Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1932: Pointing

"Yeah!" Jade Crown Court condensed: "Cultivate the four treasures, the law and the wealth, no matter which one, the purple star is the strongest in the spiritual world. ξ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ξ ξ ξ 只是 只是 只是 只是 只是It’s not easy to stay in the Purple Star."

"Not bad!" Tianqin Xianjun appreciatively glanced at the jade crown court: "The improvement of cultivation is inseparable from the accumulation of resources, even if it is a enchanting genius, if there is not a lot of resources, it may be impossible." The competition in Tianzixing is particularly fierce. Of course, if you want to live in Tianzicheng, it is even more difficult. And a few of you, apart from Qin Xiaoyou, have reached the nine-day Xuanxian."

Having said that, he glanced at the piano and said: "Even if Qin Xiaoyou, the realm of Yuanshen should have reached nine days of Xuan Xian?"


Qin double can not see that the realm of Yuanshen is higher than that of Da Luo Jinxian. It is possible to defend and attack double-faced people with Qin music. Is it because of the music? Is it possible to have a deep Yuanshen repair?

Is it the Yuanshen of Da Luo Jinxian?

not to mention……

The pride of these days on the starship, which gods are not higher than their own cultivation?

Otherwise, I am also embarrassed to call myself Tianjiao?

"So, you should consolidate the gods!"

"Condensed the gods to create the mystery?" asked Geng.

Qin double is not blinded by the eyes, Tianjiao is really different, not the wild land of Tianlinxing, even know the mystery.

"Not bad!" Tianqin Xianjun nodded.

"Consolidating the gods, what is the purpose of the birth of the mystery?" Qin double asked by the opening, she already had the mystery, but also knows that the metaphysics is higher than the gods, but does not know what the purpose of the mystery.

"Only the birth of the mystery, there is a hope to break through to the fairy king, flying up the fairy world."

Qin double condensed eyebrows: "That is, even if there is no birth of the mystery, it is not a mistake to become Xianjun? Just can't be a fairy king?"

"Yes!" Tianqin Xianjun nodded: "There is no birth of mystery, but it can also become Xianjun. But it is not the immortal opponent who gave birth to the mystery, but it is impossible to become the fairy king."

"Why do you need the mystery to become a fairy king?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"That is because the mystery is the key to open the door to the world, and it can be said to be the key to open the door to the world."

"Predecessors, what is the door to the wonderful?" Wu Hai could not help but ask.

"It is the law! Only when the mystery is born can we consolidate the law. Only by condensing the law can we enter the realm of the king."


The heart of the piano is roaring, it turns out!

She knows that her spirit already has a rule, but she can't move the law at all, let alone move, it is impossible to contact.


The law is in the spirit, but its own **** is not born with metaphysics. Is it necessary to consolidate the gods and let the gods give birth?

Or is it another way to go?

Don't know if other monks have practiced? Do they also cultivate a spiritual heart?

However, she did not dare to ask directly. There was some entanglement in her heart. She sank her mind into the heart of the Tao and tried to touch the eyebrows of the spirit, but she could not get in and could not touch the law in the heart of the eyebrow.

"Predecessors!" Qin asked cautiously: "The younger generation once heard that the monks can cultivate the upper three middle and lower dantian, is this true?"

"There is such a saying." Tianqin Xianjun looked at the piano with a deep impression. "In fact, our monks practiced the up and down Dantian. Shangdantian is our knowledge of the sea and the purple house. The land of the lower Dantian is the sea of ​​sea, the place where Yuanli gathers. We use the gods to use the gods, but the release of the Tao is the interaction between the gods and the forces. For this kind of thing, in this case, the consumption of the gods is greater than the power. For example, we release giant wood, fire dragon and so on.

However, if we hold the fairy in our hands, or use the exercises such as the fists and the feet, the power consumption is greater than the consumption of the gods.

As for the third Dantian, it is Zhongdantian, also known as Dao Xin.

It’s just that this heart is very mysterious and has nothing to look for. It is said that only the Xu family contemporary patriarch Xu Mo opened up the Tao. ”

“What is the heart of the heart?” asked Geng, who could not help but ask.

"I don't know." Tianqin Xianjun shook his head.

Qin double bowed his head and thought that he had to take time to study the Yuanshen, Yangshen and Ling. See if you can find a way to give birth to the sun and the gods as soon as possible.

Tianqin Xianjun did not ask for the scores of the piano and the soul, and Qinqin had this exchange, and he was satisfied, and pointed out a few small guys, and then left. Only two people left the piano and sat on the deck.

"Qin double, if I can not pass the assessment of Tianziyuan, I am also prepared to stay in Tianzixing." Yu Guanting said seriously.

"Heavenly Purple Star!" Qin Shuang's eyes showed a yearning for the color, and then looked at the four humanities: "Who do you know about the Purple Star?"

All four people shook their heads: "We are also the first time to go to the Purple Star, what can we know?"

"Let's just talk about it, what should you hear from the elders?" Qin said faintly.

All four people are silent and seem to be remembering something. Qin double no longer speaks, just wait quietly. After about half an hour, Sun Yuan took the lead:

"Heavenly Star is a unique planet of the Terran. That is to say, the Purple Star has born the avenue of the Terran. There are no Yao and Mozu, even if there are Yao and Mozu, it is also the demon of the Terran. Pets and magic pets. Just a purple star, there are nearly a thousand families, and any one of these nearly a thousand families is stronger than any big family in our middle star domain, or that the worst is also with us. The big family is similar. And from time to time, the old family has fallen, and the new family has risen, so there is also a war in the Purple Star."

"War?" Qin double frowned slightly: "Since you use the word war, it means not a fight between individual monks, but a war between families?"

"Of course it is a war between families. You said that the war between individual monks, not to mention the sky purple stars, is in our mid-range, not every moment? Not to mention a single monk. The killing between them is the gang of some powerful gangs. It is also an ordinary thing to kill.

I heard my father say that the purple star is very big, so the population on the sky purple star is beyond our imagination. An ordinary city has a population of over 100 million. But if we want to stay in the Purple Star, we must live in the city because it is very dangerous outside the city. ”



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