Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1081: Demon war

"That... how come you are back?" Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun both opened their mouths: "Can you still go back?"

"We don't really fly up, people are very weak in the spiritual world. I was chased and killed, and I returned to the mainland with a broken space that I couldn't easily get. I want to go to the spiritual world, only wait for me to repair When you get there, fly up. Ok, don't say this. These fairy meats are very helpful to you, but you can't eat more, otherwise they will explode your body. You can eat once a day. Cut the small finger and size it, then chop it and boil it into a bowl. Don't cut the meat too much."

"Understand!" The two men put away the storage ring and the face was full of excitement.

The second day.

The entire period of the empire was bustling, and the army that was planned in the hall yesterday was established. Every legion began training. In the midst of this raging fire, Qin double with enemies, blood clothes and Li Yan, once again left the innocent desert and went to strip the blood.

It’s ten days to go.

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan became weak again. But the face is excited. As long as they have passed this period of weakness, and then stripped of blood, there are only two blood veins left in their blood, one is the blood of the human race, and the other is the auxiliary blood veins they deliberately left behind. And all three of them are left with blood and blood.

Aside from the piano and the eyebrows, there is also a happy color. This time, the three people stripped the blood and resisted the punishment. Qinshuang did not use water to use the thunderbolt, but relied on his own body to impose a fine punishment on the day. In the day of punishment, he cultivated the body of the jade body and made her body strength increase. Qin Qin estimated that he would experience another day. Penalty, her body strength and strength will be upgraded to the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Four people returned to the innocent desert, Shen Qiu, Li Yan and blood clothes went back to cultivate. Qin double returned to the palace and began to practice retreat.

In order to have more understanding of Tiandao, Qinshuang did not enter the town demon tower to practice. Every morning and evening, each time they will practice a jade body quenching body. During the day, they will hold the town demon tower, and extract the strong Yuanxianli cultivation martial arts in the town demon tower. At night, she will go out and accept the Yuehua rehearsal. She temporarily gave up the cultivation of the Fa, because the martial arts is already the ninth floor of Wusheng, she wants to practice the martial arts to the peak. Moreover, it has the rich Xianyuan force in the town demon tower, which makes it possible for Qin double to achieve his goal in a short time.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

The piano doubled into the tenth floor of the martial arts, and with the breathing of the Qinshuang, the clouds spewed. The violent piano double-mouthed whistling like a phoenix, and it rushed into the sky for a long time.

All the ethnic groups in the city of Chronicles stopped their movements, and their eyes gazed over the holy mountain. They were all excited.

"The Moon King has broken through!"

At this moment of the human crisis, the breakthrough of their souls, the emperor, undoubtedly gave them a shot of strength, not only to make their heart more stable, but also to fill them with fighting spirit.

The sound of Fengming echoed in the sky and gradually stopped.

Practice room.

The piano double opened his eyes, his eyes showed a firm color, and he closed his eyes slowly and practiced again. This time, she wants to integrate the moon into her body and become part of her own attributes.

The endless month is now the sixth floor of the Valkyrie. The integration of the moon is just a matter of a moment. The Qinglong Collection, which is endlessly cultivated in the month, is integrated into the consciousness of the Qinshuang. It took four months to complete the piano. On the first floor of Wusheng, only the Taoist repairs remain on the sixth floor of the distraction period.

Qin double left the practice room, came to the hall of the proceedings, summoned everyone, and listened to the reports of the people.

During these seven months, the Crescent Moon Empire merged with the realm of comprehension, Wu Zongdian, the Daqin Empire and the Frost Empire, and the strength of each legion was in a steady improvement. During the period, he took turns to pull out and fight with the demon, but only recently lost the opportunity to fight the demon.

Because the Yao and the Mozu are fighting!

The entire warrior continent, in addition to the Crescent Moon Empire, the remaining regions have become the battlefield of the demon battle. When I mentioned this matter, everyone in the hall fluttered and danced, and there was no intention. The battle between the demons gave the people a chance to breathe.

Others don't know why the demon suddenly fought, but the piano is very clear. This is because Feng Ming and Feng Yan are leading.

Through the communication with Fengming and Fengyan's soul, Qinshuang knows that the phoenix dances, because they can't beat Fengming, have returned to the demon world and reported Fengming to the demon ancestors. Qin double no doubt, the next step, the ancestors of the demon world will come to the mainland.

The same is true of the Devil. In the next step, the demon of the Devil will also descend on the mainland.

At that time, it was the last moment to determine the fate of the human race.

Qin double does not regret, the ancestors of the two demons are drawn into the mainland of the warrior, this is like the Terran is fighting with the demon, the Terran has made all the power, but the masters of the demon and the two have never appeared, this pair of Terran The threat is too great, the Terran must pull in the opponent's master as soon as possible, the sooner the opponent's ancestors come to the end, the Terran can understand the real demon world and the devil world faster and earlier.

The piano double heart estimated that those demon saints and demon saints returned to the demon two circles, and then reported to the demon ancestors, those demon ancestors still have to gather together to discuss, and finally come to the warrior continent, at least one year time.

This year's time is not only the improvement of the strength of the entire Terran, but also the opportunity for the strength of the Qin double.

It is hard to beat the iron itself.

The Terran can't expect the demon to lose both sides, and the weight that ultimately determines the victory is still the Terran itself.

The most delightful thing about Qin is that Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun, with the help of the fairy meat, the two people’s cultivation began to grow by leaps and bounds.

Just seven months, Qin Jingyun has already broken through to the realm of Wushen, but also reached the second floor of Wushen, and Qinwu also broke through to the sixth floor of Emperor Wu.

After the piano double let the crowds disperse, they once again took the revenge, and the blood coat and Li Yan left the innocent desert and went to the last stripping blood.

After eleven days.

The strength of the body of the Qin double was lifted to the beginning of the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian by the tempering of the day. At this moment she was delighted to look at the three people sitting opposite each other.

Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan.

After stripping away the blood of the miscellaneous, leaving only the phoenix fire to help the blood, the three people felt the opportunity of breakthrough.

At this time, the three people's body is strong, and is still in a steady climb, as if everyone has a tiger in their body, want to break through the cage.


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