Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1091: Yaozu ancestors

On the left side of the sky, the double-handed hand of the piano looked at the opposite ancestor of the demon, and said faintly:

"I almost heard that the Mozu is powerful every day. Over the years, I have not seen the emergence of the Mozu who can surprise me. I think that should be their realm is not enough."

Speaking of this, she is a large number of opposite ancestors of the Mozu: "I don't know if I can see the true power of the Mozu today?"

"Oh..." The opposite Mozu ancestors smiled conceitedly: "I have heard your body and strength are strong, but I really don't believe it, I also want to try your strength."

"Okay! Then we will be on the last move. After one move, we will decide whether to change the tactics."

Qin double smiles on his face and slowly walks toward the opposite ancestors.

On the other side of the air, Feng Ming smiles and looks at the opposite ancestors of the Mozu:

"Do we try it again?"

"it is good!"

The devil's ancestors showed extreme confidence in their eyes. Then take the initiative to slowly push toward Fengming.


In the sky, the huge gunshots released by Fengyan and the fists of the Mozu ancestors collided with each other, and the sky was cracked, and the small space that rushed rapidly flowed like a small snake. The whole big squad swayed, and the phoenix face of the big burst of heart was extremely pale, and a trace of blood bleed from the corner of his mouth.

However, just in the moment when the gun shadow and the fist shadow collided, and the roaring moment erupted, the Qinshuang and Fengming in the sky suddenly slammed their feet on the ground, and the pure force took the space of the void out of a circle. Traces, but the body shape rushed toward the opposite Mozu ancestors.

The speed has completely exceeded the speed of light, and the space has been broken. The fragments of the space made the two of them smashed and illusory.

The strength of the piano double is beyond the Fengming, so she took the lead to rush to the opposite side of the opposite ancestors, and slammed the other side.

The ancestors of the Mozu suddenly rushed over in the Qin double, and they instinctively punched the past with the fist. The fists of two people collided without a fancy...


In fact, it can't be considered a collision, and it is crushed.

When the fist of the Mozu ancestors and the fist of the Qin double hit, they instantly splashed like sand, followed by her arm and big arm.


The piano doubled and hit a fist in the fore chest of the Mozu ancestors. The power of the seventh layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian broke out on the body of the Mozu ancestors, centering on the position where the piano fists penetrated the body of the Mozu. The circle wave, hurriedly spread on the body of the Mozu ancestors, and the whole body burst into a powder.

The body shape of the piano pair passed by and rushed toward the ancestors of the phoenix who were fighting on the ground in the center.


In the high air on the right side of the piano, after the piano double smashed the body of the Mozu ancestors, another explosion came, it was the Fengming of the power of the fairy, and the body of another Mozu .


The only remaining ancestors of the Mozu dynasty changed dramatically, and this result was completely beyond his expectations. I can't help myself.


It was only this embarrassing time that was enough. The shape of the piano pair had already come to him, and a fist had blown the air and bombarded him.

At this time, the ancestors of the Mozu want to retreat, hide, and escape, and it is too late.

This fist seems to envelope the heavens and the earth, and it seems that the heaven and earth cages generally cover him. If he wants to escape, he must break the cage of this day. In other words, he must take the punch.

Get in touch and escape from birth.

Can't take it, completely degenerate.

His body is swaying, and he does not agree to the pure power of the piano.


Before he could communicate with the world, Qin’s fist had already come to him, punching his fist in a hurry, bombarding him and bombing his body.



Everything is silent!


Qin Shuang and Feng Ming held their hands and looked at the devils and devils. Those devils and devils are staring at Qinshuang and Fengming.

"This is definitely not true."

"How can our ancestors be killed?"

"And still being beaten by a punch?"

"Three are dead!"

"Naqin Shuanghe Fengming also showed us, what should I do?"

I don't know who moved the body first and flew toward the dark castle floating in the air. Then the "Hula La" shadow was swept through the air, but in an instant, there was no more magic in the air. Escaped to the dark castle.

Qin Shuang and Feng Ming did not chase, just faintly looking at the Mozu who had escaped to the dark castle.

It’s not that the two of them don’t want to kill these devils, but they can’t.

The only way is to use the ancestors of the Mozu to understand themselves, and to kill each other with pure power. Now that the Mozu has already known its own power, it will never give it another chance.

If you are besieged by a group of magical sacred distances, the piano pair is not dominant. Of course, there is no problem in trying to retreat, but it is also difficult to kill the devil.

Those devils and gods did not know what Qin Bian and Feng Ming thought, and fled back to the dark castle after driving to the castle.

Qin Shuang and Feng Ming regained their gaze and looked at Feng Yan, who was shrouded in the formation.

"The turtle locked in the shell!" Feng Ming said lightly.

"Oh..." Feng Yan was sneer, but he looked at Qinshuang. Not far away, Feng Ming also looked at Qin Double Road:

"Your strength is good, do you want us to practice?"

Qin doubled and said: "Just killed two of the ancestors, some tired. Go first!"

The piano double gods rushed out of the eyebrows and turned into a fire phoenix. The piano double stepped on the back of the fire phoenix and flew away in the distance. Feng Ming's eyes flickered, and the last one was wearing a robe sleeve and flew toward the Yaozu camp.

Three days later.

Qinqin still sat on the big tree and practiced on the big tree. After a hundred miles, the Yaozu and the Mozu fought again. The eyes of the piano are drooping, and the hands of the town demon tower are held. From there, the rich Xianyuan force cultivates the martial arts. At this time, her Yuanshen liquid has been consumed cleanly, and it is impossible to raise it quickly in a short time, so she began to practice martial arts. Her martial arts have already crossed the tenth floor of Wusheng, and further is the peak of Wusheng, breaking the void and flying to the spiritual world.

Her body is surrounded by a trace of rhyme, the reason why she did not enter the town demon tower cultivation, is to be able to comprehend the heavens.


Like a sculpture-like double, he lifted his eyes and looked at the battlefield hundreds of miles away. In the distance, the demon cloud is swaying. Although it is impossible to see what happened, it can be perceived that a strong person is coming.

"The demon ancestor is here!"

The body shape of the piano double rises toward the sky, and instantly enters the hurricane layer and flies away from the hundred miles.


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