Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: Mozu

Qin doubles sitting on the edge of the lotus pond. When she wants to come, this girl wants to refine the passage, how can it take several years. The town demon tower was held in the hands and cultivated.

However, what Qin did not think of was only a short nine days. The girl stood up and bowed to the piano:

"Yang Linglong has seen the piano friends."

Qin double suddenly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the girl: "You... refining Yang Ling's sword?"

“Yeah!” the girl nodded. “It’s natural that we both come out with the source.”

Qin doubled his mouth and said: "Predecess..."

Yang Lingyi waved his hand: "You don't have to call my predecessor. My life begins with this avatar. This is a new life, a new beginning, and a new path. If you don't dislike me, call me. A sister."

"Learning sister!" Qin double again courtesy.

"Shuanger sister!" Yang Lingxi walked out of the lotus and came to the side of Qin double. There was some hesitation between the look: "Sister has a ruthless invitation."

"Sister please say!"

"I want to practice your exercises." Yang Ling's face was reddish: "If you don't, I will never practice."

"Yes, my sister wants to practice and practice."

“Really?” Yang Lingyi looked at the piano double in surprise.

"Of course it is true." Qin nodded.

"Thank you!" Yang Lingyi thanked him sincerely, and then pointed to the lotus pond road: "You can take one-fifth of the Yuanshen liquid here, and she is very helpful to your god."

"I take one-fifth? Then you..."

"The rest are enough. These liquids of the gods are only effective for the people. If they break through the fairy period, they will have no effect. The rest are enough for me to reach the realm of flying."

"it is good!"

Qin double is not sensational, she is because she can not enter the dark space. Now, with the liquid of the gods, she solved a big problem for her. She took out a jar and started to install the liquid of the gods. After loading one-fifth, I closed up and said to Yang Ling:

"Sister can need me to protect the law for you?"

"No, and it takes a lot of time. I will definitely find you before I fly."

Qin nodded and said: "Then I said goodbye."

" Take care!"

" Take care!"

Qin double knew the way this time and left very smoothly. Once again, I returned to the mainland and felt the riot of space aura. Qin double knows that this is a reiki riot caused by the outbreak of a large-scale war.

"It seems that the war between the demons is getting bigger and bigger!"

The piano is standing in the air, and it is slightly calculated. It feels like the days of action from the ancestors of the demon world and the devil world.

One year is coming soon!

The piano double locks the brow and considers it carefully. She is not very worried about Fengming. After all, her accumulation of Xianyuan has reached the stage of human fairy, and the difference is only the understanding of heaven.

Not bad!

It is Xianyuanli!

Feng Ming now flows in the body is not aura, but is completely transformed into Xian Yuan Li. Although staying in the mainland of the warrior, Xian Yuan Li will slowly transform into aura, but it will take a long time. With the strength of Fengming now, you can defeat any demon ancestor.

not to mention……

Fengming has left the town demon tower for nearly a year, and there must be an improvement in the understanding of heaven. Therefore, even if the ancestors of the Yaozu came, they couldn’t help Fengming. Moreover, the piano pair is relatively familiar with the Yaozu, and the ancestors of the Yaozu have no peaks of the demon sacred tenth. If there is, it is the dragon ancestor who has returned to the ancestors. However, in the view of Qin Shuang, it is definitely not Feng Ming’s opponent.

However, Feng Yan asked Qin Shuang to be very worried. It is necessary to know that Feng Yan only has the repair of the six layers of Wu Sheng. Not to mention the ancestors of the Mozu, it is also a great monk who is above the seven layers of the Devil. Her cuddling is actually a squad. However, once she encounters the ancestors of the Mozu, can she survive the attack of the ancestors of the Mozu without a pre-arranged platoon?


Qin double is very clear, if there is no help, Feng Yan is definitely not the opponent of the ancestors of the Mozu, although Qin double has not seen the ancestors of the Mozu. Because Qin double has seen three heads of demon, if Feng Yan did not pre-arrange the three pits of the road, Feng Yan must not be the opponent of the three heads.

"Go to the Mozu!"

When Qin has a decision in his heart, he will start again.

At this time, all the demons on the mainland of the warriors were concentrated in the middle, and the two armies confronted each other, and the number of monks added by the two sides exceeded 100 million. Every day there is a fierce collision and strangulation.

In the four years that the piano double disappeared, the number of demons entering the mainland of the warriors has exceeded 300 million. Before the battle with the Frost Empire and the comprehension, and the Wu Zongdian, this number was reduced to 200 million nod. Later, in the process of the conquest of the monsters by Feng Ming and Feng Yan, the number was reduced to 200 million. But now that the demon's massive war broke out, the number of demons has been drastically reduced, and now there are only 100 million.


A few days later.

Qin double has approached the area of ​​the demon war. Qin ** Tong Fengyan, determined the location of Feng Yan, did not bother her, but in the distance from the battlefield, chose a mountain range, sitting on the thick branches of a lush tree I took out a jar containing the liquid of the gods, took a sip, and began to cultivate.

A hundred miles away, but still can hear the roar of the magic of magic, but the double is not the ancient well, immersed in the cultivation of the law.

Yuanshen's liquid is really a good thing. Qinqin feels his progress every day. After five months, Qindao's legal practice has broken through to the sixth floor of the Mahayana period.

This day.

Sitting on the branches of the piano on the knees, the body surrounds the mysterious atmosphere. Suddenly, the mysterious breath of the meal, the piano opened his eyes and looked into the air. I saw a huge, dark castle that flew very fast from a distance. From the perspective of vision, it is like a black dot that is rapidly zooming in.

Qinqin stood up from the branch and flew up to the sky. Before the dark castle flew, her figure had already flown to the hurricane layer in the sky. Then look down and look down.

The dark castle flew under her, and the piano doubled in the hurricane layer, followed by the castle to the sky above the Mozu camp.

There was a shadow in the castle, and it was in the air, black and pressed, and huge power, falling from the sky. Let the demons below climb to the ground one by one, only one of the devils stood upright, raised their heads and narrowed their eyes, looking at the shadow of the air.


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