Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1083: source

The look of the piano double changed suddenly, and she felt that a powerful creature was pushing towards her. Qin double quickly determined that his position should be a powerful dark creature territory. At this point, the piano double has judged the direction of its coming through the trajectory of the faint glare of the genius. Then step out.

It’s a long way to go.

A huge dark creature of a hexagonal star appears in the position where both sides of the piano are located, rotates in a dark, ink-like space, and then slowly disappears into the dark and ink-like space.

The shape of the piano double stopped thousands of miles away, and the knowledge spread again. Just under the lapse of time, she did not perceive the trace of the dark corner, but felt that a powerful dark creature was moving towards her quickly.

The mermaid wrapped around her wrist became restless, and the whole body shivered involuntarily, sending a message to Qinqin.

"Master, run fast."

At this time, Qin Double did not find the direction to the source of the dark corner, but only stood still. But she knows that the martial arts ability of the dark creature is not strong. Although he is repaired by his own martial arts, it may not be the opponent of the powerful dark creature in the mouth of the mermaid. However, the body of the seventh layer of his own nine-day Xuan Xian is far beyond the powerful dark creature. The only thing that Qin Double is worried about is the attack of the dark creature.

The attack on the gods is the strength of the dark creatures, and it is indeed very powerful.

The mind is moving, the Qin double is in the sea. Fenghuo Yuanshen hands stroking in the seven-string space, taking the lead in playing in her knowledge of the dragon and Fengming, used to defend. The right hand of the piano pair has been held on the hilt of the dragon sword behind it. It’s just that she didn’t take the lead in attacking. She still didn’t want to light up the battle. After all, it’s not her home. If the dark corner can appear in advance, she will leave immediately.

The powerful creature is pushing fast, and the hand holding the hilt of the piano is more slack. This slack contains a horrible explosive power.

Suddenly, Qin double's eyelids jumped, and in her powerful knowledge, she saw a dark corner coming in. The piano double took a quick step and the figure disappeared in place.

It’s a long way to go.

The powerful dark creature was clearly glimpsed, and then an angry roar broke out.


The pair of cold sweats appeared thousands of miles away, and the gods quickly spread out. The right hand still maintained the posture of the hilt.

When the eyebrows were picked, the first thing she captured was a giant monster, and, unfortunately, the piano double was appearing beside it at this time, no more than ten meters away from the giant.


Qin Shuanglongjian quickly squirted and smashed toward the giant behemoth ten meters away. During the moment of smashing, the dragon sword reached ten feet, sharply splitting the behemoth that had not yet reacted into two. half.

"so close!"

Qinqin rubbed his cold sweat on his forehead nervously and took the dark corpse that had been killed to the town demon tower. The wrist has uploaded the joy of mermaid joy. Qinqin gently touched the mermaid road:

"When you leave here, you will be swallowed up."

"Thank you, Master!" The mermaid's tone is getting more and more happy.

The piano stood quietly in place, and the gods released and waited for the dark corner.

Sure enough, it should be not far from the source. The piano double just waited for less than a quarter of an hour, and in the gods saw a dark corner lasing, about ten meters from the left side of himself. The spurt passed.

Qin double did not try to intercept the dark corner, she believes that if you can really find the source of the dark corner, there will be more dark corners.

Take a step out of the way.

A thousand miles away, Qin double once again stopped. There was a hint of helplessness between the eyebrows, and she once again felt that a powerful dark creature had forced her into it quickly.

Within the sea, Fenghuo Yuanshen played Long Fengming to defend, and the right hand gripped the dragon sword hilt.


I did not expect that this dark creature was still a distance away from the piano, and it started a whistling sound, attacking the piano double, but for a moment, there was a slight crack in the body of Fenghuo Yuanshen. Qinshuang’s mouth and nose ooze blood, and his mind has a seven-point sputum.

"Great and powerful!"

At this time, in the gods of Qin double, I saw a dark corner lasing. Judging the direction in which the dark corner appears, the piano double takes a step at a time.

Behind her, she was able to faintly hear the roar of the dark creature.


The double mouth of the piano spewed out a blood, and the body shape smashed.

"Thanks to running fast, this is still the whistle of the thing that has spread to the gods. It is really powerful!"

Qin double immediately spread out the knowledge and explored, looking a loose, this time did not find any dark creatures. However, then there was another glimpse in my heart.

“How can there be no powerful dark creatures? Is it a more powerful dark creature that can hide itself?”

Qin double communicated with the mermaid immediately, and the mermaid perceived it:

“There is still a strong legacy of living here, it should be just after leaving.”

At this point, the heart of the piano is only slightly relaxed. Take out the medicinal herbs and take out the three drops of the empty lotus seed liquid to let the Fenghuo Yuanshen begin to repair. Looking at the phoenix fire **** in the sea, there was a sudden thought in the heart of Qin double.

"If you let the four gods in the sea merge into one god, you will definitely become stronger."

However, after the piano double shook his head, the four gods merged into one, and the piano double did not have a path to find. Even if it is feasible, there is no way to play the piano.

Qin double temporarily put down what he thought, and began to wait for the next appearance of the dark corner. This time, I didn’t wait for a long time, that is, the time around the six interest rates, I saw a dark corner lasing. The piano takes a step by step, and it is a long way to go.

On the way to the next, Qin double never saw the dark creature, but this did not let the piano double relax, but the heart of the piano is more vigilant.

Because this is not normal!

The feedback from the mermaid has a strong dark creature along the way, which indicates that there have been powerful dark creatures here, and it is not long after leaving. With so many powerful dark creatures leaving together, what does this mean?

I don't want to know that these powerful dark creatures also found the source of the dark corners and went there.

From these messages, it can be analyzed that the source of the dark corner should have just been produced. And at this time, there should be a lot of dark creatures, powerful dark creatures.

The piano double flew for about three quarters of an hour and stopped. The space that was originally black and inky appeared to be bright at this time. Although the light is very weak, in the dark and ink-like space, it is reflected as the sun, and the surrounding light shines a lot clear. Even if the piano does not need to know God, it can only see the surrounding scenery with vision.


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