Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1933: Tian Zixing rumor

"Well, there are monsters and monsters outside the city."

"It is not that Tianzixing is a kind of avenue suitable for the human race. Is it not suitable for the demon and the demons to live?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"It's just not suitable for the demon and the demon to live, but it does not mean that it is not suitable for the beast and the monster." Sun Yuan explained:

"The beasts and monsters have no wisdom, so they will not cultivate. Whether it is suitable for their environment of settlement and cultivation is not very important to them. Instead, they will enhance their strength by devouring the human race. So even if there is strength The monks will not live in the wild all the year round. However, if you want to live in the city, the price is very expensive."

Everyone can't help but imagine that if you want to settle in the Purple Star, you will be busy with your life, and how much time will you spend practicing? The earned Xianjing has to pay for the settlement in the city. How much is the remaining cultivation resources?

Not to mention the desire to settle in the Purple City, which should be more expensive.

"And we went to the Purple Star to be low-key, we must understand the forbearance." Year Geng giant whispered: "According to my father, the concentration of the celestial gas in the inner star field is about five times that of the middle star field, and the concentration of the fairy gas in the sky purple star. It is about five times that of the inner star field. In this kind of cultivation environment, many monks have become a fairy in their teens. In the 30s, there are many monks who broke through to Da Luojinxian. In their fifties Nine-day Xuan Xian is not unusual."

Having said that, the year of Geng said bitterly: "I am eighty-seven years old this year, and it is the first peak of the nine-day Xuanxian."

Everyone is silent again!

Half-sounding, Sun Yuan said: "I am one year older than you, eighty-eight."

"I am seventy-six." Angry Sea whispered.

"I am seventy-five." Jade Crown court gratefully glanced at the piano double eyes. He knew that if it wasn't for Qin Lian and his Li Ming Dan, he could not have achieved today.

"I am forty!"

Qin double looked at four people, his heart was slightly stable, it seems that even if he is placed in the sky purple star, it is not a poor layer.

"Qin double!" Nu Hai looked at the piano double road: "You still have to break through to the nine-day Xuan Xian as soon as possible, so there is also a foothold in Tianzixing."

The piano nodded twice: "Is there a lot of immortals in the purple star that day, the kind that is everywhere?"

"How is it possible?" Nuhai laughed: "The fairy prince of Tianzixing is a lot, but it doesn't reach the level you said. If you want to break through to Xianjun, you can break through the cultivation environment, and you need it. Comprehension. Need to understand the Heaven and Earth Avenue. In fact, when it comes to the nine-day Xuanxian Peak, when you want to break through the Xianjun, the cultivation environment is not important, so many of the nine days of Xuanxian Peak have left the Purple Star, travel around, looking for a breakthrough. The opportunity."

“Listen to my father!” Yu Guanting said: “If you have not passed the assessment, there will be Tianzi Pavilion in every city of Tianzixing, where you can pick up various tasks and accumulate resources for cultivation.”

“Yes!” Sun Yuan nodded. “You can also join some families, or some gang organizations.”

"The most crucial thing is the practice!" Years of Geng Judao: "The practice of our star field is still not as good as the inner star field, and the inner star field is still weaker than the sky purple star.

A good practice can speed up our cultivation and increase their combat strength. The best exercises in the spiritual world are concentrated in the sky purple star, no doubt to join the Tianzi Institute is the best and most secure way to get the exercises. Unfortunately... it’s too hard! ”

Qin double has a lot of exercises, and has studied it, so there are different opinions: "Does the practice not mean everything?"

"You are right. The good exercises may not be able to create a big monk, but also have many levels. They need talent and comprehension. But the higher the level of the practice, the higher the speed and breakthrough. Probability.

Moreover, in addition to the exercises, the Danfu Array, the Qinqi paintings and so on are also the gathering place in the sky. Just like the piano double, you release the Chinese sword, which is also normal in the sky. ”

"is it?"

Qin's eyes are slightly stunned. At this time, she has a general understanding of Tianzixing. Tianzixing is a land of heaven and glory, a place of prosperity, and a place where opportunities and dangers coexist.

"According to my father, because of the development of the Tianzixing Danfu Array, the monks fighting there are not like the monks from the Middle Star. Our monks in the Star Field have few ornaments, and the best is not to be used. Said. But the sky purple stars are different, each monk has almost a few kinds of tops, even the best fairy. Attack and defense. Everyone knows that good grades can improve the speed and power of attack. And don't think about the monks who attacked the purple star, they all have several layers of defense. You can sneak a sneak attack, but you can break the other layer, the third layer. So, we really Be low-key, don't easily fight with the monk of the Purple Star."

Everyone’s face showed a trace of surprise, and the piano double thought a little bit:

"If you want to activate and protect so many celestial devices at the same time, you need a strong power of the gods. Isn't the purple monk's monk **** god realm so high?"

"I heard from my father that the monks on the Purple Star are generally higher than the realm of the gods. And they also have the skills to use the gods, not as consuming as we imagined."

"So it seems that we have arrived at the Purple Star, is it not the bottom?" The angry sea said with some frustration.

"So, I said that we have almost no chance to pass the assessment and enter Tianziyuan." Jade Crown said: "Even if we throw away the purple star, what do we have to fight with the monks in the inner star field?"

Sun Yuan looked at the piano and said: "The strength of Qin double is very strong and there should be opportunities."

The eyes of everyone can not help but look at the piano double. Qin double did not hide:

"My realm of the gods is higher than itself. Are you not the same? There is nothing to say. Until now we don't know what the assessment of Tianziyuan is, it really needs luck."

"Yeah!" Everyone glimpsed, then nodded and said: "I really need luck, I hope luck can stand on our side."

"Why Wei Qingjue should still be alive?" Yu Guanting looked through the light curtain to another starship.

"I hope to be alive!"

Qin double also sighed, Wei Qingjue also reminded Qin double, do not and Zheng Lun a starship, but did not expect him to be assigned to the starship of Zheng Lun.

The five people suddenly lost their interest in speaking, and they ended up happily, returning to their rooms. Qin double returned to his room, opened the array, and then went out of the one-legged person and continued to study the array. Now she has already learned 60% of the formations inside, but the more backward, the more difficult it is to understand.


Thank you very much for studying hard and studying hard (100), the ice of zero (100), and the reward of Baizibing (100)!



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