Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Destroy

The demon only cares about killing each other in the Central Plains and simply ignores the Terran. The Terran is almost a white place.

Say good and fierce killing?

Say good blood flow?

Say good horse leather wrap?

Therefore, people like vengeance have lost their interest. When they work every day, they are mainly practicing. Because they all know that although they are now like a white house, they still have to face the demon.

However, leaving the rich aura of the Crescent Moon Empire, and more or less affected by the war, the vast majority of people are not high enough to enter the country.

Shen Qiu and Xue Yi really had sequelae after stripping the blood. Although it will not demonize again, it will not be violent, nor will it be stagnant as before, but the entry is really slow. Two people are still stuck in their respective levels, and the revenge is still the eighth peak of Wusheng. The blood coat is still the sixth peak of Wusheng, and it has never passed that level.

Li Yan secretly eats fairy meat every day, and every day there is a Danyun-level medicinal herb, and there is also Yuanshen Dan. Although he lost the strong aura in the Huichun squad, he still broke through a small order and reached Wu. The sixth floor of the Holy Land, although not yet at its peak, is also a realm of catching up with the blood.

The same breakthrough in the realm is the blue moon, and a little more than Li Yan's ascension, he broke through a small step, but reached its peak.

The fourth layer of Wusheng.

Duan Hong did not break through, and there was almost no entry into the country, only barely reaching the peak of the first layer of Wusheng. This made him see the blue moon in his face, and his heart was very unhappy.

He worked hard to form the Suzaku Legion, and he had to train again. Then he left the Jubilee Empire with the Suzaku army and came to the North and the Qinshuang. In the past year, there was not much time to practice. In the period of Duan Hong, who is in the blue moon, he has made up his mind that in the days to come, he must do his best to cultivate.

Duan Hong also brought news of Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun. Qin Wu is in the midst of a rejuvenation battle. He has a fairy meat, and has a Danyun-level medicinal herb. The **** of the Danfoss level is the head pig. The repair will also be promoted, but because he cultivated the White Tiger Collection, it took a long time. It is also the qualification of Qinwu belongs to the upper middle. Under such a good cultivation condition, it is only promoted to the peak of the late Emperor Wu. According to Duan Hong, after he left, Qin Wu will retreat and prepare to break through the realm of Wu Shen.

Qin Jingyun's qualifications are excellent, so Qin Jingyun is a breakthrough, repaired to the seventh peak of Wushen.

Gongzhiliang still did not take that step, it is still the third peak of Wusheng, so is the same as Zhongshanyu, which is still the fourth peak of Wusheng.

Jin Longxing’s cultivation was promoted to the third floor of Wu Sheng, but his heart was not happy. The younger generation, the piano double will not say, no one has regarded the piano double as a younger generation. Jinlongxing has definitely lost its mind compared with Qinshuang.


What is the blue moon month?

The original cultivation has always been worse than him. He has always been the first master of the younger generation on the mainland. Even if Lan Mingyue disappeared for a while, he was the same as he was after he came back, but he also has confidence. In the real battle, Lan Mingyue is not his opponent, because he cultivated the celestial body and his body is strong. .

However, just two years ago, Lan Mingyue actually surpassed his cultivation. Although, he feels that even if Lan Mianyue is now a little higher than him, he really fights, and Lan Mingyue is not his opponent, but his heart is still unhappy.

The people in the realm of cultivation have no substantial suddenness. They only cultivated to the peak of the small order. Wanzhongshan is the third peak of the Mahayana period. The Yangzong master, Bu Haishan and Sixing are the second peak of the Mahayana period.

Yuan Fei was the first peak of Wu Sheng, and Qin Lie and Han Che finally broke through to the first stage of Wu Sheng.

From the local warriors who came to the place, Qin double got the news of the cuckoo and the snow, the snow in the north, the cuckoo in the west, the two demon slayers, saved a lot of people. Only when the army of Qinshuang pushed the majority of the north, the snow disappeared in the north, and the piano was estimated to have gone to other places.

Two years later, in the past, the Qin Dynasty’s Qindu has been completed. The martial arts martial arts division and the martial arts division are involved in the layout of the basic formation and the basic pattern given by Qin Double. And the pattern, these foundations, but a lot of heavy work, the piano double will not go to work, it is a waste of time, and these activities, do not need the master level, but the master can do. By the time they finish, the piano will complete the high-end part.

The Frost Empire in the North was also established, and the capital city named Frost City was established and half established.


Jinlongxing did not establish Wu Zongdian. The name of Wu Zongdian is too big. Nowadays, people across the continent, who do not know the Crescent Moon Empire is the center of martial arts and law?

Wu Zongdian is no longer the center of the martial arts of the martial arts. At this time, the establishment of the Wuzong Temple will attract the ridicule of the world's military, attracting the alert of the empire of the moon, and even attracting the defense of the Great Qin Empire and the Frost Empire. Hostility in the realm of cultivation. Because Wu Zongdian was the leader of the world, he expelled the realm of comprehension.

If this time to save the Terran, the great cause of the deportation of the demon is under the leadership of Wu Zongdian, then it will be. The forces of all parties have been surrendered to the Wu Zongdian, and Wu Zongdian will once again embark on glory.


Unfortunately, no.

Under this circumstance, Jinlongxing forced the restoration of Wu Zongdian. As a result, all the forces of the armed forces guarded Wu Zongdian and secretly blocked the rise of Wu Zongdian.

The simplest, and also the most glamorous, is to strengthen the means of attracting the human race. The forces of several parties have united the Wu Zong Dian, and the people have cast the empire, the Daqin Empire, the Frost Empire and the Comprehension.

In this way, Wu Zongdian has a Western territory, but not many people.

How is the development of people?

Therefore, Jinlongxing abandoned the identity of Wu Zongdian in the north and established an empire called the Wuzong Empire.

Regardless of the first two words, at the very least, the latter two words are "empire", which puts himself and the Crescent Moon Empire, the Great Qin Empire and the Frost Empire on a horizontal line, no longer the empire above Wu Zongdian.

The name of the emperor is called Dongying City.

This is a memorial to the master of the previous generation of Wu Zongdian, his master.

Only this city has just begun to build.


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