Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1088: Pointing

The spirit of Qinshuang immediately focused on it. Since Yang Linglong talked about the two words of Xianjie, then Yang Ling’s cultivation is definitely more than Xianjun. Such a great power can explain any skill. thing.

Yang Linglong’s remarks were three days and three nights. When Yang Linglong finished speaking, Qin double was completely caught in the epiphany. This epiphany is seven days and seven nights. When Qin double wakes up from the epiphany, he simply recites the Xuanwu Collection, the White Tiger Collection and the Qinglong Collection to Yang Ling’s listening. Yang Linglong also hears the Qin and also cultivates these three functions. The law, not to be seen in the eyes of the gloom, then silenced, began to promote these three exercises.

After five days, Yang Lingxi began to explain the three exercises to Qin. Then Qin double entered into the epiphany. When Qinqin once again woke up from the epiphany, her martial arts repair had already unwittingly broke through the tenth floor of Wusheng. Even the wooden property martial arts is promoted to the third floor of Wusheng.

When I saw Qinqin woke up, Yang Ling said: "Qin double, now that you have cultivated the fourth of the five elements, you must find an opportunity to find a soil attribute method with the same level as these four kinds of exercises. There will be earth-shaking changes."

The piano eyes are bright and bright: "Predecessors, after you have five lines, how do you combine the five elements of practice?"

"No!" Yang Lingyi shook her head and thought about it: "Are you a five-line root?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head.

"Then you have a way to derive roots?"

"No!" Qin double continued to shake his head.

"How do you cultivate?" Yang Ling asked awkwardly.

Qin double thought about it and felt that there was no need to conceal Yang Linglong. If you want to gain something from Yang Linglong, you have to pay. Moreover, Qin Double has not been taught and directed by Master. They are all thinking about cultivation and being able to get Yang Ling’s instructions. This is definitely a big chance. If you hide yourself and miss the opportunity, then it is empty like Baoshan. Therefore, Qin double said how he derived the roots. Yang Ling looked at the piano and doubled, but in the end it turned into a long sigh:

"Your understanding is too strong! Even if compared with that person, it is not weak!"

After saying this, Yang Linglong was silent and seemed to be in memory again. Half ringing, looking at the piano double track:

"I was in a coincidence, but I got a way to derive the roots. I will pass it on to you today. I hope that you will encounter the opportunity, and then derive the spiritual roots of the soil and complete the five elements."

Yang Lingxi said that the practice of the roots of the spirit was given to the piano, and when the piano was heard, it could not help but be moved. The practice of deriving Linggen does not mean that the spiritual method can be used to derive spiritual roots, but it requires some harsh conditions. And those conditions really need the opportunity, and at the same time, the better the conditions, the higher the spiritual level derived. Moreover, these conditions are not static, and some require a lot of materials, because the grades of various materials are very low. Moreover, the derived roots are not high. Some just need a material, because the material is of a high grade and the derived roots are also very high.

In other words, the higher the grade of material you have, the less you need, and the more.

The reason why Qinqin is so heart-warming is that she has a top-level material. The inner lining of the unicorn that was originally obtained in the spiritual world, this grade of material, as long as this one, can be derived from the spiritual root of the soil. And the level of Linggen is absolutely high.

The opposite of Yang Ling’s students was afraid that Qin did not remember the content of the exercises, but also let the doubles recite it again. When it is determined that the piano double has been completely backed up, this nodded:

"Although I don't have any practice to teach you, but in Taoism, you can teach and point to you. What do you have to understand, even if you ask me."

Qin double is also a simple person, and nodded and said: "We will set off to your avatar, we will ask you when we are on the road."

Qin double thoughts and left the town demon tower. Three years in the town demon tower, the outside is just over a day. However, the time for Qin’s retreat has been nearly a year. Once again, everyone was summoned to the main hall and asked about the news. The face of Qin double smiled.

Sure enough, the demon started to fight!

After Feng Ming and Feng Yan unified the demon on the mainland of the warrior, under the conscious guidance of two people, the friction between the demons became bigger and bigger, and finally a comprehensive war broke out a month ago.

After listening to the movements of the demon, and listening to the strength of the demon, they told everyone that they had to leave the Jubilee Empire for a while.

Qin double did not say where to go, everyone did not dare to ask, but everyone's face showed a worrying color, because the piano double as soon as one left, I do not know when I can come back. Qinqin had to ensure that he would return soon, and this left the Jiuyue Empire in the eyes of everyone.

The piano double sacrificed the flying boat, while driving the flying boat, while consulting Yang Linglong about the various problems above the Tao, the understanding of the Tao on the road quickly deepened.

Twenty days later, Qin double put away the flying boat and landed in a sea area. Holding the exquisite sword in his hand, under the guidance of Yang Linglong, he entered the secret again.

This time, with the leadership of Yang Linglong, I soon came to the lotus space. The piano double stares, there is still a pool, in the middle of the pool...

The eyes of the piano doubled, and the lotus flower was completely in full bloom at this time. At the center of the lotus flower, a naked girl was sitting on the knees, and the appearance was exactly the same as Yang Linglong.

The girl opened her eyes and her eyes turned to the piano double. Qin Shuang's heart is a glimpse, although she can feel that the girl's cultivation is still very low, not as good as her, but Qin double is to feel that the other party is strong, strong no reason.

Two rhizomes protrude from the lotus pond and are drawn like a whip to the piano.


In an instant, I lived in the air, and the girl’s gaze fell on the exquisite sword.

"What sword is that?"

Qin double erased the brand of his refining and exquisite sword. It was very difficult to refine and refine, but it was a moment when it was erased. Then Qin double threw the sword to the girl in the lotus. The girl caught the exquisite sword, and the exquisite sword screamed and shook, and the girl’s body trembled, and the two sides resonated. The girl appeared in the face, and the gods unknowingly shrouded the past with the exquisite sword.


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