Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1079: public

After the five people retired from the seat, Qin double looked at Jinlongxing.

"It's my turn."

Jin Long’s hand in the sleeves suddenly clenched. At this time, he did not have the mentality of looking down on the doubles. Instead, he was in the middle of the piano.

"Jinlongxing, Zhongshanyu, Gongzhiliang."

"In!" Three people hurriedly stood up and came to the center of the main hall, standing in a row, facing the piano double.

"You three also have a title."

These three people have already prepared, and Jin Longxing immediately said: "My title is called Wu Zong Risheng."

This title is a bit large, but in order to commemorate Wu Zongdian, Jin Longxing has his own insistence and does not want to change. Qin Qin also understood his thoughts and nodded gently. Jin Longxing, Zhong Shanyu and Gongzhi Liang were sighed with relief, and they were afraid that the piano would not agree. Seeing the eyes of Qin double, Zhong Shanyu hurriedly said:

"I am called Rain Day."

"I am called the demon day." Gong Zhiliang said, and use this title to show his determination to demon.

Qin Shuang readily nodded: "Wu Zongri Sheng Jinlongxing listens."

"In!" Jin Longxing straightened his chest.

"From today, the Wuzong Legion is formed. You are the military lord of the Wuzong Legion. The Wuzong Corps is a combat corps with the same treatment and responsibility as the Qinglong Legion."

Jinlongxing’s heart is a joy. Qinshuang not only allowed him to form a legion, but also named the army in the name of Wuzong. This reveals that Qinshuang will never renege on his words and will let them establish their national determination in the future.

"Xie Yuehuang!" Jin Longxing respectfully courtesy.

"The rainy day is holy, and the demon day is holy."


"You two are the deputy military lords of the Wuzong Legion and assisted Wu Zong Risheng to establish the Wuzong Legion."


Jin Longxing looked at each other and saw the excitement in his eyes. With the Wuzong Legion, they have the capital to re-emerge.

Three people returned to their seats, and Qin double looked at Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie!"

"In!" Qin Lie stood in the middle of the main hall.

"What kind of title is Qin brother preparing for?" Qin said with a smile.

"Da Qin Yue Shen."

Qin double nodded, Jin Longxing gave himself a Wu Zong Risheng, Qin Lie naturally can be up to Daqin Day.

"Da Qinyue Qin Qin Lie listened to orders."


Qin double looked at Qin Lie-dao: "From today, the establishment of the Daqin Army Corps, you are the master of the Daqin Army. The Daqin Army Corps is a combat army, with the same treatment and responsibility as the Qinglong Legion."

"Respect!" Qin Lie clenched his fist. Go back.

Qin doubled his eyes and finally fell on the cold body: "Cold Che."


"Is your title a frosty luna?"


"Good!" Qin nodded: "From today, the formation of the Frost Corps, you are the owner of the Frost Corps. The Frost Corps is a combat army, the treatment and responsibility is the same as the Qinglong Legion."


In this way, the realm of comprehension, Wu Zongdian, the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire are all settled down. Although the Crescent Moon Empire has five major legions, it is very powerful. However, from the attitude of Qin Double allowing them to establish a legion, Qin Double is still unselfish.

Qin double stood up and said: "Let's go out."

The crowd stood up and waited for the piano to walk out of the hall, and they followed. As soon as they walked out of the main hall, they saw a glimpse of the empire of the moon, the realm of the martial arts, the martial arts, the martial arts of the Daqin empire and the empire of the empire, and the masters of the empire of the empire, gathered on the holy mountain, spreading from the foothills to the bottom of the mountain. And the moon is standing in front of them.

Qin doubled his footsteps and looked at the endless months.

"Really decided!" Qin double asked softly.

"Decision!" The moon is endlessly laughing: "You and I were one."

The piano nodded twice, then walked up to the front and stood side by side with the moon. Looking at the crowds under the holy mountain, the voice snorted and sent the voice clearly to everyone's ears.

"Everyone, everyone knows me, I am the moon emperor of the Crescent Moon Empire, Qin Double."

"See the moon emperor!"

Qin double hands down, a quiet under the holy mountain. Qin double pointed to the endless moon around me:

"The Taoist friends in the realm should know her, and the chief master of Luo Fuzong, the moon is endless."

Everyone looked at the piano and the moon was endless, and the face showed an inexplicable color. Behind the Qinshuang, in addition to the people of Luo Fuzong, such as Yang Yingtian, they also showed the confusion, not knowing the piano It’s going to be endless.

"I want to tell you today, I am the endless month, the endless moon is me. The endless moon is my avatar."


Behind the sacred mountain, it is behind the Qinshuang, Buhaishan and Sixing and other monks in the realm of cultivation, Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Che are also stunned.

At this time, I saw the doubles of the piano and the endless turn of the moon, standing opposite each other. The two men looked at each other and smiled. The moon was walking towards the piano double, and the body became light and blended into the body of the piano.

Looking at the scene in front of me, everyone has determined that the endless moon is the avatar of the piano pair. The monk in the realm of comprehension understands at this time that the piano double will save the true world and accept the realm of cultivation. And Jin Longxing, Qin Lie and Han Che and others are face to face, no one has thought that Qin double actually has two identities. And these two identities have played a pivotal role.

The monk in the realm of cultivation is even more at ease. Since Qinshuang has the identity of the realm of cultivation, he will not regard the realm of cultivation as cannon fodder. So, just a moment of silence, it cheered.

The piano doubles down with both hands, and the sound is quiet again. The sound of Qin Shuanglang’s decision in the hall was announced, and a warmer cheer was heard under the holy mountain.

Qin double let everyone disperse, but will be Shen Qiu, Xue Yi, Li Yan, Qin Wu, Qin Jingyun, Bu Haishan, Si Xing and Li Che left. After the crowds dispersed, each of them took over their duties, Qin Double took these few people back to the hall, and the temple door slowly closed again.

Qin double looked at Li Chedao: "Lee Island Master, Du Fu Du brother?"

There was a fluster in Li Che’s face, and he was afraid of the double blame, and said carefully:

"Du Shidi said that he wants to become stronger. One person left the innocent desert. He... entrusted me with a word."


"He said... he will become the fear of the demon."

The piano is silent, thinking carefully, not only in my heart.

Du Fu is a very proud person, he can not help but acknowledge the mistakes of the island of Mishima. Privately opened the door of the demon, brought the catastrophe to the Terran, and then thought of winning the foundation of the piano double, assassination of the piano double. They didn't have the slightest mistake in playing the piano.

However, he is a disciple of Huanglu Island and the future star of Huanglu Island. Let him carry this kind of stain on the face of the piano pair every day, he can not do this proud person. It is better to let people who don’t know anything face the doubles, and they won’t feel this kind of embarrassment and inferiority in their hearts.


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