Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1090: Life and death

The first in the air is the three great devils. The monks who are crushed on the ground are mainly swayed by the breath of these three great devils.

"This is the three ancestors, all of the ten layers of the devil."

The look of Qin Double has to be dignified, and behind the three Mozu ancestors, there are still many Devils and Devils. At this time, they all look at Feng Yan with stern eyes.

Inside the demon camp.

A demon shadow rises up in the sky, standing high in the air, across the camp, looking over the Mozu side, the eyes are worried. She is Feng Ming.

The three Mozu ancestors looked toward Feng Ming, then turned their heads and looked at Feng Yan below. A demon ancestor who is in the middle of the world screams:

"Feng Yan, still not squatting."

"Your Majesty? Hehe..." Feng Yan sneered: "Why should I kneel down?"

"You killed the three demons, and also caused the Mozu and the Yaozu to fight!"

"Three heads of the devil? Kill it will kill!" Feng Yan said faintly: "As for the war with the Yaozu, this vast warrior continent, it should be the Mozu, why do you want the Yaozu to insert a foot? You These high-level executives are too weak, and they should have been expelled from the Yaozu.

What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid that the Yaozu is stronger than us? Still afraid that I have not joined forces with the Yaozu, we can't beat those people? ”


"How about arrogance?" Feng Yanzhang said madly: "Since you are weak, since you are afraid, it is better to stay in the devil world. After that, this warrior continent is my site. Conquering the Yaozu and the Terran does not require you to help, you It’s not a good day to live comfortably in the devil world?”

"court death!"

The ancestors of the Mozu were furious and waved one hand and smacked toward the phoenix below. In the air, a black cover is condensed in an instant, and Feng Yan is completely shrouded.

The piano in the hurricane layer did not move, and quietly looked down.


I saw that Fengyan was the center, and there was a strip of light on the ground. It was a line of lines. The pattern formed by the lines of the road was a hundred miles. At that time, the lines of the road were gathered. The direction is Feng Yan.

Feng Yan raised a palm and greeted the ancestors of the Mozu above. As her palms lifted up, the whole screams and screamed, and the lines were infused into the body of Fengyan. The scent of Feng Yan is rapidly rising.

The seventh floor of the devil.

Eight layers of the devil.

The devil is nine layers.

Devil's Tenth Floor.


Two giant palms collided in the air, and the three ancestors of the genius fluttered in the air. The devils tried to stabilize their bodies, but the devils did not fly back.

Above the ground, the formations flicker, hundreds of miles away, the earth is fragmented, and the gullies are vertical and horizontal. Only a hundred miles of a circle surrounded by a large array were not affected. Feng Yan's body is still tall and straight. However, Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed a bit of worry because she felt the difficulty of Feng Yan.

This is just a ancestor of the Mozu, but I don't know if I have done my best. If the three ancestors shot together, even if Feng Yan's formation is better, it will be broken. The only difference is time.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the face of the Mozu, and the heart was a glimpse. From his expression, he could see that he did not do his best.


The ancestors of the Mozu suddenly swelled, and once again raised their hands slowly, just raising their hands, the space shook sharply. Qin binocular eyes flashed, she knows that she can no longer wait, and then wait, if the three Mozu ancestors shot together, Feng Yan is absolutely no survival. Quickly communicated with Fengming, the figure fell from the hurricane layer and fell to the left side of the air demons.

The Mozu ancestor raised half of his hand and turned his head to look at the piano pair. The piano does not hide the ten-layered atmosphere of the martial arts. The aura of the body works, causing the breath to be released, so that the air around her body is like a steam. The Mozu monks in the air looked at the Qin double, and the middle-aged Mozu ancestors slowly put down their hands and looked at the Qin Double Road:

"But the emperor is face to face?"

"Not bad!" Qin nodded and said: "Occasionally, here, seeing the three are so repaired, the mind is full of war, the three will not let me down?"

They all understand the meaning of Qin double, and they are also eager to try in their three hearts. At their level, it is not easy to meet an opponent who is equal and willing to fight against one. The three ancestors looked at each other and the ancestors on the left side said:

"How are you and me?"

"I can't ask for it!"

The Mozu ancestors said: "It’s better for us to gamble. If I win, you will take the empire of the empire and give up the resistance and go to the Mozu. If I lose, I will return to the Devil with the Mozu. ""

Qin double shook his head, and the ancestors of the Mozu sarcastically said: "How? Don't you dare?"

Qin double chuckled: "I just heard it, the following Feng Yan has said it, let you go back to the Devils to have a comfortable day. Here is what she said."

"She doesn't deserve it!" The face of the Mozu ancestors was black.

The double pendulum swings: "Don't say her, just say that we are human. The human race is not my own human race, but everyone's human race. So even if I am killed here, the Terran will resist the end until you are expelled." Back to the devil world. We don't have to be so troublesome, the bet between us is not the life of each other. We are alive and dead, how?"

The Mozu ancestors looked at each other with a slight glimpse and then nodded: "Good!"

The figure flew toward the piano, and at this time, I saw Feng Ming flying from the Yaozu camp to the side, stopping at the right side of the remaining two Mozu ancestors:

"The two can dare to fight with me? That Feng Yan is hiding in the law all day, not good."

The ancestors of the Mozu on the right looked sharply at Fengming:

"Life and death?"

"Life and death!"

"Good!" The demon ancestor nodded happily and flew toward Fengming.

In this way, there is only one left of the three Mozu ancestors. He waved his hand behind him. The demon saints and demon gods behind him retreated toward the distance. His eyes swept from the body of Qinshuang to Fengming. Finally, Falling on the bottom of Feng Yan, said faintly:

"Before leaving the Devil World, I heard that there are three heroes in the mainland, one is Qinshuang, one is Fengming, and the other is Fengyan. Today, all three of you are dying at the same time, it is also a legend, hahaha..."


His big hand was gripped in the air, and the air was blown up. A small space crack appeared around the fist and bombarded the phoenix below.

Feng Yan eyes condensed, his hands were in front of his hand, and a black rifle was held in her hand and stabbed upwards. As her long shot stabbed into the air, a large array of miles and hundreds of miles lit up, the dark long guns gathered a large array of power, suddenly became thicker and longer, stabbing the fists from the air.


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