the Emperor practiced the Fa.


Didn’t the Moon Emperor say the reason for the dispute between martial arts and law? The monk is not a demon at all, it is the same human race as us. It’s just that the road to the beginning is different. ”

"Yes! Originally thought that the Terran had no hope, and now seeing the Emperor, my heart has ignited hope."

"Yes! Me too. We must work hard to cultivate. One day, we will expel the demon and become the master of the mainland."

Inside the town demon tower.

The piano opened his eyes and flew to the shore. The muscles that trembled slowly subsided. Sighing a long breath, his face was relieved and whispered:

"It's too itchy!"

Unleashing the knowledge, checking my body, the cracks in the body are further narrowed, and her body has been restored to the fairy season.

Put on the clothes, the piano double left the town demon tower, put away the flag. There is already a white belly on the horizon. The warriors in the camp had already got up, raised the campfire and started cooking.

Although the cultivation of this million warriors has reached the point where they can not eat the fireworks, absorb the aura to support themselves. But because of the injury, it still needs food to make up the energy needed.

What's more, they don't have to go out to hunt the monsters. But when they cleaned the battlefield, they harvested the bodies that hated the Yaozu. The flesh and blood of the Yaozu had a rich aura, which had a great effect on repairing their injuries.

"Double children, come and eat some." Blue Mourning Moon, while holding a large piece of barbecued meat, waving to the piano.

The piano flies down to the side of the blue moon, the nose sniffs and laughs:

"The taste of roast is good!"

"Of course, my roast meat is a must." Lan Mingyue said.

"Ha ha……"

Qin double smiled, took out the spices that he had made in the earthen continent from the storage ring, and applied it to the meat that had not been baked. The flame was smashed, and the smell was fragrant, and it filled the air. Lan Mingyue eyes widened, sniffed the nose, and looked down at the meat in his hand, then threw it aside with a look, and concentrated on the side, can not help but let the piano double smile. Duan Hong also threw the meat in his hand to the side and got to the campfire.


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