Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1082: Re-enter the dark


Three people have heard the sound of humming in their bodies, as if they broke through the shackles of the shackles, and the three men have successively made breakthroughs.

Shen Qiu broke through to the ninth floor of Wusheng, and the blood coat broke through to the seventh floor of Wusheng. Li Yan broke through to the fourth floor of Wusheng.

After Qinqin returned to the Crescent Moon Empire, he immediately chose to retreat.

In only one year, Qin Double hopes to use his time of the year to improve his legal practice as much as possible. And the best way to improve the law is to be a dark space.

Practice room.

The piano double sticks out the index finger of the right hand and points to the space.

Her right index finger turned to the black symbol, and the space that was lit was swayed, and everything around it was dark. The knowledge of Qin double spread out, and sure enough, he once again came to the dark space.

Qin double is standing at the place where he left last time, and there is still felled wood under his feet.


A line of things attacked her sharply and sharply. Before the piano doubled out, I saw that the mermaid on the wrist had broken away and turned back to the real body. Zhang sang and sang, those linear things. Then he staggered and lost his attack power, and then the mermaid sucked and sucked the lines into his mouth.

The mermaid swims around happily and returns to the darkness, which makes her feel very comfortable. Qin double shot her head, indicating that she went to practice, and then the piano began to build a house.

With the mermaid around, the piano pair was never attacked by other dark creatures. In less than a day, the piano doubled the house and then placed a fence around the house.

This circle of fences is not an ordinary fence, but a column of refining in the town demon tower, and a very powerful defensive array.

With this array of methods, Qin double is practiced here, and it is much safer.

At this point, the piano double began to practice in the dark room.

half year later.

Qin double's knowledge of the sea.

Under the Qinglong Yuanshen, the sea lotus was layered and layered together, and then turned into a green dragon, flying toward the planet with the dragon.

In the center of the inner planet, a basaltic scorpion is there. On the back of Xuanwu, sitting on the knees and sitting on the basalt, there are fifteen water thunder beads on her back and slowly rotating. At this time, Xuanwu Yuanshen slowly raised his head, and the gaze pierced the planet and looked at the Qinglong Yuanshen who was flying towards the planet.

Above the planet, the magnificent palace gate was opened, and the White Tiger God came out of the gate, looking at the Qinglong Yuanshen who was coming to the Royal Dragon.

The fire phoenix that revolves around the planet has come to the top of the splendid palace. The fire and phoenix gods on the back of the fire phoenix look to the Qinglong gods and smile on their faces.

"Welcome!" The three gods spoke at the same time, and the voice echoed in the sea.

Qinglong Yuanshen Jishou gave a gift, and his face burst into a flowery smile. He came to the planet and separated the Yuanshen and Qinglong. The Qinglong circled around the splendid palace, screaming and shouting, the dragon trembled, and then fell to the left side before the palace, turned into a giant tree, roots must be plunged into a planet completely constructed by water properties, roots Floating in the water.

Qinglong Yuanshen turned into a streamer and drilled into the trunk. The towering tree was suddenly leafy, and a giant face appeared in the center of the trunk. The giant face and the Qinglong gods were vividly visible, and then gradually disappeared. .


The phoenix in the sky gave a phoenix and landed on the giant tree.

The practice of Qinshuang is a breakthrough in Mahayana!

The piano doubles open his eyes, and the magnificent eyes appear in the double eyes, and the dark interior shines.

In the past six months of retreat, Qin Double has not only cultivated the wood attribute law to the first layer of the Mahayana period, but also cultivated the other three attributes to the fourth level.

Inducted the power of the rich Yuanshen in the dark space, the double-pitched corner of the piano appeared a smile, whispered:

"It's a great place to practice in the Fa!"

"For another half a year, I am almost twenty-seven years old. I should go back and see."

Qin double got up and walked out the door, standing in front of the door and communicating in the heart to call the mermaid. The mermaid gave her the feeling. At this time, she was far away from her and was going back. It is estimated that it will take several days. The piano double walked out of the fence and probed around, familiarizing himself with the surrounding environment.

This is the seven-day time. The piano double sensed that the mermaid was getting closer and closer to himself, and turned around and headed for his house. Just entering the fence, I saw the mermaid broke open and came to my own.

"Master, I seem to have found a dark corner."

"Dark corner?" Qin double eyebrows said: "Talk."

"Yeah!" The mermaid nodded. "I stumbled across a dark corner, but I didn't catch it. I chased it for a while and didn't catch it. I used it to fly to it. The direction was found. Later, I found a dark corner flying over. After not catching it, I continued to fly in the direction of the dark corner. As I flew farther and farther, I encountered the dark corner. More and more.

At the beginning, half a month may not be able to encounter a dark corner. Later, almost a day or two will encounter a dark corner. but……"

Speaking of this, the mermaid's face showed a frustrating color: "I didn't catch one."

Later, her face showed a color of joy: "If you can find a lot of sources of dark corners, how can you catch a few."

Qin double heard, and my heart said: "You mean the direction, I will take you there."

"it is good!"

The mermaid is shrunk and wraps around the wrists of the piano, and the sound guides the direction. The piano stepped out in one step, and it was a long way to go.

In the dark and ink-like space, the piano can't tell the direction, but the mermaid can distinguish the direction and keep guiding the piano.

The piano doubles its display and the speed is extremely fast. Not to mention that it is in the dark and ink-like space, that is, in the mainland of the warrior, she can't see her at all.

Not bad!

I can't see it, not see it. The figure of the piano double disappeared in the same place every time, and it appeared in a thousand miles. It is the way to go through, there are powerful dark creatures, and only feel the faint fluctuations of space. When they want to find, they have already disappeared.

It took several months for the mermaid to look for the source of the dark corner. However, it took only three days for the squid to sound under the sound of the mermaid. It has already come to the place where the mermaid was summoned by the piano and returned.

The piano doubled in shape and the gods spread out. It has not yet reached the birthplace of the dark corner, but the gods of Qinshuang just spread out, and they saw a dark corner rushing toward her. Before she reacted, she slammed. On her right side, she whizzed past her ten meters away.


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