Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 180: I hope Samsung's choice

His pride does not allow him to face the piano in such a posture. His pride also does not allow Huanglu Island to cast such a stain. He wants to wash the stains of Huanglu Island in his way, and let Huanglu Island stand on the peak again in his way.

He and Qin are confidants, but it is this confidant that makes his heart more difficult to accept reality.

So, he is gone!

A person is gone alone!

With the humiliation left by Huanglu Island, with the responsibility left by Huanglu Island, with the guilt of Qinqin, with the shame of the Terran, and with his pride!

I also left the floor with a voice!

He wants to be the fear of the demon!

I also walked away with the belief that I will not return to death!

The more and more of the piano double heart, Du Fu sees the piano as a confidant, so he left with only one sentence. Qin double also regarded Du Fu as a confidant, so she quickly understood the idea of ​​Du Fu.


With the cultivation of Du Fu today, one person is alone, not to mention that the space of the demon, that is, the survival will become very difficult.

Moreover, the more the demon slayer demonizes, the more the demon fears, the more dangerous he will be.

Looking at the gloomy look of the piano, Li Che’s heart was even more flustered. Bu Haishan and Si Xing are even more nervous. I don’t know if the piano pair will be angered by the leaves of the island and the island without snow. In their view, the sudden departure of Du Fu is to hate the hearts of the piano. With the status of Qin double now, will Du Fu be released?

If you don't let Du Fu, will you let go of Mishima?

"I hope that Du Shixiong can make a good vigour and realize his ideals." Qin double eyes whispered in a whisper.

Li Che, Bu Haishan and Si Xing were in the heart. Look at the appearance of the piano double at this time and the whisper of the whisper, it is not like remembering the appearance of Du Fu. Li Che’s throat squirmed and carefully asked:

"Moon Emperor... Don't you blame Du Shidi?"

The faint color of the face of the piano was faded, and he shook his head slightly: "I understand his thoughts."

Seeing the look of Li Che, Bu Haishan and Si Xing, the piano has a slight glimpse. Then I suddenly became stunned and knew that the three people would be wrong in their own meaning.

"When I was doing a low job, Du and my brothers met each other and experienced life and death together and regarded each other as confidants. Du's character is strong and proud. I am only worried."


Li Che, Bu Haishan and Si Xing, sneak a sigh of relief, Du Fu and Qin Shuang are confidants, this is a good thing. Presumably, the acquaintance of two people is what happened when Qin Double’s endless identity was in the realm of comprehension.

Qin double looked at Bu Haishan and Si Xingdao: "Was the snow and ink in the two sisters?"

Bu Haishan whispered: "After the return of the ink master, he is retreating."

The piano nodded twice and looked at the star. There is some anxiety between Si Xing’s look:

"Like snow, she left, suddenly left, I don't know where she went, and she didn't leave anything."

The piano nodded twice. For the ink and the snow, she just understood their whereabouts and guessed what they thought. It seems that although the three people have their own ideas, they should not be malicious for themselves.

Du Fu does not say that if he is malicious to himself, he will not leave. It is only possible to hurt yourself if you stay in the Crescent Moon Empire. It seems that snow is also a very proud person. Only Qin has a grasp of 80%, Du Fu will not find himself revenge in the future. But there is no trace of the snow.

Du Fu, hairy and inky, these three people are the pro-disciples of the island owners on their respective islands. But Du Fu’s master did not kill himself, but in Dengxian City, he died in the battle with the Mozu. But the masters who are like snow and ink are dead in the hands of the piano.

On the one hand, the double-killing of the piano is not the master of Du Fu. On the other hand, Qin and Du Fu are mutual confidants. In the future, Du Fu is unlikely to become a deadly enemy with Qin.

However, hair and ink are different. Qin Qin personally killed the master of both of them.

Sending away like a snow alone shows two attitudes.

The first attitude is that she will not forgive the piano. Although Qin double killed her master, it was her master's complete mistake. However, Master is Master.

The second attitude is to show that she will not be an enemy of Qin, and at least she will not be an enemy of Qin. Her departure is also to give me the opportunity to be an enemy of the piano.

Du Fu and the snow-like figure floated in front of the eyes of the piano. Du Fu's heroic, cold and snowy.

"It's a proud person again!"

In the heart of the piano, she sighed softly. For the ink left behind, she was somewhat uncertain. Packed up the mind, and Li Che, Bu Haishan and Si Xing had a few chats, let them leave.

In the hall, there are left Qinwu, Qin Jingyun, Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan.

Qin binoculars swept over Shen Qiu, blood coat and Li Yan, and his face was a happy saying: "Your cultivation is growing fast."

All three people were excited to say: "After peeling off some blood, the speed of cultivation will suddenly rise."

Qin doubled and nodded: "After you go back, you will arrange your own things immediately. We will leave tomorrow morning and continue to strip the blood."

"Great!" Three people stood up excitedly.

Qin double looked at Li Yandao: "You send people to stare at the ink."

"I know!"

After the three people left, Qin double looked to Qinwu and Qin Jingyun. There was no obvious breakthrough in the cultivation of the two people. Qin Jingyun was promoted to the ninth level of Emperor Wu, and Qinwu was the second peak of Emperor Wu.

Qinqin thought about it, and the resources for both of them were given. What else can speed up the cultivation of both of them?

Qinshuang’s Yuanshen entered the town’s demon tower, picking and picking out the fairy beasts he harvested on the ancient stars of the spirit world, and picking out some water-attracting fairy beasts and metallic fairy beasts, respectively. In a storage ring. Then handed the two storage rings to them two ways:

"The body of the fairy beast is inside."

"Fairy beast?" Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun looked shocked, Qin Jingyun said: "Seven sisters, will not be the name of the fairy beast?"

"No! They are real beasts. You know, I have been missing for four years, and in the occasional opportunity, I went to the spiritual world. These beasts are all acquired in the spiritual world."

"You went to the spiritual world?" Qin Wu said: "A world higher than us?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "We are above the spiritual world, and then up, it is the fairy world."


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