Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1087: Talking

"What I saw was her obsession!" Qin said faintly.

Yang Linglong was silent again, but in the end it was a long sigh:

"I know what you mean and know what you are watching me." When it comes to this, Yang Lingyi sighs again:

" person..."

Yang Ling's look became awkward, as if he had fallen into deep memories, there was nostalgia between the looks, and he was unwilling to wait. The piano looks at Yang Ling’s changing look, and the heart is dark:

"A person? Who will it be? Should it be as good as her?"

Half-sounding, sighing and sighing, Yang Ling looked at the piano and said: "When people are old, they are willing to remember."

Qin double smiled, but no words. Yang Lingxi did not care, sorted out the emotions and continued:

"I thought that person, I had a kind of obsession. So I expelled the monk and left the martial arts as orthodox in the mainland of the warrior. At that time, I also thought about it, and will carry forward the martial arts in the future and become the only orthodox cultivation. Way. When I meet the person again, let her know that she is in the wrong direction.


It is me who is really in the wrong direction! ”

Yang Linglong is also a loss of God, and her face gradually becomes bitter and sorrowful: "If I return to the beginning with the present, I will not expel those monks, nor will I kill the **** warriors of Bai Guanyu.

I will not expel those monks, thinking that I now know that if you want to embark on the road, you will have to reunite, otherwise you will only be a strong, but not with the avenue. I am sending you this sentence, I hope to help you. ”

In the heart of the piano, one move: "What do you mean is the double repair of the law?"

"Yeah!" Yang Lingyi nodded. "If you have the ability and time, you should try to understand the Danfu Array. The avenue is born into a tributary, and the people we cultivate are all from a tributary. I started to learn. Of course, some people started to learn from the mainstream. But even if they want to go to the peak of the road, they need to understand the tributaries, but after they understand the mainstream, it is much easier to understand the tributaries. Those of us who started from the low-level mainland cultivation often have tributaries in the initial contact, so we have to contact other tributaries more. The more comprehensive we are, the closer we are to the mainstream. If it is restricted by a tributary, the road will be Going away, it will be farther and farther away from the avenue. Just like I was at the beginning.

This is why I will not expel the monks now, but I am more willing to communicate with the warriors and monks. As for me, I won’t kill them, because now I have a solution to the problem of **** warriors.

If I don't have a solution to the blood problem, even now, I will kill the **** warriors and destroy the cultivation methods of the **** warriors. Because the **** warriors cultivated to the later stage, they will gradually disappear into the human form, but the animal nature is deeply rooted. At that time, they were no longer human, but the Yaozu, and there was only endless destruction to the Terran. ”

Qin doubles silently, she knows that Yang Lingzhen is right. Not to mention the problem of expelling monks, just to say the problem of **** warriors, if you have never had a blood piano, and you get the way to strip blood from the bloodqin, what choices do you make?

Will the future kill the **** warriors and burn the bloodline cultivation methods?

Qin double sighed softly, she really didn't know. Yang Linglong no longer speaks, let Qin double think there. Half-sounding, the piano double looked up and looked at Yang Ling:

"Predecessors, who is the person who turned you into a sword?"

Yang Linglong’s look stunned, as if recalling something terrifying, and then sighed again: “The man is called Venus, but you don’t have to remember her, he is dead.”



Seeing that Yang Lingxi is not willing to talk again, Qin double asked: "Who is the person who makes you obsessive?"

Yang Linglong’s silence was half-sounding, and there was a slight apology in the eyes of the piano: “I’m sorry, you don’t have to say it.”

Yang Lingyi shook her head and said: "Your current cultivation is too low. I know that it is not good for you. I will have the opportunity to tell you again in the future. What kind of exercises are you learning now, let me listen to them. The law is good, I can point you out, if the exercises are not very good, I can teach you a new method."

Qin double is indulging for a moment: "Predecessors, I can help you, but you must ensure that the first thing is not to kill the **** warriors, the second is not to expel the monks. Third, do not do things that harm the mainland."

“How?” Yang Ling珑 frowned and said: “Is there still a **** warrior now?”

"Yes!" Qin nodded: "But I have found a way to solve the problem."

"You found a way? What method?" Yang Ling asked in astonishment.

"Pee the blood!"

"Pee the blood?" Yang Lingyi nodded: "This method is a combination, but it is really dangerous. Without sufficient certainty, it will be murdered by death."

“Yes!” Qin double asked with hope: “Do you have a better way?”

Yang Lingxi shook her head and said: "In fact, my approach is the same as yours, but your method is to heal after the cultivation, and my method is to prevent it in advance. Let the person who wants to take the path of **** soldiers advance Know that they can only integrate one blood."

The piano nodded at the same time, and at the same time, the heart was lost. I have always been helping the enemies to strip the blood, but they can't help all the blood vessels to strip the blood. Moreover, Qin Double is sure that there are certainly many people who practice the methods of blood vessels. There will be some in the future, but I forgot to remind them that they can only integrate one blood.

"It seems that for **** warriors, only one kind of blood can be merged, and it will become a law of the empire of the moon. Otherwise, once a large number of blood martial artists lose their human form and the animal nature is deep-rooted, what should I do?

I am afraid that by that time, only killing. ”

"I have promised the three conditions you mentioned, and if after the repair of my recovery, the demon chaos on the mainland of the warrior is not over, I will end it."

"Thank you!" Qin double thanked me.

Yang Lingxi said with a smile: "This time you can talk about your practice of cultivation?"

"I am practicing the Fengfeng Collection." Qin double just said a practice of his cultivation.

Yang Ling’s obscenity listened to Qin’s reciting the contents of the Fengfeng Collection, and silently said:

"You are doing this in the fairy world and it is also a top-level practice. What I can do is to explain this practice to you. Some of the exercises I have mastered are not as good as yours."

Speaking of this, Yang Lingxi is also somewhat depressed, thinking for a moment: "You sent me to my avatar, I will give you some good things. Now I will tell you about this practice."


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