Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1940: Crash

The excited Yu Guanting suddenly hugged the piano, and Sun Yuan and Geng Geng also stood up and swayed. Everyone’s face was scared after the rest of his life.

The horrible Monk monk, the pair of horrible giants, is the horror of the half-step fairy king. Even the current doubles can't understand that level, but they know that they don't have to be caught by the giant hand, but they are only affected by the aftermath, and there is no possibility of survival.

A stream of light quickly rose from the sky purple star, appeared in the place where the devil's half-step fairy king appeared, looking at the direction in which the Mozu monk disappeared, the cold cold snorted, and then did not see the two starships falling In the direction, the figure spurred toward the purple star, and disappeared instantly.

At this time, Ling Tianhua and other immortals have already landed on the deck, watching the scene of death, and his face is very ugly. And Qin double noticed that the number of Xianjun seems to be one-fifth less, and the heart can not help but panic.

A half-step fairy king, so powerful!

"Ling Xianjun, the flying boat was damaged and lost control." A fairy road.

Ling Tianhua’s face is even more ugly: “What are we going to fall now?”

"It’s still a purple star, but I don’t know where it will land in the purple star."

At this time, Tang Qianshou and Yuxi came to the front of Qin Shuang and Yu Guanting. Two people saw Qin Shuang and Yu Guan Ting, and they all sighed with a long breath:

"You are still alive, great!"

"Grandpa, every time you go to Tianzixing through Tianzhu, will there be a democrat to kill? And half-step Xian Wang?" Yu Guanting asked in horror.

"I don't know!" Yu Yan shook his head palely: "I have never heard of such a thing happening."

Qinqin couldn't help but frown slightly: "Is this a monk for our assessment?"

Tang Qianshou’s face changed: “It’s probably like this.”


Everyone made a thousand pounds, their feet caught on the deck, lost control, and the rapidly falling starship, like two meteors.


The two interplanetary rafts entered the atmosphere, and the intense friction made a sharp, whistling sound, looking down, and the ground seemed to be facing the collision. Ling Tianhua’s voice sounded:

"Leave the boat and gather at the point where the boat falls."


The piano doubled and his feet squatted on the deck, and his body shape rose to the sky.

One by one, the sky is flying from the starship, like a bee leaving the hive.


Ling Tianhua and other immortals follow the starship, and the piano pair is behind them.


Huge roaring sounds, two huge mushroom clouds skyrocketed, Ling Tianhua and other immortals flew to both sides, Qin double and others followed, divided into two parts, avoiding the power of the sky. Then continue to dive down.


One by one, the figure fell on the ground. The piano looked at the two big pits not far from the front, and the bottomless, the huge interstellar boat, only a tail was exposed.


Ling Tianhua and other immortals came to the front of the big pit, then shook their heads, the entire interplanetary boat was destroyed, and there was no value for recycling.

Anyway, finally landed safely on the Purple Star. The monks and other monks were relieved with a long sigh of relief. Everyone looked up hopefully to the void, because they all perceive the fascinating power that had erupted from the sky purple star before, and they all knew that it should be a human family half-step prince rushed out and saved them.


They were disappointed. The half-step fairy king just stunned the demon, but did not continue to search for their meaning. At this time, the disappearance disappeared without a trace.

Subsequently, each monk’s face showed a surprise color.

"This... The fairy power is too strong, at least five times stronger than the middle star."

"Where is this?" The people whispered.

At this time, Shen Chongguang also stood with a group of monks standing on the side of the pit, and then the monks of the two interplanetary boats began to gather in the middle, and the monarchs gathered together, and the monks gathered together. It was only at this time that Qin and so on were very quiet, looking at the immortals who gathered together, erecting their ears and listening.

"It seems to be... the Ashes Mountain Range!" Tang Qianshou is not the old monk who swayed through the purple star, and looked at it.

Shen Chongguang looked around and then nodded: "The ash mountain is a volcano. It should be here. Everyone should be careful. It is very chaotic, there are many fire-behaving creatures, and here are the places where robbers, killers, etc. gather."

"That means it is very dangerous here?" Ling Tianhua said.

“Very dangerous!” Shen Chongguang said solemnly: “There are not only robbers, killers, but also numerous criminals who are wanted by the various families of Tianzixing. I just heard about it when I visited Tianzixing. Have not been here."

"We are all over the sky, what is terrible?" A fairy smiled.

"Can't say that." Shen Chongguang shook his head. "Don't forget, we have to protect these disciples who participated in the assessment."

As soon as I said this, those immortals have become ugly, because the number of deaths this time is too large. Ling Tianhua sighed a bit:

"Or count the number of casualties first."


The piano crossed his head and saw a group of monks coming towards him. It was Zheng Lun who was headed behind him, followed by the stars, Ouyang patrol, Lai Wentao and other monks, and there was only one right arm left.

"Qin double!" A voice rang from the right side, the piano turned around and looked at it, and the face could not help but surprise:

"Wei Qingjue, are you still alive?"

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

"Ha ha ha..." The two laughed loudly.

Zheng Lun’s face, which was moving toward Qinshuang, became ugly, but then it converges again. His eyes looked at the piano pair and his eyes were confusing.

The reason why he came to find the piano double, because he suspected that the piano double got the feather of the road. However, if the piano double gets the feather of the avenue, will not comprehend it?

Once you understand it, how could it be Da Luo Jinxian? During this time, everyone has improved, and there is almost no progress in the piano.


Zheng Lun’s heart jumped and his face was not happy.

Qinqin just got the feather of the avenue, and then began to depart for Tianzixing. It should be that she did not have time to comprehend the feather of the avenue, and comprehend the feather of the avenue on the starship, which would definitely reveal the breath of the avenue.

Qin double she dare not!

So, the feather of the avenue is still on the body of the piano!

Zheng Lun’s eyes are bright!


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