Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1939: Troll

In the Jade Crown Court on both sides of the piano, Sun Yuan and Geng Geng discovered the abnormality of Qin Double. While looking back at the eyes of Qin Double, he whispered:

"Qin double, what's wrong?"

In the field of Qin double, I did not see any anomalies in the void, but I felt that a great danger was approaching quickly.

There is a layer of goose bumps!


Qin did not hesitate to release thirty-six swords of swords, and constructed a small Zhoutian sword array, which covered Yuguanting, Sun Yuan and Geng Geng, and shouted:

"Be careful!"

Several people in Yuguanting did not find danger, but it was not enough for their realm of the gods. But they are used to listening to the command of the piano, and absolutely believe in the piano double. Therefore, the three people did not think anything, quickly released the defense, and sacrificed their own fairy.

They did this and suddenly alerted the monks around. Seeing the appearance of a few people in the piano, I was shocked at first, but I didn’t find the danger at all, and I couldn’t help but laugh at it.

"What are you doing?"

"We have been rushing out of the sky for a long time. There are no Scorpio creatures here. Are you scared by Scorpio creatures?"

"Ha ha ha... coward, don't be embarrassed!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Yu Guanting looked at the Qin double, and the eyes of Qin double were still staring at the void behind. Even the sweat on the forehead is oozing out, and the dangerous feeling is getting stronger and stronger, so that the piano pair even has a feeling of being slaughtered and weak.

The ridicule around them gradually decreased, and finally became silent, because they all found that the celestial princes above the nine floors were the same as the Qin double, looking at the dignity behind the starship.

"Qin double, what did you find?" A monk asked with a bit of uneasiness looking at the piano.

Qin double said faintly: "There is nothing to discover, just to see the dignity of those Xianjun predecessors."


The surrounding monks spoke a long breath, and the original Qin did not find anything. It was just that the fairy princes looked deep and looked back, and she was over-excited and released the Xiao Zhoutian sword array.

Think about it too, Qin double is just a big Luo Jinxian, and these nine days of Xuan Xian did not feel anything, why did she perceive it?

The surrounding monks relaxed, just opened their mouths, and wanted to laugh at the piano a few words, and suddenly heard Ling Tianhua violently on the nine floors:


Qin Shuang's gaze shrinks, she has long released the clairvoyance, at this time in her vision, seeing the void, a black dot is rapidly expanding.

With the enlargement of the black spot, Tianwei-like power can be slammed like a storm.


Under the prevailing pressure of the day, the monks on the deck fell to the ground and were completely unable to resist. Even with the protection of the small Zhou Tianjian array with the release of the piano, Yu Guanting Sun Yuan and Geng Geng are pale and sweaty.


The piano double released thirty-six-handed swords, and the thirty-six-handed swords were all superior swords, and constructed a small Zhoujian sword array.

The endless void suddenly became darker, as if it was covered by a huge skylight, and the endless power enveloped the interstellar boat.


The piano was not sitting on the deck by a butt, sweating through the clothes and looking pale. The Xianjuns on the nine floors were all pale and under great pressure.

"The half-step fairy king of the Mozu!" Ling Tianhua was shocked: "Everyone joins hands!"

The endless black curtains converge toward the middle, but in an instant, they gather into a giant, a huge demon.

"Fast! Fast! Accelerate, that is a half-step fairy king!" Ling Tianhua screamed with sorrow and fear.

The two interplanetary boats began to accelerate, rubbing the hot light in the void and rushing to the atmosphere.

"Half-step fairy king?"

The piano trembled in the heart, looking at the huge figure in the void. Covering the sky, there is a corner on the head, the hook is nosed, and the eyes are like an eagle. The expression on the face is full of coldness, and the hidden madness hidden in the cold.

He stared wildly at the two star-studded rafts that were almost parallel, and slowly extended their hands. The direction in which the hands stretched out was exactly two interstellar rafts that were escaping.


In the void, the two hands zoomed in rapidly, like two dark clouds, which were the dark clouds that were rapidly expanding, and the dark clouds quickly shrouded the two interstellar ships. The huge starship is like two ants compared to two big hands.

Two big hands covered the void and grabbed it down.

"Attack! Attack!" Ling Tianhua shouted.


All of the sages have their greatest potential, releasing the most powerful Dafa to the giants caught in the air.

"Qin double, what do we do?" Sun Yuan asked with fear, both rows of teeth were hitting and creaking.

In fact, the piano double is not much better. The power generated by the two giant hands will not allow the piano to stand firm. The whole person will start to shake, and there is a tendency to go down.

"Ready to jump!"

"Jumping?" Jade Crown is pale.

"These two interstellar flying boats may not be able to survive. Fortunately, it is not far from the sky purple star. With our cultivation, as long as it is not concerned by the demon, there should be no problem if you flee to the purple star."


The collision between the debut method and the magic in the void is the collision between hundreds of cents and a half-step king. The whole sky is like releasing the smoldering fireworks. The huge palm smashes the smoldering fireworks. Although it has shrunk by more than half, it is still caught on two interstellar rafts.


The defensive light curtain of the Starship was instantly blasted. Yu Wei bombarded the starship. The two interplanets were suddenly bombarded and changed, and the direction of the heading changed. Like two meteors, they fell toward the Purple Star.

The surviving powers swept from the tail of the interstellar boat towards the bow like a wave. The bodies of countless monks were broken like sand sculptures, and there was no time to mourn. When the surviving powers swept over the rear deck and came to the front deck, they were exhausted, and the piano pair looked up in horror and looked at the demon figure in the void.

As long as you have another hand, I am afraid there will be no living people on this starship!


From the purple star uploaded a powerful power, the Mozu monk looked at the sky purple star, the face appeared taboo, then burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha..."

The laughter is still rippling in the void, and the Mozu monk has disappeared.

"We are not dead! We are alive!"


Thank you very much for the ice (100), Bai Zibing (100), earnestly study and study hard (100)!



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