Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: Derivative Danfang

The magical bombardment on Feng Ming’s body may not be able to kill the Qin double. But as long as the head of Feng Ming is broken, it is sure to die.

And he has this time, have this opportunity.

Didn't see it, now Feng Ming has not found that he has already arrived behind her?

One of his dragon's claws has been photographed to Feng Ming's head, and his face is smirked, smirking at Feng Yao, who is flying from the opposite side.


All of this happened in the electric light and flint. Fengyao just shouted out four words "Fengming, Dragon", and the dragon claws of the dragon's ancestors were less than half a foot away from Fengming's head.


The smile on the face of the dragon ancestors suddenly became stiff. His wrist was caught by Feng Ming’s hand, and the power of Feng Ming made him feel scared. The hand holding his wrist, like a hoop, held his arm. Hemp. Then he saw Feng Ming holding his hand and pulling forward. His body shape could not be rushed toward Feng Ming. Feng Ming suddenly slammed his back toward the front chest of the dragon ancestors.


The dragon's ancestors' chest was suddenly smashed, and the bones were broken. It was just this collision. The life of the dragon ancestors went to half.

The other hand of the dragon ancestors bombarded the back of Feng Ming, but with his power at this time, he could not hurt Feng Ming.

"You...not the nine layers of Wu Sheng..." The ancestors of the dragons showed the light of fear.

"of course not!"


Feng Ming’s body suddenly burst into a flame, covering the dragon ancestors behind him. The flames were so hot that they refining one space into nothingness.

"Fire emptiness!" Feng Yao looked shocked at Feng Ming: "Wu Sheng tenth floor!"


Feng Ming took back the emptiness of the fire, but it was only such a blink of an eye that the dragon ancestors had been burnt into powder. The piano in the hurricane layer has a bit of pain.

"Waste! This is the dragon body of the tenth floor of Wusheng!"

Feng Yao looked at Feng Ming with a shock, half-sounding, and his face showed a bitter smile:

"I really don't want to be Fengdao?"

"Don't go back!" Feng Ming shook his head. "But there is something in Fengdao, I will go back."

Feng Yao smiled gratifiedly, and then he became serious again: "You killed the dragon ancestors this time. Although the parties in the demon world are afraid of you, I am afraid you don't want to win the help of the demon world. Maybe It won't take long, even the demon monks here will get the orders of each family, leave you and return to the demon world.

Except for the Feng nationality, I am afraid that other races will hope that you will fail in the warrior continent and even be killed by the Mozu. No race wants to see the Phoenix become strong. In fact, the Feng nationality is already strong enough. Now there is one more Wusheng tenth layer like you, and the pressure on them is too great.

Therefore, they will try to withdraw the Yaozu on the mainland of the warrior to the demon world, so that you are at a disadvantage in front of the Mozu. In order to kill you, they can give up the mainland of the warriors. And they believe that once you die, they can go to the warrior continent from the demon world at any time. ”

"I understand!" Feng Ming whispered: "Thank you."

Feng Yao shook his head: "The chicks have finally grown up, and you take care."

When the words fell, Feng Yao flew toward the golden ship. The ancestors of the scorpion scorpion nodded toward Fengming:

"I have the opportunity to be a guest at home. I miss you very much."

"Well! Seniors take care!"

Looking at the big ship leaving, Feng Ming's gaze hangs from the air and looks at the phoenix on the ground. The hands of two people are lifted almost at the same time, and then a wave of force.


The demon collided again.

The Qin double emptiness stands in the hurricane layer, and carefully considers the words of Feng Yao.

The Yaozu will no longer send more troops to the military, and will even recall many demon monks. Just to let Fengming be at a disadvantage in front of the Mozu, I want to use the hand of the Mozu to kill Fengming.

The Yaozu thinks this way, and the Mozu is not the case.

Coming to catch Fengyan three magical ten layers have been killed, the demon should not send the demon ancestors to the mainland of the war, they will also think of killing Feng Yan by the hands of the Yaozu.

"So, it gives the Terran a great opportunity."

The piano doubled his eyes and then flew in the direction of the Crescent Moon Empire.

"The improvement is not only for me, but for the whole family. There is not much time left for us to counterattack."

The piano doubles back to the moon empire. The people who are facing the whole empire have doubled their welfare. Everyone feels that the time for the Terran counterattack is approaching, and the people of the entire empire are in a state of desperate cultivation. At the same time, the entire warrior continent has a large number of people from all directions, through various channels, began to rush to the last holy place of the Terran.

The Crescent Moon Empire!

What is Qinqin doing?

She is alchemy in the alchemy interior of the town demon tower.

She practiced with a dark corner, and the effect is high and scary. But when I think that the dark corner is hard to get, there is an idea in the heart of Qin double, and a kind of medicinal medicine is researched with a dark corner.

Wasted three dark corners and did not succeed.

Don't think that the piano has used three dark corners, but it has been refining three times. It is not like this, but it has been refined nearly a hundred times. The piano double uses a small part of the dark corner every time. Later, it was added to the weak grass in Danfang. It also consumed three dark corners, and Qin Double finally succeeded in refining the medicinal herbs.

However, Qin double is very disappointed.

Because the effect of the drug is general.

Why do military or monks not take alchemy materials directly, but instead refine them into medicinal herbs?

Mainly the effect.

Once the main medicine is refining the medicinal herbs, a maximum of 36 can be refined in one furnace, and at least six can be refining. And the effect of each medicinal herb is more than the simple use of medicinal herbs.

Even if it is not more than just taking the same medicine, it can only be refining six pieces in one furnace, which is six times that of taking medicine alone.

not to mention……

The effect of each remedy is beyond the simple use of herbs?

The medicinal herbs that are almost the same are double the effect of taking herbal medicines, and the better.

However, the successful medicinal herbs of the piano double refining not only did not exceed the effect of the dark corner, and even the effect of the weak water grass was not as good. Is this not a loss?

Qin double throws those medicinal herbs on the ground, frowning and thinking, and deducting them carefully.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin double still did not find out the reasons for the failure of alchemy. Not a little boring, got up and walked out of the alchemy room, standing at the peak and looking towards the town demon tower.

"Danfang has already pushed to the extreme, there should be no problem!"

Qin double's gaze looked at the front without a focal length. I don't know how long it took. The piano double sighed and woke up from the thoughts. The scenery inside the town demon tower was presented in front of her. The beautiful scenery made her mood gradually better.

Suddenly, her heart leaped and her face showed a faint color.


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