Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: recovery

In the early days when Qin Double led the Terran into the East, these demons were also clamoring to destroy the Terran army. And they really did.

Then they only need more than a thousand monks, but they dare to face the 16 million army of the human race. It shows that the human race has weakened to the extent of the demon!

However, the results need not be said, and the human army, which was simply played by the doubles, was pushed horizontally.

Don't worry about how strong you are, more than a thousand people face more than 10 million people. What is it that is not looking for death?

And today's Terran is not weak! The demon of these small stocks is not strong. If you have a Wusheng or Mahayana period, you can destroy the small group of demons.

"Moon Emperor!"

At this time, Qin Lie was standing beside the Qinshuang, and behind them, Yang Yingtian, Han Che, Jin Longxing and others, they all looked at Qin Lie enviously. At this time, Qin Lie also looked at the frontier road in front of him with excitement:

"How do I build the emperor here?"

Qin double smiled: "This is your empire, what you said."

"Then I am here!" Qin Lie said excitedly.

"Yes!" Qin nodded, then turned to Yuan Fei and said: "Yuan Fei, this is your Tianji camp thing, the fastest speed to come up with the design, with the consent of Qin Lie, and then began to build the city. The people started from two aspects, on the one hand, from the empire of the Crescent Moon, and on the other hand from the entire Terran. On these days, a large number of Terran people rushed over, and the warriors above the martial arts left, according to their voluntary participation. The legion, the martial arts masters organized them and participated in the construction of the city.

It is not for them to work hard, to exchange their resources for their labor, and to promise that no matter who they are, as long as they break through to the martial arts, they can immediately enter the major legions by their willingness. Enjoy the benefits of the major legions. ”

"Yes!" Yuan Fei hurriedly responded.

Qin double swept his eyes over the crowd: "The next time, we sway the entire east and clear the demon. Then we enter the north and then enter the west. We must first establish a foothold in these three parties and build a big city. Become the base of our humanity.

In this way, even if the monsters attack again in the future, we also have these big cities as bases, echoing each other and effectively resisting the demon. ”

Everyone beamed their eyes and nodded. Especially the cold, which means the next founding of the country is the Frost Empire.

The Terran soon moved, built a city to build a city, expelled the demon slayer, and practiced cultivation.

In fact, Qin double did this. As she said, it is necessary to establish several bases, echo each other, and give the human race a chance to grow. Nowadays, the Terran is too weak to face the powerful demon. But the demon of the small stocks is a rare opportunity to sharpen. But the most important aspect is that Qin double has to give Feng Yan a chance to grow.

For Feng Ming, Feng Yan is still too weak.

Qin double can rest assured that Feng Ming will enter the demon world in the future, but he is not assured that Feng Yan will enter the devil world. Therefore, she chose the first east, the north, the west and the west, and the program that does not directly collide with the demon is the time for Feng Yan to grow up.

The mainland of the warrior is very vast, only the East, and the Terran has spent a year to clear all the demons. Qinshuang named the new capital of the Daqin Empire as Qindu, and Qinshuang has been left to practice in Qindu.

During the time of the year, the time of Qin Double was used in the practice of the law every day. With the help of Yuan Shen Dan, the Qin double method was broken into the early tenth stage of the Mahayana period.

Every night, the piano pair will go out and use the moon to wash the Yinshen.


The two sides of the piano sit on a large old tree, and half of the Qin has been quietly settled in the distance. Above the clouds, the Yinshen of the Qinshuang has five hearts to the sky, and Yuehua has fallen on her body and entered the yin. The body of God, then sheds, and every time it is swallowed, it brings out a trace of impurities, which makes the Yin God more concise.


The moonlight on the yin **** suddenly trembled, and then the yin **** was like a black hole, and began to absorb the moon madly, and the moon distort the space, like the Yangtze River and the general gathering of the gods of the Qinshuang, but not At the beginning of the tenth, with the Yinshen as the center, the rich moonlight formed a huge silver vortex, shrouded the Yin God in the center.

The sky was white, the light was at the beginning, and the darkness was driven away a little bit, but soon, the speed of driving away the darkness was getting faster and faster, and a red sun rose from the horizon.

The world is white!

The moon around the Yin God has disappeared, the sun is shining on the gloomy, and a layer of Xiaguang is plated, and the Yin God seems to be covered with a layer of colorful armor.

That Xiaguang is like a moon, absorbed into the body by the Yin God, and then sprayed out. The yin **** is no longer an illusory appearance, but has become a substance.

Yang Shencheng!

After half an hour, the sun is getting stronger. The purple **** of Qin double has risen in purple, and there is a bit of pain in his eyes. The piano doubled and thought, and Yang Shen swooped down the clouds and swooped down to the old tree, turning it into a streamer and drilling into the body of the piano.

Qin double opened his eyes and a little joy in his mouth.

"At the end of the sun! But there is still a long distance from the perfection of the Yangshen. As long as I cultivate the Yangshen to the Great Consummation, the martial arts will reach the realm of broken voids. At that time, my law should be improved. Realm?"

The piano doubles in a good mood, and the figure flies up from the tree and flies toward Qindu.

Seven days later.

The Daqin regiment stayed in the East, and the other seven legions marched toward the north and began to conquer the north.

In fact, with the cooperation of Fengming and Fengyan, the north is almost blank at this time. There are not many demons, and the strength is not strong. The piano double leads the human race, which is almost the state of horizontal pushing. The demon slayer is not the main task, the main task is to rebuild the human civilization.

Qin Shuang insisted on the promise and handed the north to the cold country. Qindu has not yet been built, but it has a complete design and has been built for a year. Yuan Fei just left a small number of people, and most of the people who came to the north came to the north to start building for the cold. capital.

Frost City!

Qinshuang still stayed in the site of Jiandu in Frost City, and other army began to demon in the North.

In this year's time, everyone has made progress, and there is really no challenge. When the army left the innocent desert, everyone was still full of blood, thinking that there would be a series of battles, as long as the people who survived, after a thought, will be mad.

Who knows, it is not the case at all.


I am very grateful to y Xuanyuan Yueer, starting from reading ios classmates (1000), studying seriously and studying classmates (200), and then classmates (200), Chu Junsheng (100), Ke Siyu (100), **** Xueer (100) reward!



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