Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1941: Rock plain

Where did he know that Qin Double was already in the medicine garden and realized the feather of the avenue. There is a space in the medicine garden, how can it leak the smell of the avenue of the avenue?

"Piano double, don't come innocent!" Zheng Lun walked to the front of Qin double, with a smile.

"The rest of the life after the robbery!" Qin double's face also showed a smile.

Thinking of the experience of Zhengcai, Zheng Lun’s face was not changed slightly, his heart was awkward, nodded:

"I didn't see you after the last time?"

Qinshuang’s face showed bitterness: “Do you think I shouldn’t know if I should retreat?”

Zheng Lun’s look was stagnation, and his heart could not help but think.


With Qin Shuang’s cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, we saw that we are competing for the feather of the avenue. If we still stay there, wouldn’t we find death?

Is it true that the feathers of the avenue are not the piano?

The solution is not dead to the south, but has successfully escaped with the feather of the avenue?

This time, Zheng Lun’s heart hesitated. At this time, in his heart, there were 90% of believe that Qin double did not get the feather of the avenue, but was scared away by the power of the other side. This is a lack of interest, and the heart is full of contempt for the piano.

A person who is scared away, so without courage, how can he pass the assessment of Tianziyuan?

This kind of person is just floating dust, luck is so good now, maybe you can't live this gray mountain, then nodded in a perfunctory place, turned around and walked. The starry sky, Ouyang patrol, Lai Wentao or taunting, or angrily looked at the piano double eye, but also turned around and left, only looking at the piano and the road:

"Qin double, you don't want to explain something to me?"

“Explain what?” The piano's mouth curled up, revealing a hint of ridicule: “Explain that you are in danger and force others to be cannon fodder? Explain that you are not careful enough to be bitten off an arm?”


In the side of the sentence, the eyes appeared to kill, and the strength of the hands gathered, but then he was beaten and beaten, his face paled like paper, and he felt a glimpse of his body as a knife. Turning around, it is a fairy. He immediately turned around and followed Zheng Lun. Zheng Lun waited to catch up, whispered:

"Idiot! Those immortals are protecting us. You dare to kill them under the eyes of their eyes. Are you looking for death?

Now that you have died so many appraisers, do you know how angry the hearts of those immortals are? ”

Qin Shuangyi didn't care about the threat of criminal punishment. His eyes looked at him. At this time they were at the foot of a mountain and there were no trees around. There are some shrubs, so the vision is not blocked, and it looks endless. She saw some unnamed creatures in some of the caves, occasionally showing a head, seeing the strings double them, and shrinking back.

Those who counted the casualties of the Xianjun were very fast, they just swept away, and they counted how many people were still alive. Faces are even more ugly. The remaining monks today are only 611,821.

You know, there were nearly two million people who had boarded the flying boat, and this time they lost the most. Almost 70%.

"First camp according to each team, interest rate recovery." Shen Chongguang.

The monks began to quickly find their teammates who formed the Thousands on the Starship. In fact, these people are also automatically looking for their captain. If their captain dies, these people will find their teammates to gather together.

At this time, there were only four hundred people gathered around the piano. The rest of the people did not have to say that they had fallen.

"You will adjust the interest first, I am responsible for the alert!"

One monk immediately sat down on his knees and began to adjust his interest. Qin double hands are standing there, looking around.

This time, the two interstellar flying boats fell, and the noise that came out of it was not small. A lot of creatures appeared around, and Qin Qin and others were observed from afar. Qin double is also watching them.

Under a bush, the ground raised a lot of points, and then the raised soil slowly turned into a gray-black head.

Those heads continued to bulge, and then the torso and four appeared below, forming a clay man with only the size of a thumb.

These clay figurines run silently on the ground, fast, without noses and mouths, and without ears, but with a raised eye on their forehead.

These clay figurines took their calves and concealed them in the shadows of the dark bushes, and looked at them in the direction of the piano.

"What is that?" Qin Qin was shocked.

The clay figurines were in the shadow of the bushes, quietly watching the piano double them, which made the piano double have a sense of horror, it is too strange.

"Clay ghost!"

At this time, Shen Chongguang’s panic sounded.

Qin doubled his head and looked toward Shen Chongguang, and he saw a panic in Shen Chongguang’s face. At this time, it was at noon, and the bright sunshine shone on Shen Chongguang’s pale face, which was somewhat glaring.

"Get up, leave here immediately." Shen Chongguang shouted.


One by one monks stood up, and the jade crown court next to the piano doubles, whispering:

"There is a strange noise here, what is the mud ghost?"

Then he saw the shadows under the bushes not far away, one of the thumb-sized clay figurines, one by one like a clay sculpture, quietly looking towards this side, with only one vertical eye on his face.

"There is a rock plain in front." Ling Tianhua Road.

"Go there!" Shen Chongguang immediately issued an order.

"What is the muddy ghost, is it terrible?" Yu Yu whispered Tang Qianshou.

Tang Qianshou’s face is also pale, whispered: “The place where the mud ghosts lived must have a clay ghost in the ground. But the usual heart of the clay ghost is sleeping, once it is found to be alive. The creatures appear in the land of the mud ghost, and the heart of the clay ghost will wake up. Once the heart of the ghosts wakes up, the clay monsters will attack.

Once the mud ghosts attack, it is a disaster for any kind of creature. Because the mud ghosts will continue to be generated, and more and more, they will not be able to kill, unless they find the heart of the underground ghosts, killing the heart of the ghosts.

Have you looked around carefully and found no place where the mud ghosts appeared, without any creatures? ”

Many of the monks heard the words of Tang Qianshou, and the piano doubled in the heart, whispering:

"Hurry and get out of here."

Sixty thousand tens of thousands of monks did not dare to fly into the air, flying close to the surface of the rock towards the rocky plains not far away. Qinshuang because they are close to the direction of the rocky plains, so they are flying in the first wave of monks.

"This rocky plain..."


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