Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: Despair or trap

When the piano flew to the sky above the battlefield, they saw that the army of the two demons had been separated, and the battle was stopped, and the eyes were all looking over the demon.

A large golden ship was parked in the sky above the camp of the Yaozu. From the golden ship, a group of demon monks flew out of the hula, and the piano in the hurricane layer looked at it, and the heart could not help but be happy. Among the demon monks, many of them know her.

At least the ancestors of the Feng nationality, she has seen. On her side stood two very strong ancestors, one full of dragons, and that breath is stronger than the Fengzu ancestors. Qin double's gaze shrinks:

"It is stronger than Fengfeng. Is he the ancestor of the dragon? Has he returned to his ancestors?"

Her gaze fell on another ancestor, and from that ancestor she perceives the breath of the sky.

"He is the ancestor of the Scorpio?"

on the ground.

Fengming took a step in the sky and his body shape swayed up. He came across from the three ancestors and prayed to Fengyao:

"Feng Ming has seen his ancestors."

Feng Yao looked at Feng Ming and found that Feng Ming’s breath at this time had reached the nine layers of the demon, and he could not help but surprise:

"Feng Ming, are you demon holy nine?"

Why is Feng Ming’s repairing the nine layers of the demon? It is not the accumulation of Xianyuan, her understanding of the heavens has reached the tenth floor of Wusheng, and it is very close to the peak. It’s just that she has been concentrating on her own breath, and people can’t see it.


Feng Yao’s face showed a ecstasy color: “Feng Ming, don’t stay in this barren place in the mainland of the Warriors. Let’s meet with me.”

Feng Ming shook his head and said: "The ancestors, the demon world does not belong to me, but it is different here."

Having said that, Feng Ming spread his arms to both sides, as if to integrate the whole world into his own arms:

"Here are the territories I have hit. As long as I expel the Mozu, it will belong to me."

Feng Yao was silent for a while: "As long as you are willing to go back, you are the patriarch of the Feng nationality, and the whole Fengdao is yours."

"Fengdao is too small!" Feng Ming shook his head.

"The ambition is not small!" The dragon ancestor on the side said disdainfully: "The **** friend, you are the middleman of this time. We are negotiating in the demon world. If Feng Ming refuses to obey the demon world, I will kill her. In the warrior continent."

The piano in the hurricane layer heard it, and I understood it in my heart. The demon world is about Fengming, and it should be controversial for a long time. Feng Yao heard that Feng Ming’s move must be to bring Feng Ming back to Fengdao. Originally, the Dragons should not be involved in the mainland of the Yiwu people. However, after hearing about Fengming, they were decisively inserted, because the Dragons did not want to see the Phoenix people have an unlimited potential. There is a mind in the heart that kills Fengming.

Feng Yao naturally refused, and finally reached an agreement, if Feng Yao will obey the Fengdao Island, the matter is over. If you refuse, you will kill Fengming in the mainland of the warriors. The ancestors of the Scorpio are coming to be supervisors.

In order to get this result, Feng Yao has made great efforts to get the results in front of the various ancestors, or to pay for the benefits.

At this time, Feng Yao heard the words of the dragon ancestors, Feng Ming said:

"It's still not your turn!"

The dragon ancestors Longmu said: "She has rejected you, you can retreat to one side, otherwise don't blame me, even kill you."

"Kill me? Come on!" Fengyao swelled.

"Hey..." The dragon ancestors laughed and said: "Don't bluff, you can't beat me. And if you don't escape, we will fight two lives, you will die. How? Want to deal with Fengming and Fengming? I am not afraid. Only the split friends are next to you, and your phoenix is ​​waiting to be the public enemy of the demon world!"

Feng Yao’s momentum is a glimpse, and the tone is still tough: “Feng Ming does not agree, I can take her back.”

When the words fell, the figure rushed toward Fengming.

"Feng Ming, go back with me!"

The dragon ancestors’ eyes flashed, but they did not move. Feng Yao felt that the dragon's ancestors did not come up, and the heart could not help but singularly.

"Feng Ming, obedient. Follow me to Fengdao, otherwise no one can save you today."

"Old ancestors, sorry!"

Feng Ming also passed the sound to Fengyao, then moved his handcuffs, communicated with the world, and fought with Fengyao. The two great monks played a similar match, and the doubles in the hurricane layer looked funny. This Fengming thought was very clear, so she listened to the drama with peace of mind.

Two quarters later.

Gradually Fengming began to fall in the wind, and the hands of the Dragon ancestors behind him were suddenly clenched and their eyes flashed. He killed the Fengming.

Such a young demon, has been cultivated to the ninth floor of the demon, if given her time, who would dare to say that she can not break through the tenth floor of the demon?

He is looking for the best time, looking for Feng Yao's reaction, and being able to kill Feng Ming in a single move. He knew that he had only one chance.

Fengming is so outstanding, the small grade has reached the nine-layered cultivation of the demon sacred, and the Fengzu ancestors fought for so long, but only fell in the downwind, and there was no defeat. If Feng Ming is the son of his own dragon, he will save his life and will keep Feng Ming. Because this is the hope of the dragon standing in the peak.

Therefore, he believes that Fengyao will definitely die and protect Fengming. As long as he dares to shoot, Feng Yao will be able to deal with him with Feng Ming. Such a talent, which race will die, even if it is an enemy of the entire demon world.

Therefore, he must wait for an opportunity to wait for a chance to defeat the enemy, and definitely not give Feng Yao the opportunity to save.


At this time, Feng Yao and Feng Ming fought back and forth in the air, and Feng Ming’s back finally turned to the Dragon ancestors.

"good chance!"

The dragon ancestors just wanted to start, but the face was ecstatic.

It was originally at this time that Feng Yao and Feng Ming’s spells collided in the air. Feng Yao’s spells were stronger than Feng Ming’s, and the Feng Ming’s spells were blasted. The rest of the martial arts also hit Feng Ming’s chest. Feng Ming flew out and flew out in the direction of the dragon ancestor, and the back was facing the dragon ancestors.

"Feng Ming!"

Feng Yao's look changed greatly, and suddenly rushed toward Fengming, because she had already seen the dragon ancestor rushing toward Fengming, and she was going to intercept the dragon ancestors.


She is far away from the dragon's ancestors, and Fengming and the dragon's ancestors are rushing together. Fengming is facing the dragon's ancestors, but she does not know that the dragon's ancestors have already killed her back.

Not bad!

Feng Ming’s speed of flying by Feng Yao is not slow. However, the speed of the dragon ancestors is faster. In order to be able to kill Fengming without fail, the dragon ancestors gave up the dragon supernatural powers, but wanted to slap the head of the phoenix.


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